honorable Kc. 8. -Dall$ ‘[C\.*
County Attorney :
3ltchlnson county : +-Aw~ .j
3or;;er,Texa8 : ./
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oesr s&l-r r- ...,. ..:=
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o&lion ,,lfumber om49
Re: QXder..the'~.provielon~ of House
fi%lL'j.Io. c146,,&8t&Lej&sla$ure;
B&bythe,darmpisslonera~ court or
RiltWti;bosl'county, leg117 in-
iFutlas in WTense 3ondiror ot&r obll~ations of the
. ~y3z$ti5~ statcis. As yo~~depertment had not passed
on..thaf,quest:on:~...Amder~k could hot answer
lzhe'quebtion, althou@be did giwe the Judge a
.'copy of 761~ opi.ixLon:::o.
015278 holding that a
bal.ance~.~uStheGeneral~Fund may be,so invested.
wHutohinson~Cou& .has6n hand approximatc-
1~,~50,000.005.nLateral Read l?uudsreceived under
wQat is known asthe ~'Road'BondAasvmption~Act,~
the.lateot enactmat of i;'
hich iS 8. B. 89 of~the
4Eth Le~i~latum, such funds having been recoivod
thrcggh theapportionment !to the countiqa in the
year of.1941, and throu;;h:tiie
original ref?undand
X*'H. Dally, page #9
apportionmentsfor prior years. The Cosmlssion-
.era~aourt rind8it Qnpraoticalto undertake road
'cotmtruotlonor Wprowwient, wing there.funde,
durin&tha present mmrgenny.
"Under S. Ba 99 or the 48th LeXlslature;au
me11 as under prior enaotmentr of this law, the'
fuuda ohhand (Sea. 6, (h), (4)) may be used as
r01~0w8t(a) 'for the acquisitionof right-of-
-ways for county lateral roads and for.the iaymant
OS legal obligations inourred therefor prior to
Janqary 2, 1969; (b) for the conatruotionor ia-
promsent of.oouutylateral roads; (a) for the
purpose of supplementingfunds appropriatedby
the United.StateaGovemment for ikdca Progress
Administrationhi&way construction,ana such
other grauts'of Federal Randean may be made
avallablsto t;hecounties of this state for
couxity~lateral road oonstmaotion;and (d) for
the purpose ~of cooperatingwith the State S&h:
way Department and the Federal Governsmnt in the
oonstruct5onof Pam-to-market roads.* Section
9 of S. B. 89, as well as prior maotments of the
law, provides 'It shell be unlartul-for anyCouuty
Judge q? any County Conmissioner, rhile aotlng in
his offLeial.capacityor otherwlee, to use any
money out.oi the La~araLR~oadAccount tar any pur-
pose bxoapkthe purposes enumerated in this Ah.0
And f&es'.a penalty for knowingly violating this
"3. 3. 746 ofthe 43th Legislature,heretofore
construed by gou in reference to ?.nvestln;l
Fuuds of the county, provides as follovsr
s *AllpolItical subdivisionsof the Stats of
Texas whiti have b&mces rtnnalniu