Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFiCE.OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS i AUSTIN &mrabla k, t. Yitohell Chalraen Taxa@ state Board of R&tration Sor prof068i0~81 Cngineer8 AwtlA, TOxa8 tt.AtiOA t0 prorlesloA6 or 0. 8. l66 bgl8latUr8, POW ond6whioh hat. beSA do- ot rrglrtratloa fee8 ati f686iOA61 bgiAtJW6, io t 8. B. 199, Iuprm, protide 66 8Fe tha State ot Terra har hereto- fter aeouaulstodfund6 for certain ot the United Stat66 or berirac Protid6d. hou6rer. that ahen 6U 01: 66J OtkI?-ri@dldOii6 6h61l - ti3# pamilt t&a stat8 to aaqoire the nwer6ery labor rad matuial6’, the obligotlonr ot the Unit& States in thloh said tunAI are latest44 shall be 601d or nd60-4 6A4 tbr p?668046 Of 6614 obligatioru 6haU bo UOed tor th6 gut 66 for rhloh the f P n4w rer 6 0r IgIa anutU~c r h o 4o r lolleeted.~ Th6 PQWO68 of 8. B. No. 199 I6 616ul~ rxpreored u SeotIoB l there&. 1% aQtbriM6 M d8partaant ot the State rormwnt which ho heretotore or uy c enafter rooopttlrt6 tUd6 r o r l l@rtdB PUr oel inrolrl~g th6 6AplOpat of labor or th6 rohau of rater rala, to invrrt 6och l006sulate4 tundr IB Detenoe iiAd6 Or OthU obligtloa6 Of th8 uAit,d at&66 Uh6a it 16 mob16 $6 oarZy OUt cl~6b'~purpo.o kOau66 of IAabIlitttoobtalq the nogoa- #err &bOv QI Aatex!ialr. A 6uotul aaalnatloa et 8. B. Uo. Vl, 8opeolaU~ gOotIon 9 thereot, Artiolo S87la, VoraoA'6 Clvll Statutor, bsr &4 a6 to th0 8oQOlaOiOntha8 aoA6 of tho iuadr a08 ln t?,te Stato T’TO~OQWto tho errdltet the V&oteorIonalgagInoer6* ti4,w or whI6h uy hereatter be oredltod to 6ai4 fuad, wero or will b0 600walato4 for aAy porpooo other tb6A f6r the 64AIAI6tratloa 6f 66i4 6tatuto. -FO 16 Mthiry; iA tk 6t6tQt6 t&&t WOO $8. 4IoatOr that th0 Boar4 Aar 6OOUS6htO AOAOt 6QuOOtOb 66drr tt6 tara8 tar any purwoo 1Arolti~g tb6 lrploynmt oi labor or the purehaoe 0r Laterlalo, ouoh a8 18 OontOmplated by the prorloion8 0t 8. B. 199. The tortf-olghth Leglrlattmo ~640 6~ 6pproprI6tIon to your Boarb in lttootfvo geptorebor1, 194B, the ~QB of #dO,OOO, *oat ot fu~48 6ow OILhand tor tho lro6tloa ot 6 llbrar for the Reglrtore4 ProtoooIozml.Iroaeor6 of Toxar. No part 0c thlr tund 6haU be 0% abd tOr a bQFl.diRgmo Th8rO w0 Other lh.%tatiOM or rO8trlotr0~6 gover6iAg the 6xpoaditQre of thir ARprOptiatioA with whlah M UO not here OoAaorA64. It I6 lpparoat that (Loa0Of "the fUnda BOW.OA hand” wore loauaalatod rot the purpooo oi rotabllohIAg 6 llbrarr or libruier, tor tb reaooo thd 6uOh 6 pup666 i6 not 6Utborh6d ;; fLi. Ho. T4, nor br ury other rtatute that we hato boa 6ble 811100the ab0TO watioAo4 lpprO&?FiatiOA I6 linitrd t0 vu6 LW 0a hana* UI& nro not 6ooPruZato4 tor the lotabllah- Bent ot 6 library or li&~Ior, it 4006 Boot oom WItkin the tea6 ot 8. B. 199. ‘. 330 ‘-i rroa rant we harm HLQ , at aeoeooari~ rouow6 ;,,a &t your quertlon mart be enswore b the negot;ve. Toorr vary truly,