OFFlCE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN nonorablm Aton harman Couaty AttOrlUf, &tie. County ~mlno lo , T o I a l. popumi0aor ierrs tha County Tr’tammer, ionerr Court, crppolnt rm the dutler 0r the the armd re.nloo# t;rtw, amy or Nary 3enlor? stent th’rt rhr oan lc@ly appoint rm the duticr or the 0rrw k-11.1@ litary ler vfo e,o a ath eo o usty a o n- er ralary to her ublla ahe Win suah in addition thereto pay the deputy for her? -3. Can the County Treaaurar oontlnur to hold her orrlcr ln &ny mnner siter #ha become8 a Viatr in the Navy, or gore in any branoh of the military lxv- ior? %. I, it lo&ally poaalblo ror a county - Coaairaloaer to continue to hold hla 0rri00 artrr 6Oia6 iIlt0 th8 AX-J? -0. Chn l County Clark in our oomty ooatlnur to hold hi8 0rric0 ~44 draw blr ulary rrtrr b8ln6 lnduotrd l&o tbo ma Our opinion Wo. O-MM, whloh 18 hrrrrlth malomb, anawer# your quaatioa Ifo. 1 la the ~ilr~tlrr. 0~ 0piai0n0 WO. 04096 rod UO. 04886, 00pi00 0r whfoh are hermlth lnoloaod, anawar your qorrtlona 808. t, 5, 4 and 8 in tha 6rrirnmtitr. In oonaootlaa with the dorr NO aubmit horrrlth our oplnloo Ho. O-SOS9 rcr your ltiormatloa in oaao any or rpah county offloira mrrtlonrd by you baoomoorrlorra ln tb aed Torara. In rqard to your qurrtlon No. 3 ln portloul.rr, the Y.;Vd, 3-u x5, x:&s and ‘luOi&N~:,iUlJi3, uro a11 ruxilllory to the rariaur bralohaa of our :mwl Porora and ‘or8 M ti the Oryalzod herone oi the United Jtatoa, aa diotin6UiOhod 'I- th. CRagular Afwr " mRogalsrNevy,' ad "iM6ulrrUorlae Corpb,” and ar euoh, your County Treasurer e0~1d b@OOm en #flOOr ln saw andat111 not bo dfaquallilr4by that hot alono to taka and &ld public otilol la thi8 Stat8, pador t?taholdin& or oar Sugrew Court in Cra.aar 1. Lhappard, 147 S. b. (M) 147. ~. Eoplag tha aboro anauera your quratlona, we are Tour0 Tory truly ATToRNm O-xx-i~nL OFT%T:,S BJ WLdiii 1 Robert L. lattlaore, Jr. AarlOtant BLLISP APPROVED OPINION COYblll7IC m?izie 0
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion