. -\ ,. ._, I.’ i -A_;r- ; SC. 6;1:~ : lg.?&:. h”- n&c OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS I AUSTIN .“*&I) G. IYAYN_ 1.mnsr ..““h. i .. 6'79 ' i . , 680 '4. A fkul io thm mu iboaroh haor- &or ofthmoqbr at of ?hy8Aeo.:?hlr U$aly 00Bd d.atlU rooeowa pro)oat,io buod aa a ooa- -0 tith 8ha 0, 8. Ot~ioo 01 Solratliio Rawrrch .. an4-2evolo~. It lo #uroly 8 ruo8ti proJ*ot d&h bu bow uudwtobwa by bw8dn Pull-tiao w w Ot thW 8t8ft @f thC DOpUtXWBt OSng o lo nb r adwotm sllo tth m lr lpun tbo, &OYO $&l? tog&m lBWu8lty dutieo,to thlo -+ :;. *Iii th ab a d8 o ith lo hot lltwklun, I‘uh u la lll~~~- lab to preoont the follwFag quaotioor "IO trioaaouet of aMpenoauon pole to full; tti* rMulty wabuo rho putioipate in t:1roo lpmol8lprogrou In Oh0 -r iodlo8todl.kn- it.4 by the s%rmt pmagmph OS Subowotiula (a) of 8hm oonorwlkvavIoloMottho Imlmalotnl Appre$brlatian Aot ior thm ounVat bloanlum?" ..' 681 . ~ltsa . lM tr uo tb a 8l M l8r a o &tthat o lowol *l&t ba ll- jr~t& b7 tbo lirit8tloaoOS brrbmot5on (2) of tie miiazwraZ ~ovio~o~' of thm Approprlatien dot; thlm submotion rtidrr 682 - . - 685 ,
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion