OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honoreble Bsyall R. 'A'atkins amber, state Boar4 or E4uoatlon 1201 Main Street Dallas, Texas Dear Sir: ua we held In UaL4 the~desire6r the rep eddibional em- ting and ptarohasing etura poasesqea.thspomtr at of suoh persoau and~to es rrom the Stste'TextlPook eses or suoh smplo$nient;andwe ~thele&slstura he4 ererolsed 'Aot there under oonslderatlon.n ,.. ! : 8 _r Hon. Royal1 R, Watkins, Page 2 Opinion No, 0-561 (C+Uerenoe Opinion No. 3Q91) was summarlze4merely ror the purpose 0r~demonstratlngthst we had p~vlously hold that none of th& oonstltutionel an4 - stetutorg provIsion relating to textbook8 operetea to vest free an4 unoontrolledauthority over the State Textbook Fund in the State Board or Eduoetlon. The oonolusionor this Opinion was lnoluded solely for the purpose or iJlustratlng that auoh c~nolusionneoeesarllyhad to be base4 upon some prlnoiple other than thet the State Boar4 oi Education pos- eessea euoh free an4 uncontrolledauthority. By lnoluding this summary we 414 not intend to alter our holding In Opin- Ion No. &561; neither did we intend to overrule or alter any or our subsequentopinions Beeling with the power or the Boer4 0r Eduoation to hire a44ltlonalemployees, However,.it has been suggested that the aboie qoo- tetlon is in errteot a ruJ.lngthat under no oiroumstenoesoan the Board of EduoationQre,,ePiployeer other than those apeoitl- oally Itemized in the appropriationaot, em4 that suuh ral$ng .estenda.thesoope Ottour Qpleioti~Xo, .O-561an4 efther.ov&ul~a or limits our Opinlone O&837, O-1987 and O-2213. Lest o&G ru8t0n xesalt rr0dit the ~oonptsnoe or 8uoh suggestion)ie.sti maklng thla eIpienatSonoi the quote4 portion of our .ginion No. o-5631, an4 you ire ,peipeottilly adris64 that nei#mr~~thlo ., ,....~.i~ nor 4way,.~~e~..~po~~os~.,~r~~~~sai~~~~gi~on~ ..i.:..~~I'~Ln:l~o~~~~~nd~Qg; h&l etienUng or orerrulingok opiaions4h'e' ePfd&t+s~$l bPai%tcri- ,' (@nte~ne~s @ni,on Fo. 3091). 91837. O-1967 an4 0-2213.:: TrMting that~the fomgoiag la a aatlcriaot6ry ‘es- &miat$on or any ambiguous pqrtlonr Oi’otir orlglnal Qpl.nitknn, we are Yours very tmlp ; APPROVED NOT, 5, 19&3 ; Ml’ORIiBY OBNERAL OF TJt%AS /e/ Gerald C. Mann BF A- cS%XRALOFTExlLs /a/ R. Deen~s;;~n~ r&id0 Pw APPROVED OPINION CObWTTEE BY B?IY.B.CHAIRMAN