_.. ._ 44-
ma. Coo. B. Bhem
Coaptroller of Fabllo A.la44Yunts
Auatfn, Tesae
Dear sirr
dewsit shall be mds in any
rson in thd nasteof suoh depositor or
aeposltor aridanother person and wit&
that 4uuh depoeit ah311 be paid to
vor of thea, euekdepoait and dllp
. may be paid to . . . the surviror
T ;aa of then, ad s1103pap;acntsfrall
ass tasnah bmk. . i ior.al.1pq-mnta
male. . . prfor to the receipt by suoh bask, . , of
aotloe Fn .writing
. not to psy. , .
Bon. ceo, R. Sieppard, page 8
~8cotion la. That wken an? safety depoalt box
h& been . , rctnt&lby any 'bank. in tke nmle of
two or more &s*n*, wlth 7220tighf'oi 3404~3 given
to either, or tn the survivor, . . . either of suah
parsons, whether the other be liring or not, shell
have the rl@;G of aooaas. . . and my reacta tkere-
g:s&% rxa$aats thereof, azd ia all such oases. . .
shall be exempt.from ell~liab~llit~
whatsoever ?&*a&:pcrron whomsoever Ior ,*srtitti-~e
each aoceee. . . or reaovale . .”
38otlon 16 oi Artialr 9144.~.veqw5~4 Annotated
.Cl~51 Matutea,.was enacted by the legielst&o Ii 1953.
The pertinent.porti.onu
of t&et sot are as folio-nar
belonging to such a
~ode~or~-are~psr8on~; shall 4eli7er.the
th4 . . ‘. imrrlvor'or m-8 wh0a held tn
joint names of .adeoedent aad cue oe mor4 other,
persons, or upon their er2er or requcgt, unless notioe
be served upon t&e Comptroller aad delivery to
~o".&e~onl.y in the preseaoo Of tbetC&~trollez or
'. . . .*.,
'.i ;;-~~ia.@wss
.xioa**.ller c,.,.~..,~oon8enta
-~ailuPs td-~'rerYe:
&&x&ion &all rend.ersuah . ."i bank. . ‘,*liable.:.:.I;;.. *.*L..,
to ~35%japiant of the"amouat,~oi ~.tkkEaxor intereat
due or~rtafter to become due upon said dyqiosite
a penalty of mt less than $1003.
&*pi&s thk* ?&X0.; azzdthe yayaeaent of suoh . . .
my,54 4n:iwced in any aourt,0r competeLitjurlsdlotl0n.O
The 1929 law RBS expressly repealed by t&a Taxa
Btiling Code of 1943, ,paesedhy the 48th~Legialeture at ita
Re&ular Sese~on, being.?;.2. so. 79, Chapter 97, page 127.
Chapter 9, Art:cls 11 of tba nforwention~ atis provides a3
*The f~lloring ststutea, together wit:?all other
law4 03 pexr;aof lnwa in oonfliat herewith, are hereby
repealed; .'. . Aota of 1929, 4ldt L8giebMZ'e or TBxdP,
p. 264, oh. 117, 3ectAons 1 and la (Articles 54116and
54le). . .*
. 4.3
!iWs Aot beoane efieotive ninety 4~s aiter
adjourbent of'the Legislature. 'f58&at8 Of adjOUrOZ%nt
was Ma-j11, 1913. Any doubts existin~,tl;erefore as to
whether said Articles 34ld and 3418 me still In effeat
have been dispelled by the 'expr833repeal of thass srtioles
by tba 48th Lrgialature.