OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN tIxmrable !I!. D. SmaLng Count3 Attorwy &maPord County +Mmnan, %x88 s3ar sir: it is wver proper thaA OAO bI%Ad brand of reaordr recor&~Jn thb County i?hme they ara to kept, so he desiras \t.hs Clerk t3 r653M thlo brand LXIhla 38%~ also. k.J' Y. . 4 .4 krticls 6iS90,W&~od Civtt 3tatutas, proviCes as ~ollowus I "Zvery person who Sss cattle, hog*, sheep or Goats 3nnl.l have an ear aark and brand c.LiM’ariq 30 iionorable 2. 0, Ssnslag, pa&e 2 Pran t& aa~ lpark aad broad of hi8 neighbors, Uhlah eer m.vk and brend shall be reoorded by the ooun- tg clerk of the aounty where rush anla~ls 8hell be. Xc parson 8hall u8e more then one bmnd, but ney raoorc? hfa brand in as many aountles OS b desnu naaerrary.” .I Artlola 1484, Penal Code, provfdust ‘Uhoe~ec In cniginallybranding or mar- cattle uses mra t&m oaa mark or brand 8hall be ff.aad AOt b88 th8~ tVluaty-iiT AOF IPDCW thin op4 l”luadrsddollars Par each aDIme SO braided or mark- ed.” These statutes contemplate, end here boon so con- atrued by our ooucts, that a pareon YJ ~88 or record for u8e only ona brand. Tumor Y. stew 39 Cr. 8. 322, 45 9. If.10201 .* irnsal~. state, 39 Cr. R. 330, 4s 3. Y. 1022. The Texas xeo ho~u~ts have held, hovevar, that there statut.8 Vera not &- “P9’L tended to pm3vaat an ovaac 0S llvsstoak Sor good aau8e from dimlgag his brand. pbclura v. Sheak’r Dalrs, t% Tax. 426, 4 9. Y. 5521 Dugat v.'Wlth, 67 Cr. Ii446, 148 3. Ii.769. ?ha parsoa, aoc4ordlngto your lattor.Pra3vbioll vv : .;:;:, Leta heretoPore quoted, .daafre8 to u8a UAQ to rceoo~d for u8a .A..~ &ore thsa aae brand. Ye, thervrore, anaver your query In the negativv. Since you rsquast OUTanaver to your related qwstio;l ;.. onl3 If vu reached a conalusioa dlffarant to that as VW have above axpmsseA, it thus become8 unnecessary to render an Op&n- ion thereon. .-- -0;
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion