OF’kICZ OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ,;“\ \ \ Dear air: Opinion no . . 4%55$6 R45: May tb0 00rarlc a te payableXalg_ out b? surplus, in tlie$o .gwbposoU be lsgarjy “\ issued and sold bi\the ,/ ‘Jsion ‘~rservve Life In- / ./‘8llrml00 $ompany , inoor- <.’ ‘. poratedxunder Chapter 3, ... Title .4e of the Rev ised Y Girt.1 etatutes BP amend- ...-. ” e&j x ./ \, ‘.. Your i0tter.a >Auguet 19,~.l9+3, requesting the opinion of this departmnt on the abovs/stated question is aa follows: 1’‘ ~. ‘,.‘., “Ih my letter of August 14, I forwarded to ,&u a‘+py of ‘correspondence between Honor- abie,$ae~er Moore aqd ,~the writer with rererence ,‘to a p~opoadd,.rorm or” oertlfloate to be rold by ilJuion tieserve Lire Insurance Compsny payable from ‘its surplus:.. Additional oopiea lncludlne the sur- plus certifioate are enclosed for your ready re- rereooe;.. Mr. ~ItIsore has requested me to rerer the mstter to you. Copy of the request and copy 0r the xmicler of laoorporatlon 0r the insurance company are enc loscd. “Till. you pLeaae advise m wnethsr the certificate payable oqly out of surplus, in the form proposed, ray be legzlly issued md sold by Union AeserVe Lif 0 Insurance CocIpauy, incorpora- tad under Chapter 3, Title 78 of the Heviaed Civil statutes a8 mended7” The proporrd oertliioate under ooneideratlon readr an follow8: “THIS CERTIFIES that John Doe, the holder hereor, ha8 pald Into thr 8urplur of UNION RESEW’S U.F% I!WiiCE CONPm, herelnsrter oallcd 'COmpaayr* the mm or Dollarm,# 4 ), and the Company agree8 to pa intereat thereon at tb rate o? five per oent (bj I per annum la the manner hereinafter net forth. fn- terost la payable on the first day8 of January an&! July or eaoh mar. The prinoipal is payable on the day or - io Pallure to Tan7 lnnstallment when due’rha-t th8 option of the owner or holder hereof, mature the prlnolpal, to- gether with all intereat then due. *A8 to th8 Compauy, thie Certfiloate 18 payable only out or the 8urplur OS the Company and no other asset8 of the Company 8hsll ever be llabb thereror. ‘For value reoelved, the payment of all prinol- pal und Intereat ln the amount8 and at the tim8 stated above i8 hereby guarauteed unoondltlonally by Charlea A. ;doCormiok oi Austin, Texa8. *In oaae or the llquldatlon or the Company, and a8 between th8 stockholder8 and oertlrloate holder8, the right8 oi the Certificate Holders ahall be in all thing8 wperior to the right8 of the Stook- holder8 or the Company. “Thir la one or a ‘number of oertlfioatem. total- ing ii princl2al all due a8 to pr lncipal and interest at the aame time a8 i8 this Certirloate. “The iesuanoe ot thl8 Certlricate ha8 been au- thorized and dlreoted by the unanimoun vote of all the stook ot the Colpany, and by the uuanlmoue vote or the Directors of the Company. 720 Zionorablo 0. P. LookhArt, pueo 3 *IN 1IzN”;Stl ‘XER~OOB, The Union 288ene Lite Inruranoe Company ham oausrd thir Certifi- cate to be aigned by It8 duly authorized oi- rioerr and ltm Oorpotate seal to be horaunta aftiX8d thl8 day or A 19-0 “Oharlom A. UoColalOk oi Auetin,. Texam, hereby afiixes him mignature herato am uzkoondi- tional guarantor o? tha pwmmnt of thir Certl- r*08te, aooordlng to it8 tenor and 8rr46t.* %e thlnlc that the surplus certirlcate proposed by the Union Heaerve Llfo Inruranos Company oan be dlstinp,ulshed rrom the oertirioate oi the Century Life Inauranoe Company whioh was dimapproved dn.OaT OplniOn No. O-1814. It IS oonorded in our Opinion No. O-1814 that the right to borrow money 18 inherent in a oorporation, mubjeot, however, to the limit at ions whioh may be placed u.pon it the .. 1~~s of the goverment to which it is responsible. Ry issuing and selling the above mentioned oertlrloate the Union Reserve Life Insurance Company seek8 to exerolsa it8 premgstlte am a corporation to borrow .mney, but meek8 to ooatraot with those rro3 rhom It may borrow mney, that such money will be paid back at a partioulsr time, and bear a particular rate of innreat, but that it will be paid baok,only rroln a apeoial . It Is stated by Couoh on Insurance in Volum8 1, page 505r. as * * amag the oorporata powars enJoyed by a oorporatlon famed to oarry on insurance business my be meat loned the right to aoquire ad bold such roal estate as Is necessary and proper for futurs use in aarrylng on it.8 business, to borrow money toepay lossem, or to protect its asseta. + * l ” (To the sa;pb errsot see Am, Jur., vol. 29, p. 84) The attorney for the Union iieserve Life Insurance Company lnrorms urn by various letter8 written to us in oonneo- ;ioonorsble 0. 2. Loolrhrrt, pdge 4 tion with the question under oonsideratlon that ths proposed certificates are not to bs aolQ to ths pub110 gemsrally but -dl?S to bs aold to a very Lisitad i?JKCberOi psCSon8, sad that the proposed certificates are not to be larksted in such a way as to oom within ths tsrm8 of ths 3aOurltie8 AOt. In oonnsotlm with the rorsgolng statmeat it ir to be understood that ws sxprss8 no oplnloa rhsther suoh propossd osrtitloats8 ars srouritles within the abasing of ths Saouritler Aot. This is a utter to be dsteralned by the Secretary of Stat*. It is oonosdsd also 10 the Oorrsspondsnos of ths attorney abovs msntloaed that “it is not eontsnplated anf Mfloer. or direotor of ths Company will purchase any of ths propass osrtif ioates,w In answer to the above stated question you am respeotiullJ edrissd that there la no statute prohibltfng an lnsursnos oompauy suoh as the Union Reaervs Wfe Snsuranos Cospang from borrowing raonsy in ths nanasr propossd by said ~ompuny by the iaeuanos of said proposed oertlfloatsr nhloh - ars nsrs evidence of tbo money borrowed by said Company. Yours rsry truly By v- Ardsll Ullliams ~sslstaat
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion