county Attorney Free&one County Fairfleld,Texas Dear Sir: ,opinionBo. O-5487 Rei xmal option eleotim -- May an eleo~ion,to determinewhether or not the eale of beer that doee not containaloohol in 8x0886of 4% by weight ehallbe legalized, be held ln a justicepreolnct, inoorporateatown or city looatea within a dry county? Your lettar,Uatd July 27, 1943,requestingan opinionconcemlng the above matter, reada in part as follower "Citizensof a particularjusticeprecinctor tm or oity of my countyare interestedIn call- an election under Article 666,Seotlone32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39 and 40, Vernon'eAnuotstedPenal Code, (LBamenfLed by 9. B. 117, Chapter325, page 509, Acts of the 48th Legielature,for the purposeof~detelmining whether6r not the eale of%eer that'aoes not containalooholIn em&e of four (45)per centumby weight',shall be legalIre in such polltioal eubaivislon. "FreeetoneCounty is a dry area, having prohibited the sale of 'beerthat does not containaloohol in exdese of four ,(4$)per oentumby weight'on Deoember21, 1940, by BP electioncalledfor that purpose. *Question: Does 9. B. 117, Chapter325, page 509, Acte of the 48th Legislature,authorizean eleotionin a juatiae pmdnot or inOorp022eea turn or city located within the limitsof a dry oounty for the,purpoeeof aetemlnlng whether or not the sale of 'beerthat doee not containalcoholin exoeeaof four (4%)per centmu by weight' shall be legalize&? HonorableBowlen Bond, page 2 (0-5487) ArtieleXVI, Section206, Conetltuticmof the State of Texasr "In all counties,justice'8precinctsor incorporated towns or citieswherein the sale of intoxicatingliquors had been prohibitedby local option electionsheld un&er the laws of the State of Texas and in foroe at the time of the takingeffectof Section20, ArtioleXVX of the Consti- tdion of Texas, it shall continueto be unlawfulto manu- facture,sell, barter or exchangein any such county, justloe'aprecinctor incorporatedtown or city, any spirit- UWB) vinoua or malt liquorsor medicatedbitter8capableof produoingintoxication or any other lntoxicantewhatsoever, fbr beveragepurposes,unless and until a majorityof the qualifiedvoters in such countyor politicalsubdivision thereofvoting in an electionheld for such purposeshell determinesuch to be lawful;providedthat this subsection shallnot prohibitthe sale of alcoholiobeveragescontain- ing not more than 3.2 per cent alcoholby weight in cities, countiesor politicalsubdivlalonathereofin which the qw.llffedvotershave voted to legalizesuoh sale under the provisionsof Chapter 116,Acta of the RegularSessionof the 43-a Legislature." In the ca8e of Houchinev. Plednos,110 S.W.2d 549, the Supreme Court of Texas held that where power is given by Constitutionana means by mamer ln which, ft is to be exerolaedis prescribed,such means which, '7:: ana wner is exIdti8ive. ~z OpinionNO. 0-2114,this aepartauentheld, among other things, shoula a oosnty as a whole vote for prohibitingthe sale of all alcoholic -xTeragee > %e '. ~zountywould be dry regardingall alooholicbeverages,ena the varfo~s pr-e>tictsWOUM have no authorityto call and hold any local option e1~324im a L- the case of Wallingv. King, 67 S.W.2d 1074,Judge German, apeakingfor the SupremeCourt of Texas, saidl ‘Prior to the adoptionof section20, article16, it haadhem the law of this state for many years that when a ccurrty,justice'sprecinct,or ot$er politicalsubdivision of a countyvoted to prohibitthe sale of intoxicating iiquors,it continuedto be unlawfulto sell such liquors within the prohibitedterritoryuntil the voters of the identicalterritorywhich had adoptedprohibitionvoted .torepeal it. In Ex Parte Pollard,51Tex. Cr. R. 488, HonorableBowlen Bond, page 3 (O-5487) 103S.U. 878,Juage Davidson,epeakingfor the Court of CriminalAppeals,said: 'Wherevera local optlou law is once legallyput into operationIn a given territory, it must remain in force until it has been voted out by ,thevoters of the territorywhere such law was originally vftalized.( "Severalcases are cited in supportof this holding. "The constitutional amendmentaet out above by express words adopted this rule of law. The languageis that in any county or any politicaleubaivisionthereofwhere the sale of intoxicatingliquorshad been prohibitedprior to the adoptionof section20, article16, it shouldremain unlawfulto sell same (includingbeer) in said county or politicalsubdivision'untila majorityof the quallfled voters in sfda countyor politicalsubdivisionthereof voting in an electionheld for such purposeshall deter- mine it to be lawfulto manufacture,sell, barter and ex- change in said county or politicalaubdivleionthereof vinous or malt liquorscontainingnot more than three and two-tenthsper cent (3.2s)alcoholiccoutentby weight'. "The very couatitutional amendmentby which appellant is accordedhis right to a licenseexpresslyprovidedthat if local option prevailedin the countywhere he sou&t to obtainhis licenseit was necessaryfor the voters of that county to authorizethe sale of the 3.2 per oent~beer beforehe could obtain a license. This the countyhas never done, but on the contraryit had for the second time voted in favor of local option 80 far as beer x88 coucernea. It necessarilyfollowsthat as ChildressCounty had prohibited the sale of intoxicatingliquorswithin its boundariesprior to the adoptionof section20, article16, by virtue of sub- division(a) set out above, it was uulawfulto sell beer within any part of saia countyuntilvotere of the whole countydeterminedotherwise. Local optionwithin the county as a whole could.not be repealedby piecemeal." Tlzelaw is well settledIn this State that where local optionwithin the ec.zty aa a whole has been adoptedthat the 8Bme cannotbe repealedexcept by E comtywlde election. We *mume from the facts stated in your letter that Freestme County is cidry county. In view of the authoritiesabove cited, it in the opinionof this departmentthat SenateBill 117 does not, an8 could not, authorizeau election -.. HonorableBowlen Bond, page 4 (O-5487) to be held in a justiceprecinct,Incorporatedtown or city loaatedwithin the limitsof a dry county,to determinewhetheror not tie sale of beer that does not containalcohol in exoeaeof 4$ by wei&t ehallbe legalized. Yours very truly /a/JeeeeOwene BY Jesse Owena Aseistent JO:db APPROVEDAUG X, 1943 /s/GroverSelLx:: APPROVED 0PmIOm C-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion