Ronoroble 3,. C. Gsrvey
Cot&if Auditor
3exsr gooonty
San AntOniO. Tarb
mar Sir:
iv11 Etatutes, oaa
9 codsSlon~T’6,
eamccc’a and County
premium oa thrlr
bomb be *aId by
uaty out OS thr
Funds of the countp
sootion 61 of our State Constitution,
&nt,~ orslcsrr in count188 h;ring a popu-
of 20,000 or mora inhabitant8 looording to the last prr-
***ding iedsral oenm8 on a salary basis trim and 8Strr tha
fbst day of January, 1936; and of oourm Bara? County with
ita 338,176 Inhabitants, aooording to tha 1940 frdwal oenaur
ml. in ttlat oatagory.
The oaptlo% of Xousr Bill No. 524, Aota OS thr
47th faglalature, Regular 3m31on, 1941, mad8 ae lollowar
Eonorablr g. 0. Carroy,, Pago 2,
*AH ACT raandin$ Artiolr 3899 Rwiard Civil
Stntutaa of Toxma, 1925, a8 6ziandag bt Ckmptrr 311,
Art8 of tha 44th Legialaturr, Regular Saaalon, 6nd
Ctiptrr 465,, Aok or 3ooond Callad Saaalon, 44th
Lrgialatara, and by Cbpter 496, Aota o? 45th kg-
irlaturt, to prorldr that prrmluaa of offlairl bond@
ior tba oouaty trrraurrr8, oounty ewltora, county
rord aoaalaalonrra, aoonty aohoo 8uprriataadantr,
bidr and aal-1 inagaotorr, and t hair drputiaa, ahall
bo paid rror coanty runea, and drolsrIng an lma r ~wm y .*
yarr A of Seotlon 1 of Barr all1 524, rugr6, Nada
I5 p8rt a6 follwat
*(a) At tho olmir of rooh math of hla taut?6
of ofSio6, laoh offlear maad herolo, *ho la ooapaaaatrd
on a tee baa16 ahall sake, aa I $Irt of tha rrport now
raqalfid by lsw, an Itrslzad snd aworn rtatararnt of all
tlir uotual sad nrocasary rrprnaaa Incurrad by hia in
thr conduct Ot his @friar 6UOb a6 stbtion.-l’y, 6tEzp6,
tolaphons, pramlisa :‘,5 oltlclala’ bOU06, iacludI;y the
ooata of surety bomda for hfa d8Frrti66, prraiub CQ
flra burglary, theft, robbert:inaurmoa protaothg
pubdo funda, ttatoliq6XFIAOI6, m.C cthsr nro6666ry
eXFU6SS; provided, W48 in 6ddIloa t0 th6 ctfi66r6
56a6d h6ralo tha County tr6oaar6r. oowlty auditor,
wunty road Cod66lona?6, 6OU5t9 bChOO1 aUp6&btkd-
dmta, and t&r hide and aaisrl Ins~otor ah611 lika-
~166 ark6 6 rrport 06 thr prr.olua 011 oftioiala~
bonda, lnoludtig tbr aart of auroty bond6 tor a4
eqwtlea, ana aald prraiuw ahall be rubfoot topy-
mot out ot tha tooa ot acid offloo a# &6rol5 other-
wlaa prorldrd tot thr orfloor MQ~~~ and rotldod
iPrth6r that if my ot $h6 orrlarrr 60 da6'1gnatrd ax-6
oa 8 arlarjratlm than a ire bmala, thanrl& luo hbond
praaluna tot oftioara rnd their daputloa ah*11 bo paid
trGR tho 08ayal rnnd or the 00ul.eif...=
Part (b) at Sootioa 2 of the aboto slrntioaad Aot
morIGo6 I8 part:
"(b) Bach offlosr nanrd In t&I8 Act, wham ha
rroeirrr a aalary a6 ccwparuration for hIa 6arvIc68,
, provided thrt rxponara Isaurrad for prOlDiUM
&*0rti05616* bond8 ior thr county trraaursr, ootmty
cludltor, oounty rorC oo~alrr~ai3srr, oount~ 8ohool
rursrintindrnt, nB& ths bids aad -IUiahl in8l%CtOT,
lncludlng thr costs of surety bond8 for any 28putlrr
or my euch ofrioara, tiy br also lnoludrd, snd
ruch rxpan8er to b8 p:ssrd GA, GrrdrtrrniBed a3d
rllowed in tb* tlmr and emunt, r8 nrsrly as poa-
ribla, by thr Comiraionrrr Court cnco saah month
tar the tnau1r.e math. , .,hlJ rtacb sr~;ror@d oleia8
and awxmts shall br peid fwpm the Gftlcorr ::alary
?~nd unlle8 othrrPls4 FrOTldrd h8:8inr’
'Zt fs our oplnlon that Pzrt -i, srctial 1 a;Fli$S
to thhoar County Cfffiaialr who aso ComFsnontsd on s fcrr bsrir
sod to tta County Coaprl8sionarr and the County Tmraourrr
and tbo County .:udltor, who bra coqrcaetrb on no sanual
ralary bssia in far chuntlae and that tha crori8lsxy in
raid !'srt (A) of Fcrotlon 1 kkicb -rotldr '?rotided,
t&t if -icy or tha Gffh3rs 80 Oeiignotrd az8 on a salary
rstbsr tb¶B 'I far busl8, acd ail such bond prdciiua8 for
offlorrs anI! t.h~ir daputlar am11 ba p:: fro% the Crnsral
?und cr thr County", 2nly s~pli~s to such orficara la rse
oountlas md hna no applioation r;hstaorvsr to thozr county
aiiloiala 1~ ecunttas wharr 311 of raid county cfficlels are
compmastrd on BC annual aolery barir.
It is theretom our crinloa prraioas on bond8 of
tha county trraaurrr, comfy mdltor, and oounty coamlreloa~ra
ot Buar County mat be paid out cf thi Cfficrrs Salty Yund,
"uatrrr otaenis* proridrd. " '-a ora unsblr to rid any other
Protlslon la esid &otlan prorldiae thet aald prmluo @hall
be othvrvlrr gv11J.
ii* therrrorr anwer your qurstlon in tha nrgatlrr,
that prraium on thr bond8 of tbr oounty treasursr, county
a.pditDr,and. county ab-nlr8lcnrrr OS Saiar County cannat ba
Fald out or the Crmral Wnd.
.-. c’
, -.a ttr