EIonorable T. X, Trlmblo
Tll;et Aas1rrtant
Dmartment OS 8duoatlon
l aboto rubjeot-
matter in your
n aa to rhather
th Legirlature,
Orfloe 0r Ebaoatloa, sondr ln a request to them
ror rental of a rpsoiiiod build-, giving prior,
eta. Upon approval ot thin requwt, thr fundr
ootorl~ on. year’8 rrntal are drporit.6 in the
Stato TToawry, and the drp+rtmont lr billed monthly
tar 8un0, and tbre blllr hate bera horrtofore sent
to the aomptrollrr for payment by Speolal Fund mar-
Honorable T. k’. Trlmble, par,0 2
al’ha Soq&rol:.or’a De~artr:ent tslcns t!ae
poslti-,n that tkin sat in np!Qfaab?e ts thr,
tlbom aitsa:im, a;d oitea for ezuz~plo Opinion
xo. O-5299, fmnlnhed the Stata Board of Zo@lth
rd.%!1~OfQl’f.vi~W t.6 the 64.00 pW da: li:$.ttntiOtl
on trigs to :"arkinc;totk aad &htOCl 'diet t&e Ii&d-
tnt.lcm door ep,4 ever; though tto oxpenso ia to
be pelfi ?ror= Federal Fun:‘e.*
Seoete RI11 Ho. 266, lnaotar as ;ertinsnt, ia
as iomnm:
*Sea. 3. %IQ 3tate 3okrd 3: Stxitrcl, ui;oii
reao1.t of c,zoh r,qusst, W&L. if tllc .zcllrJj' :-is
boo:: rinds rmU.ablz to -;ay ths reutrl t.kreon,
ami it, in the diaorotlon of the RoarP. such
~pnoo is needed shall forthwith edwrtiae 1.1
8 new6paper, whioh ha0 ?aeer ree.rr1arl.J ?ubllah&d
and olroulatod in the oity, or trw, t.hxe zwl.
razWd sgaca is ,oou@t, for bids 3~ 6ilcL reztal
spati, Scr taa UDCS iodlo5ted srl: for 8 ;erlcd
ot'.aot to erim34 tea pears. After s;lch '013s iuve
beer, racsivsd by the Stets BosrC .>I :~~tr~l at it6
prlnaipal offioe ii4 k2stin, Tsx;i;, r,:-.d ;lbllOlJ
Opeuedi tit f;*cit,~ for siko?i rantal ;:~~irz';i will be
saE.e to t&o lcwst ad beat bidfler, pc;A won atjoh
other torts a8 ~3 bo agreed uwns yhQ tdras or” the
oo~~treot, taeatf;w wltn ths notiae olc lihs aaard of the
state Board of Gontrol will bs subnitted to tha .lttOraW
Honorable ‘2. ::. Trlr!blo, pwe 3
Sanoral of Texan, rho will oaueo to be prepared and
lx e o uted
ln looordanor with the term8 ot the agreement,
6UOh Oontraot itl quadruplicnte; One Or whioh Will be
kept by eroh party thereto, one by the State BOard or
Control, and one by thr nttornejr General of Texar.
The parties to rueh oontraot will be the depart:nent
or agenry or tit0 gorrrn.rmnt onlag the spa00 ee lessee
and ths party renting the mpaoe a8 loseor.
Y3eo. 3. Prlthln th:rty days after the eifeotive
date of this Aot, all departments and agenoies or the
State Government at thle tMe lea8ing or renting opaoe
rro3 any person, firm, or corporation whomsoever, will
oause to be prepared and delivered to the State Board
of Catml in Austln, Texaa, a oopy of any written
rental or lease agreemnt now in roroe and current,
or any rtatemnt or any oral undoretanding upon whloh
any lease or rental publio fundr are being expanded,
ii euoh eotion has :lot already been taken.”
It la our opinion that the provlelone or the bill
just quoted do not apply to the oituatlon presented by you.
The raot in plain that the rentala involved will
be paid by the Federal Covmn.amt through thr United states
orri06 0r %uoation. In our opinion the law lpplioable to
the matter inquired aborlt ie found in Seotion 10 of Chapter 400,
kcts or the 48th Regular Seseion of the Legirleture or Temr,
and whioh 1s aa rollowe:
Waited State8 Fuudr and Aid. The proser orfioer
or ofiioere or any State 3epartmtmts, bureaus, or divi-
elonr or State agonoica are hereby authorlzrd to make
appl.ioation ror md aoorpt any girt8, grante, or allot-
ments or funde iron the Onitod State8 Government to be
used on Sate oooperative and other Federal projeote
and proSram in Texas, inoludlng oonrtruotion of aubllo
buildin@, repairs, and imprcvementr. Any or euch
Fodoral funds as may be deposited in the State Treasury
are hereby appropriated to the speoifio purpose author-
ized by the Federal Cover’awnt, and subfeot to the
liaitation plaoed on this Mt.*
Honorable T. X. Triable, page b
The funds inqolrsd about by vou appear to be
Fodiral Funds and oone into the htmds of the Vooatlonal
Divlslon of the State Departcant or Zduoatlon already
raramrked by the United Stater Oftloe of Eduoation for
the rsntal or a 8peOified buildlne at a spssifled prioe.
You are therefore advised that the Vooetional
Dlvision or the State Department or Eduoation may, inds-
pendsnt or the Texas State Board or Control expend sald
tunds ror the rental or the speolried build& at the
speoirled prior as was agree4 upon by said Division while
aotlng as an agent ror the United States Offioe of Z4uoation.
Very truly yours