Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF TNE ATl’ORNEY GENERAL. OF TEXAS AUSTIN Xonorable Sidney Latham Secretary 0r State huetin, Text18 Your lottar 41 booewh. 2oy 1049L r8queatfng tha opinion ot thiod.mrtzxmhwh hh. .kkti& at:t.d therein read8 aa I&&& photoatatio oopy o? 0 ,rbove naaed pri3posed oorpofa- lo oopy ol our letter of Deem- l,soed to the attorney for the Cod end a photoatatio aopy 0r ired to our lettar. i the ch,ster io aatirfactory to this office, the neaoaoary filing foes have been paid snd satiofactaryovfdenoo heo been furnished relstive to the pey.3entof the copltel - etook. Tho only question thi$ dopertnont is in doubt about lo whether Sub-Dlrielon 80 of hrtl- ale 1302 authorizeTexno oorporetionoto bo formed for the tranoaotionof bu#inasa in this rtute. “80 are therefore reepeotfully raqus8tin& I the opinion of your departzmaatin anewer to the r0ii0wfeg qu44ti0a8; "1. 3s tht8 offloe ruthorimed to hpprovo ana it10 a charter under the provialonoor Sub-Divimlon 80 or Art lo14 1302 when 1t I# the igtorrtof the oorporrrtlon to trahsaot fts butilnem ln thla ~@ate? - *t. ShoWI thfm dopartmnt approve and tile tha snolosed aharter?* The parposo olauaa of the ohartor of the proposed aorpora- tion road* am r0imOt Sabdlrision 80 of Aa'UolaltfJt, ~maoa'8 .Annotot& Civil Stetuto8,~rudm, fn pert, a8 followrt "To 40 bu8ino.a ia any State dt, forala aountiyr "(a) Tha .stabiimUeat of 1~14 ooapaalaa to buy, own, ~11 and oonroy real l8ta tom4 &nor&is, and eqay U mining, agticultulro and stock rnlsing. "(0) + * * anyorparatloa erganlme4 hero- uador ahall only own 8uoh,rool letete ia thle Stat0 88~ may 44 nooosuary rot It*, ofrl44. * * *n ...? /- 793 Aoguhr ~oeaton, U3897,waa 8n a4t to aand iuticlaa 841 and 642, 2, Tltlo 21 0s ma Sovised Clrll at~tutaa 0r Chapter !kXaa, rolattag to tha oreutlon 0r oorporationp. Liubeeotion39 0s raid AOt reads aa r0110~8: "l'hoontobllahmcmt 0s land aimkm148 to buy, own; 0011 an4 4onvoy xoal oatata la MJ stat4 or fom%i(gi couatry; but mob ooa- 9any rho11 on&y own luoh raal aatat4 In thlr Stat4 eO.may b4 noarsaary for it0 0rri00.* . SubdlriaionSo.,SPQM. ‘wasmm.404 by tha lkaaty-aovonth Logialaturr, Regular 3488fon, 1901, by mu84 Biu 110.43s. sala Rowe Bill lo. 4SS, lup x a p,r o vidw, Inp ut,a sio llo wa ; ‘SO. for the ptwp004 0s doing boainesr ln cny stat0 or ror4Lga oountky,r “(a) The eetabllehwat of load eOmpao1oa to buy, owns,8@ll an4 oonvey raal artata an4 - aine~ala end ~rgag4 in m&I-, agrIOultti0an4 atook rriaIng. ‘(0) * + * prorIQod, that 4ziy &rporation organlaad wdor the 9rorI010~ Of tbl~ lubdltlalon ahrll only own lu6h real oatate IP t&la Stow aa my b4 n*ooarary r4r itB 0rrie4. * * * -340. 3. Whoroaa, 0wy oit:ioonr 4r tb state or, Twmo am daalmw 0r roraag oorporw tfona for tho purpoaa 0s lnwgin(1 In buolaoaa In ;ICltIoo, Cube, 9uortO Web an4 the Philipplnm Islands an4 rartow othar for4iga aagntrliag 4aQ ahoreaa, auf 9rascurtoorporat1on laws 4~4 Inab- quete to worer such Borwrata powur a8 u4 n40488~p t0 the r0r3ttbtion 0s luoh oo?np4d14a for th4 &Wlr~OO,sr an4 upan th4 torma provldod la this Aot, and are oow 84ering inaorporatloain other Ytatos or the ilnionwhich ellorroorpontiona for auoh purpo448,tha8 4aprIrin6 tha state of Tore8 Of the la(;ItIiurte rovoauoa that would be duivod rrofa tha buainosa 4ntorprise 0s her cit%tsna~ end Werena, the grosmt a4eato~ of the kglalaturo 18 wariq ‘It8 ol.004,end the oalonduo 01 the 3onato and HOUU~ 4~4 IB a orow4a4 mmdltfoa, ,i 794 Therefore, an bmorgen67bxlot8, and impratl~o pub114 n4o488ity domrn&8 th4t the COnBtitUtiOnal Rule requlrlng bllla to k road on thr80 88woral daya finoach Hour4 ha suapendod, and that thb -at tari 4ff4ot end b4 in Pcmco from an& after its pae*ago. and it ia 80 onaotod.' Roforrlng to Yubdlrlmlon80, iirtl4181308, VWIIO~S’BAm+ tat44 Cltil Otatut48, it I4 statd 1~ VO~UM 10, 20~48 J~l8gr~d0~8, Pago BD@s *+ + * A dome8tlo corporationsay bo or&anit- o dfo r tha lxpn88 purpose of oonduoting ioni@ bUelnor8; &at without the 4ZQr488 authorimatfon of its chartor, it may oonduot ioroiga bu8iarr8 80 rat am it la parfaItto by th4 low of the ior- 4le 4tat4.* u th. BPBb Of 04IiOF41 -tOPI AIHDtaQ44 ~rDW4tiODT. YoCellor. Smrutary of &ate. 10 8. W’. (a) 6W, it la 44ib: a* * * x plvatb eoworatloa ho8 no right to tran8aat it8 bu8lncl88 in the Stat. witbout the authority ltiQon04B in 4u4h a mar a8 the Stat8 may dinot. A Oofporatibn, Being an anlrlalal - porooa, ham only push powor a8 oonlorrodby its quirtrr, and *aa adlJ tramart ita buaSnsr8 in $h$ ynsr and ia the tbrrltory pwaitbod bf law, By rxprerrr ltatutooy prorl8lon8, the aequl6ltlonor lund by 4 oorporatton I8 roetrlctrb to the Mpulram%t8 of the oorporatlon to saablo lt to de buolaoss r1thl.nthe Stute or to that puroharrd by the Qorporationto 84a~r4 a bebt. (EW ati. 13SV, Vornon*r rinnotatodGlril Stetuto*). Arti 136P, Vomon~r Anaotatod civil Statut.44, prohlbito a OOrpOrotiOaW&o*4 lauin purparo i8 th@ aoquiriticnof lmd by pur- shoreo,loam, or otherwlob, from aequirlng say land in !hxa8. Said rtatuto r4ad,8am follow: *Ho privhto aorporation h4r4tofar4or hero- uftsr 4h;rrterod or orontod w&or4 nmln purpon4 of bu8in448 18 tbo aaquieft;on or ownerohlp of land 795 by guroh484, loisso or otherwl44, rhall heroalter b4 psralttadto require 4ny land wIthin this :it*t4 by puroh~ae, 14444 or otbmwlw.l hpparoctly,the main qUO8tiOA InvoLrcd in your roquaat 18 wh4thor OOrpOratiOAB or@fIis4d UIldOrsubdlvlelonSO, S4otIon (4). Artlolo lSOS& oaa legally traurnot burInoe4 ln thlo Stat,. or nðer euoh protl~ioo8 Of the etatUt authorirta a doaratio oorporatIon to 0rgkoi.a~ ior th4 4xpreaa purpoim or ~onduotln6 burla~~a IA-45s Ytato Othsr th4n Toxar or fOroig4 oountrlr8. We kr4 fall46 to find 4ny Toxae 0884 dlnotlf paulrig epoa tho qeratlon unbar oon8ld4ratIoa. Bnmv*r, fn vlou of the iorufgoing BtatUt48 and tb8 em4rgonay claun O? Ibun Blll.Ho. 43S, lup r a it, Ia oar oplnlon that oorporetfonrorgadised and inoorporated endor Bubdirlaloo 80, Sootion (a), Artialo 13C2, are not authoriz.rd to tranmot kui#LOaB ln tbfr Btat8. Stated anothof war, it lo ouz opinion that oorporatloaa organiad undsr 81~bbU~i810n SO, Sootlon (41.. &loAa 13018,or4 4uthorlr4d t4 tra484OtbU8in.88 In BOW othar stat8 Or ?OrclI~ OQWltr~ Olllr and -8 not authorlsodto tWW46t~bU4iUiBB in tbla State. In oonotruin6 8 *tateta, a oourt 18 66t r48trIot4d to it8 bw. *'ftmay refer to othox gortIOnU OS the Ad, that 18, tbo eajation or title, aid the pre8mbl.a aad 8Iwrgrnoy 014~40. It la atatrd lo Faxa Jurirprtadonm, Voluam SO, Paw elr7: *a4 $U~j1480 Of UI BRWr&4nOf 4m84 18 AOt to olarify OT d8oW4 the Antontion of the L46Ia- latch, nor to brplrin th 4xpr488 laq~m of the sot, but merely to luatif~ 4urp4nrionof tbo Gem- ltItutionaI&lo roqufrla$ ths bill to b4 rood QB - thrn 84parat4 day8 or to m4k4 the not im4diately 4ftrotiT4. It may not bo lntokad for tbr pur90z4 or raldng 4n ambf6ultr in 4 8tatut4 or to oontrol ite PlaiB 34aalng Or pUrp44a. BUt an omergauey ~Olau44 may bo fJOABidOr4d if, it 8h8dB li@kt UpOn the fnqulry anll'wlllaid tb4 oourt la lroortalala(a the la~i8lati+o iAtOAt, 8V’M thOUgh it 18 not Of- frotivo to surpend the Con8tltutlonall&114.* Ln VioW Or what Ii&Sboon BclidhcrOtOfOr4, it i8 oUC opiz&m that both of your pueIrtion8, a8 quoted above, ahould be anmered in tha nagatlvo, and are IO an8wemd. Youra very truly Ardell Wllliin8 Assicltant