lonorable I&n Ahap
QooutiTo seorotarpDiroetor
stste Comdmsioa ior the Bliad
~aod om8e
Aumun, SaKas
out in the appropriation
to matidy
rtkfamnoe to
the national
Ihate Bill lo. 832, Chapter loo, 48th Legislature,
Beylu sesmloa -- the General Appropriation6 Aat ?or the
BxooutlTe an4 A4nlnistr8tiTe 4apartBlQt~ - Ilam 1 to wa,
inolulire, rith rupeot to purpose is as tollew8c
IlonorablaLa Alaup - page ¶
Baginning -w
8aptwar 1, August 31,
uc-1Yrms 1942 IQ46
81. Esteoutire 2eoratary-Direator Q 2,400.00 t
2. Secretary to Baautira
8aorat~~-Dlroator.,.,.... 1#so0.oo
strtiatioian-bookkaepar..... 1,6M .oo
1”: Cl18 and Rboox’d Clark..,.... l,!MfJ.OO
6. Plaobmbnt Agtult ... ....... ... 1,800.oo
6. Plooamnt As-t......,,...,. a ,100 .OO
7. suparTiaor
Of Induatrtba and
fioms taachara and Intamiaer 1 #a00 .oo
8. &ve Yed.iorl aooial uorktr ... 1,800 .OO
0. tighthourbsuparriaor ....... 1.800.00
x&hthbuab Bup*niaor ....... I #200.oo
ii: Lig4thouaa 8upeiaor ....... ; I=& .g
110. Ligbthouae Guparriaor .......
18. Lighthouse Bupemiaor ....... 1:200:00
Ma, Lighthouat Guperviaor ....... s,aoo.oo
13. Uome reacher ................ 1 #izOO.oo
Uoum Teichar................ 1 400 .oo
2 Some Teaohar ................ 1,200.00
l8. Iio me tea c h e r ................ 1 ,a00.oo
1 08. ilo mb Tea c h a r ................ 1.800.00
1 7. Ya ms Tea c h a r ,. .............. 1#200.00
17a. Home Taaohar ................ 1,200.00@
The Goastitutlon (Artlole 7111, Sea. a) dcolareaa
“go monq shall be dram from the bvmmry
but in pureuaDoe of rpecltio appropriation8
ma de b y la T) l l l .’
Ibis requires ape~iSi~ne88 aa t0 purpose, and like-
rice a8 to amount. the itema above quoted are apeaiflo, rith-
in the oonteaplatian of the Cooatitutloa.
ft la implicit in this language alao, that an appro-
priation of public Ponq So r l l peoi?io purpora may not be
U44A -- dram troanthe treaoury -- for any purpeae other than
that apaoifmd * In other rordr, a apecifia appropriation tor
one purpose is the vet-7 opposite of an appropriation tar
another purpoa~~
#'row those Oonaidoratiooa it follors as oi
oouraa that hour que8tioa aboulU be anaware in the
negative, and is aocordingly 80 mmmred. Tbia la in
looord with the dwiaiona ai this State and the opin-
ions of this Depurtraent.