OFFICE OF THE AlTCRNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. oeor 9. 23bapp-l of Publio AoeOuntu (lanptroller AIlstIn, Texu Dear s1r: opinion Ho. o- on, vhloh io a8 MThe question bus uri8en In thiu departamat U to whother or Bat thin law releaom penaltlea an& inteSest on property owned br em& meple &a?%@~be their enty into eooh cervioe or does it onrJ lpplf to pm- ties end interest aaor&g otnoe sullhpereon eiitsted th9 armed aarloe an4 for the dnratitm. I willthankyau to advisa in the prenUoa+* Bon&M Bill lb. &SO, Aota o? thi aogularSaulon of .tho 4SSb &&Bimture, (toythor with it8 ociptlon) read@ u rouowe: *An Aetih? the pu~~ou af relaasixl.,? to the embers of the Armad &roes of the Unitea Sate8 of dWJFiC8ud thatr aqdllulu all latersrt*ad perul- tieu mooruing ~mbrouwnt to their entry into 8wh BorTloa,En 8tato an4 oountyu.6valaramtexar rrarlllag 00 pr4paty 1iat.don tim tas rollr or 8nj oouncy la the ma@ of mob nenborsof tke ArmmY IMoor or tihrlr luzllirrfer or the Arm4 Forow Rwam?e or their muill- ~108 prior to t&e tim they joinedruoh AFM& foroea ox mab‘aurfllarl8~ proridiw #at the reloaso al mwb htorert and pw&l tl la ohall *am04 fer the bratton of w0ri6 w aa po+idhg thd II of 8aoh Jmlei lrorou aa muoh low4 a ppsriod not to mmo~ oemiation ‘ai h4atll~ti~w in rhioh bb OIIf ~rith~W$lnbuut ena penultythe 4elluquarLt OeBr &lo by #oa) pratdgn~ Tar ~the utupmdon of aI1 law* as44pvtr af law8 in (KUI- tlld herowlth,aeb de&wing aa ~mergenay. &en. 000~ R. shwpua, p6e a ‘,; Eon. 08s. H. Bhreppnra, pa@ 4 fwh 0.0. pi. aq+p8ra, plS* s
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion