663 OFFICE OF THE ATT’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN urn ham pl.? lottmr the opiaioa of thl8 depart mm loftor reaar, ti part, t hulla oount~ ttleorr Salary t7 Clark, Countf Sheriff, Qountr , and Dlatriot Clerk’e Offioea rupport the hi&h oalarle8 paid the heada of thr Ia@ Oiilorr, dorr thir ooanty pessosr the authority to put thr ootmtf baok on thr ha Barfr? ‘3. Doer the raunin County Qonrdraion~r~ Court harm the lq$al authority to lower the ralar- lea of thr above aaaed otfiorr lffeotirr tan, 1, 1945 tbur informlag all prorpeotirr Oandldater &ut j what eaah ofSf0r will gay beginning Jan. 1, o* + *(I Honorable Parria Pirtle, pig0 a rwin County had a gopulation o? 41,lbS inhabltMt0 aooordlng to tha 1930 Irodoral Census. The population oi said oouatr aooordlag to tho 1940 rodoral Conaua 18 41 064 lnhabltenta, TherOforO, Art1010 39130, Vornon’a Annotated Civil Statutes, oom- ronlf brown as the mOf?ioor8* Salary Law* la applioablo to aald aouaty. Sootloa 61, Artlola lb o? tho State Coaatltutlon, prorider a "AU dlatrlot orrloorr at the State of Texas a ndlu lOM trOffiOob ~8 OOUUtiO8 harin6 a pOpdlatiOn of twenty thousand or mom.+looordlng to the thoa last prooodlng Federal Conaua, ahaU horn th9 flra~ day of January u&d thorooftos, aad rubuqaont to tb rlrat TO@W or .poOiid .O.don Of tho k&Slat pto after the rdoptlckof this rwolutlon ba oaaponaatrd on a loluy basis. In all ooantloa & this Stat., the oom- rlaaion~ra~ oourt shall bo luth o r iatoo d dotrrmiw rhothrr pnolnot oiiloora shall be oomponaatrd on a fro basis or on a salary basisi and la oouatioa hating l popalatlon of loaa than twrntl. thousand, looordln6 tb.tb thoa laat prooodlng Fodorhl Conauu the oommlaaloner~~ oourt rhall alao hare the aathorlty & dotoreino rhothor tho oounty orrloora ahall bo domponaated on a for basis or on a salart basis. -All fees oarnod by diatrlot, oounty an6 preoinot offlooro ahall 80 paid Into the County Troaaury whore oarnod for tha amouat of the propar fund, proridod the Wr lnourrod br the Stat*,, loantt and any munloipallt~, mrei8 oaao whore a paupor*a oath la filed, ahall bo paid &to the Oounty Troauur~ when oollootod and protidod that whore eny oitloox is oomponaatod rkoolly on a rso baa18 luoh fooa may bo rotainod bl auoh orflorr or paid inw t?lc, Trearury of tho oounty as tho oommlaaionrra~ oourt mar dlrrot. AU notaries publio oopntr lumoyora au6 publie wol@mra shall oontinuo to b ooPprnaato4 on a foe Paris.’ Bootion 15 o? Artlolq 39180, Vernon*a Annotatrb Olvll Statutes, prorldo8, IlI part: 665 Honorable Parria Pirtle, page 3 vh0 0oamiarlonera~ court in oountloa having a population of twenty thousand (%O,OOO) or pore and loam than one hundrrd and (~g0,~0~).inhabitanta aooordlly to the Fedora1 Ginaua, is horobf authorlead and Itsdutrto tit the lalarIoa or iL1 the r0u0wing im,taodoriIoor8 to-wltr i~orlft, laaoaaor-oollootor or.taroa,~ 00011t y Jodgr, oouaty attorney, iaoladlng orImIa~1 dlatrlot attorno~a and oounty lttoraoya who prrfoa the titles of dhtrlot attorno~a, dirtriot olerk, oouaty olofk, troaauror, hido aad la lmaInapao- l aor. &oh of said offloor shall be pald in nonor a8 annual lal4ry la twolvo (18) aqua1 laatallmenta of not l~aa than the total am laraod as oomponaatloaby him In his 0rri0ial. oapaolty for the fiaoal par 193s and not sure than the m.sxfmumaamuat allowad auoh orffoora uador la *lxtatlng on hq$uat 84, 1935; ~rorfdod t+t in oount&ia hayi* a populstlon 0r twenty thouoand (ao,ooo)wxd look than thlrtprrovrn thousand fire hundred (a7.090).lo o o r dlng to tho last preoodlna ?odeml Condor aad ha*1 an aaaoaaod ralu.atloa~In oxoeaa of fiitqn mIlllon( 7 16,000 QOO.00) dollars, aooordlng to the &at approved prooe din& tax roll of Bald oouatr the;lLIzieupomoUnt allowed auoh offloor aa salary my bo inoroaood 088 par (l$j oent for each one allllon ($~.rOOO,OOO.OO)dollars Valuation or rraotlonal part thoroof and In oao~aa of raid rittoon nillion (#15,006,000&0) dolXara valuation o*or and above the maximum amount allowed aaoh ofr.iscra under laws oxiat- lng oa August 84, %W5$&kidprovided that oountiea having a population of thirty-reran thsuaand rim hunbrod (37,SOc and 1088 than sixty thouaa.nd (60,000) aooordlng to the last preoodin& Federal Census and, hatfn an aaaerrerd valuation I~~oxooaa 22 Law&y mlllloa ( #.80,000,000.CU), dollars, a~~ardiag to the last prooedlng approved tax roll of raid oounty, tho maximum amount ollorod auoh or? loora as aalarlea, may be Inorraaod one (1%) per omt fo rlaoh tmo aillion ((1,000 000.00) dollars ralaatloa or fraotional part thereof, L lx o o a a or r a id twenty nilllm ($~O,aoO,~OO~OO) dollars valuation eves and above the m8W!a amount tiloued aaoh ortloerr under tha laws lrlstlng on August 84, 10311r +*** Sootlon lb, Artlolo 3!318o, lupta, rpaoifioally protldoa that tho aalarloa of the offloors nawd therein shall bo paid In 666 Honorable Parr16 ‘Pirtlo, p~go 4 twoit equal installmanta or not loam than the total l- earned in oompjnration by him in hfa orfiold oapaolty for the timal yeal: or 1935, er,d not more than the AWAX~~UOI amount a1lo~3d mmh offioor under the laws oxl6tfng on August 84, 1935~Byannl.n County haa an as808806 valuation in 0x0088 0r twenty nillion do lla r looordlng s to the last prooodlng .S$protod tax roll Of auoh ooanty, the uuimua amount allowod~‘auoh otflort8 as ralary nay ba lnoroaard one per aont for oaah one mlllloa dollars or fraotional part thereof, in lxooaa of the aald twenty million dollar valuation otor and above the maxigp amount allowed auoh offloor under laws oxlatln( oa huguet l%; 1938. It is noted that ~00 rorar to Yi6ada 0r th County Judge, Coantf Clork,*oto. For the purpoaoa 0r this opinion, wo la a u uthat you aean the oounty otilolal~ named in tbo firat question aubmIttod in your lnquirr. In anuwor to your first ~uoatlon pu are crdtleed that the ml&au and nsrfmum aalerloa at auoh oounty ofrloiala are fixed bJ statute and that the ooaaiaslono.ra, oourt la d~otoraining the anount of aalarior to be roooltod by auoh oounty offloisla ha8 th6 A&t and authority under Sootlon 15, Art1016 391e0, aupra, to fix the salaries of auoh orrlolala In any amount not loam than the total sun earned as oomponaatlon bf the otfi- oor in his offioial oapaolty for the rimoilyear of 1956, and not more than the maximum amount allowed auoh offloor under laws lxLatlng on August 84, WM. (Ill support 0r thlr statonant 846 the oa868 of laoo@dooher Count, t. Jlnklno, 140 5. 1. (Ed) 901; and Wacogdoohos County t. Winder, 140 SW (2d) 97fi) In anawer to your aroond question,, you are roepottully advieod that the oomlaslonora ' oourt 0r Fannln County has no au- thority whataootor to put the oounty baok oa a fee baria in tiow of the foregoing prorlafoaa of the Uonatitutlon and statutes oltod above. With roforonos to our third question, you are advised that It la our opinion that t ha oommi8alonora~ oourt ot Tannin County has no legal authority to lower tbr aalarloa oi the oounty OfflOlal8 oi raid oounty lffootlto January 1, 194% ffoworor, when the ooaml881oner8, oourt of as14 oountp aerta at Its rlrrt regular Boasion In January 1945 to fix the ealarlea of raid ofilolalr the Dourt must la view of the forogola# rtatutory pro?l8lona, fix the lalarics oi auoh oounty offlo~ala as required by Sootlon 13, Artiolo 59180, 8upra. Stated another way, the oomnlilelonorr, oourt of said Ibnorable -Perrle Pirtle, pagO 5 oouaty at it8 fir88 regular meting In January 1945 ha8 the right and it 18 its duty to tit the salari88 of raid oounty oftioialr, a8 herstofora 8tated, at not 1058 than th4 total 8uIo larn8d in oomp4n8atloa by laoh 0fri04r in hi8 orrioial oapaolty r0r the tir- onl rmar 19S5, and aot mr. than the rarirum urartnt allowed ruoh OrriO8r undrr the law8 4Xi8tiZig OLLAugust 24, 1935. The 8al.ari.08 Or ruoh OmO8r8 anned in lkotioa 15, Aftiole 59180 rhall be paid la twelve rqual fII8talkUOIAt8 a8 provided ia raid 8tatute. (Seotioa lb, Artiolr Solsle); Yours very truly 8T (J2uf!adh Ard811 William8 ii88i8tant AWrlC? .?".,."...
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion