Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

.,~. ,. 321 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Mrs. IL E. S*pp, Exooutlvo &orobart Teaohor ~Rotiromont syqteo of hua Au* tla, Tax@8 Doer lr o tieathe lb1leh.d sing * dosir* for fad th8t at t&al aot nat8hod the Tosoher nd r*tlre*ent 00tia not tha stat. n0t0h0a the or roeord *a lntaot, shs wao 88ktba to m&o aa option@ crmleotion to be dfeotlte when rstlrownt 00ola bo etieo- tire. Mlso Riley @hose option one and named ham mphew, Jn8tin Aobror ftilul, 68 WJiSiROO. *The Teaoher Retirement Law ~88 emondod in 1941 a@ an cot oi the 49th Leglslaturo. The follow 10 a quotation of Seotion 3, Sub-aeotlon9 , 0r the sot: , "'. . . prti%dad further ~thot a0 rotlxvm- mUt aboll k efPO0tiVo priar f0 AUgUSt 31, 1941." -8tkbe0ti0a 9, 0r th0 said awd84d: “‘. . . with tie provision that so eptioarl seleotioa rbll bo offoqtlvo in oaeo * w- ri4br.y ~aia8,wi$h&4 thdrty 450) $WB atto? r*- tir uo a t, la6 t&at~r\ub. a boaofioiar~ 8lull bo a @ a BUc r u c LlB ( 1r o tiv* mb o r lt-tb t!ka oof do sth, untu th atlr stp *ymmt a nOo o Dlmt OS 8~ 80m0i timit kbaer nwaly ano . . .g ma. a. B. Yapp - pago s qwnaa. that opinion fur thl e r dvlaed that the bsaatlt8~pap- ablq under the 4mtna4tt eat were iialt4a t4 rOturn Of hi8 aooumuIat@d oontrlbutlona as authorlaod uadar Submotion 6 of Seat-ion 6. ti 004ll4OtiO4 With Om OOS4~&6a~4tiO~ Of ,th4 QU44tiQll 8ubmlttad. them ha8 bmn fllsd with u8 i briar In ru&mt or the 010&m of xr. if. A. n&l&r ‘te boaeritr unaer tb optional aotaotl@a ohosae b$,YLsa Mersare$ Roillr. 24s brirt ditr~rr with oar aOOrtr00tlon 0s tb 80i~iy 40a 0riwt 0s the ls4l u#nduat 0f~tho Yoaohn Rmtltm&t Aat, ln8oror a8 It relet08 to th&s oxaim. fn adaltloa,, it * osmtwdod tbot ii sh4 OOCi8~TU0ti~Brhif#b WO b8V4 giV68 tq~.th4 -4@i ~LO 40X+404, then tha sot I8 v~olatlv* of,tJm met04 rl.gW8 eT X&88,p*Wy ana her adyi+a haetiol*ry, brorwe tie, .bpd ,&ew e+rr*t- thIa@ ~toqairod of liti by lrr to~enWX@ .JmrBo ~zellmw*cll prior 60 th puuga Or t&wlr4l awMmn@ iti rhtoh .lt M be paid, thw ug not be. Wry truly