\ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN . 410”L” SLLLL-s A-“*L* O.klAL iionoruble Eossr =D;-WC county AnbitOr ,’ ratOtt La crange, Trmo .. ...-., . Soar slrt ._. and -itsceirr 3 hair ,pay d fhey‘t,)wi. A.. . _.. ‘,.,- ; .‘_ ‘..’ ~%aoh of the above :..boodti.whloh are approrrd b the Comdr8loner8~ . :: Court aad--are rsqulroa to Ee recorded by the . County .Clrrk. Iha qae8tloa ir whether tbr county Clerk is7aitha to oollaot racsrdlag fee8 rrOti tb4 CO&U&y cOSd88iOnOr8, JU8tiCa of tha Peace, COnrtablO8 and Fabllo C[oigherr. :’ _. . fr tbs cOUItty Oi+k. 18 la titled t0r a 4 8 r Or . .I Art1010 E340, ~emon*8 Hlaotatod Civil StntutoI,, grovldrr, la' psrt, ti8 rOllOW81 ** l ’ Eaoh shall cxrcate o o a lfs8Io lla r , a bond to be ripprcoed by the county Judge In the OUDof t!wreo tfwusand 40Ua~s; payable to tka oounty trecmumr, ooaditloard ror the faith- rui prrior;uanou or the anti40 0r hlr 0rriO4, thtt he ~111 pay over. to hla county all aoaeys iii~~aiig paidt0 hip out or e0platy -runa 48 .' voluntary paymntr or otherwlsr, and that h8 ~111 not tote or give hfr 6onsent to pay out or oouaty gund8 exoept for lawful J;urpo8e.a .. istlcle 2373, Yeraon’8 .inmtated CIvll ZXatute(r, ~456, .ln pnrt: . : ~'._.. . '&oh jua.tio Oha: aiv4 bond psyible W thd oouaty .judgr IO the 8th ot Onb Thoarend "uollrrr, oonditloned that he ~111 faIthfully and imIp36rtlallydleohbrge the but148 required 0r blsa by law, 64d will promptly pap over to the jmty entltlcd to reoeire it, all wmeys that s&y 00~4 into hi8 biiada during hI8 term 0rdri00. * * ?*. ., _.,. ._. *. irtlolr 5680, Yernon~o ianotated Clvll 3tat2ter, grovldset . .. /- . . .: *&ioh pub110 telgbsi oleited'fot a praoldot ohal1 execute i bond payable to the oouaty judgo Lo the 8usl of riv. Tho;lsand Dol- lar8 to be rpprovod br tti Oom~f8aIonorr~ Court, ooadltiamd upon tha faithful and iopartld per- roraanor or the duties ok hia 0rfi00; The bona : or a wolghar of a proofnot err a*) ~YOP riY0 thoueand baler 0r oottoh are rdoCIv.5 fi ror sale or 8hlQsent 8hall bo fao ThOU8snd ?iv4 !IuaPmd D0116r8.* I.- ,-'.' .. : -. 1 \ 1 ‘. .. . . .. . .-- .*.. j . : 776 I . . :- I Article W381, Vernon’ knnotbted Civil jtatutes, ia’ 011followsr m!ktob person who may be elected to the ofiloc, of Conetable ahall, bsioto entering upon the atitles of the otflCo, give a bond wltb two or rrore*gooa ana &wfTloleat surstles, to bo ap- proved by the C;r+zilesionarr Court of hi6 county, for ash BU?Lae msy be tlrsote6 by 13314Court, not leea then Bivo mutr0a Dollar8 (~~00.00) nor mre than l’litern Huadr4 Dollsrr (61,500.00), payable td the.0ovornctr bna hls etiootwaor id of- rloe, oonaitioae4 tot the raf.thfuL perfomianoo of ell t5e duties r6QUiRd Of h&4 by iOf; and Oh011 also ta;ce ma eubsertbo the oath oi oftioe pre- eoribsd by the Constltutlon, wbioh shell be in- doreed on eaid bond, togetbar with the certffl- oste of the ofricer ad.tinieterine the ram;. nhlob bona and oath shall .be recorded in the office oi tho Clsrk or the county Cour$, ana deposltea in .sr ia0ff1 0s ~a;idb o ndlhhll not be void on tho first recovery, but “,ay be eced on from tl?le to time in the nati. of the perty injarod until the . whole amunt theroof is raoovorecl.” . r,rtlolo 6000, Vernon’s Annotctod Civil Sthtutc8, ! prov idea t . *Al orriofel bond8 or county ofricer &et ere requlrea by lasr to be eppxovod by the ooadssloncret owuxt, aad nhioh hevo been eo op- grove4, r&U be e.de psysblo to the county &a&o, ml mroly l&opt and. rsoordea by tho County Clerk in 3 book kept ror at ~'WOSO.~ mtlolo 5886, supra erpreesly provide8 t& tbe .I bona of the publlo rrigher elected for e preoinot ehmll bo pay- . ebie to t~he ootity judge and ‘dust be npprovwl by ths oomisslonsrs* . court. Therefore, tha bond of a gublio nri&er OleotQd for a pre- -’ Ginat muat be ssfely kept and XrOOrbd by the County Clerk in a boor icog for that purpose. . ‘-. ‘... m?oio 608l;‘rupr~;.oxgreesiy provlde8 tlut thr . -J ..- -. f .\ : . . .~ : : .e Hoaomble Homer D. Eok; p~gQ 4 , \ bond’of a constable shall be approved by the 00~18BiOnarS’ court and rooorded in the office of the Clerk of the County -Court, and deposited in said otflce. Artiols 2340, supra, regarding the bonds ot oounty oomissioners orprossly provides that such bonds shall be approved by the county judge. thle Statute iiOV,QVQr, dooe ILOt QSprQSSly require that the bonds ot oounty oomnissioqors must be recorded in the County Clerk’s orfloe. Artiole 2373, supra, regarding bonds of justices of the peace, provides that suoh bonds shall be payable to the county judge but does not expressly provide that such bonds shall be recorded by the County Clerk; neither does said statute QX- pressly provide who shall approve the bonds of justices bf the peace. Although the foregoing statutea regarding the of- fiolal bonds 0r county oommlsslonera ana justicea oi the pence do not expressly r6qulre suoh bonds to be reoorded by the County Clerk, it 1s our opinion that suoh bonds should be recorded for the protootlon of the publlo. The recording oi the oifloial bonds required about are not for the benefit of the individual orflcere but are for the benefit of the general publio. The sam reasoning foll.owed in our Opinion No. O-5099 and the opinion OS the Attorneys General, found in the 1906 imnual Report of the Attorney General, at page 370, la applicable to the questions under consideration. There- tore, it 1s our opinion that the County Clerk is not entitled to any rees ror recording the orricial bonds 0r the above no2a orf Polals. Tours very truly ATTORNEY OKNEXLOf TTDXS 4LiwdA BY Ardsll William Amistant . _. _. - c
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion