HoncrrsblaSsm B. Davldsori
county Attorney, JIooklby
to whether awh sum
Colleotor trollthe ‘0
,ln +atutea,
et, ooyilty,,,or preolnot
rmloer of deyatles,
he pqrforaanoeor hla
ply:+o the Cotity Oommlaalonera*
y rw authority to appoint ruoh
ts or aJ,erk8, atatbg by sworn
number needed, the peaition to be
be pal&. 8ald ap liaa-
by a statement aii
the .probabl.amoelpta rronrreea, aoanaia6lona and
ooqwinsstlonto ‘beoolleated by aald orrCm dur-
,ing the rlaoal year and the probable dlsburaement~
whiah ahall lnalude all salaries and expeasea of
Honorable 8am IL Davidson, pQg& 2
said ofHoe; an& said aourliahall make its or-
der authorizingthe appointmentof sutihdepu-
ties, aasIaQutteau4 alerks and fix the oompen-
datPon to be pa&l them dthln the l.lmite&ns
httrelnpresarlbedand determinethe number to
,be appointedae In the dlsoretlonof seld aourt
may be proper; provided that in no aase nhell.
the Coamle,slon6rs~ Court or any member thereor
attem& to lnrluenosthe appointmentor any per-
aon as deputy, esslstant or alerk in any~oiflae.
Upon the entry or a*uohorder the orflaers apply-
lng ror 8uah assistanta,deputies or clerks shall
be authorizedto appoint them; provided that
said aompensatloashill.not eraeed 'thez~xlmum
amount,hereInaiterset out. The aompeadatlon
wblah laaybe allowed to the deputies aaslatenta
or oltirksabove maed ror the&r mmrkw ahal%
be a reasonableone, not to exaeeb the rollowIng
*1. In oountie#-havinga~populatiiotior
twenty-rive tbousand.,(25,000)
or leas Inhebltants,
tint eW8tqnt or.ehier deputy not, ..uaeed
Eighteen Hundred '~($lSOO,OO)
Dollars per annun;
other assistante,deputies or olerk8 not to ex-
teed FIrteen:-Qmdrea ~$15~00.00)Dollara per annum
Reading the term *eeoond deputyn aa meaning deputy
other than the rlrst easlrtantor oh% deputy, it la apparent
that the &50&00 present amount now paid to him la the max-
imum clalaryeuthorlzedend rlxed by the tortkgolngstatute.
We have rully oomsidered the provisionaof the Cer-
tlf5oete,ofTltle Aot, [Art. i4364,~Bernon*s Annotated Penal
aodo), in oonneotlonwith your ~requ&at.,The ldsntloal~questlon
rdsed by you, honver, was presqnted to thls departmentby the
county Auditor OrtJefreraonaounty. ?& hereto attaoh a oopy
of our Oplnlon 40. O-5379, eddresaed to the County dtiltor Or
Sorterson County; epprovs(l'June 21, 1943. Insanswer to his I%-
quest. Although Jefier&on County has a larger population
breokst, neverthelessthe opinion IS a#plldable to Oakley
ikmorable Ssn ii. Davidson, ptige 3
It 1s thkmfora the opinion of thia.dcpartment
that where 8 deputy tax esseesor-oolleatorin e aounty
having s populetlonof 25,000 or less Inhebltantsis re-
oelvlag the mxlmwn salary fixed by Artfale,3902, Vernonso
knnotets~lv~l Statutes, such maxlnrumsalary may not be
inoreesed from the CertUlaute of Title Fund or any other
fund belonging to the oounty.
Yours very truly,
aY (8)
Wm. J. R. ICiw
OF 'MCXAB By 8. W. B., Chairmen