oourt? And
quwtlag tha oph-
105 or this dopar stod thDrel5 ruti
aa follaar
iota&a snd fnour any
the Tax Aaawso~olleotor rotain
the Tueaty-Piro (25) cent fee and a&ploy anf aad
sll neoeeamryamietants and laour any and ell
neossemy exmnwse, end pay tme OU of m&oh Tunds
with the approvel of the Ooearaisafonera*Oourt?
18 SUt6te Bill NO. 211 Aote of the 48th
L.&ur. Rwular :hsslon l&3 ameadl~&thm
Title Aot, d&sot14 the das1gaat.d
8&$Mt t0 r-it @.tty SU@U6 X-Wli5&3 il; hi8 bUld8
or suoh rmds dlreot to tho Road and Bridge Fuml
of hle County, valid?
"POP your oonsiderstion me aukdt the follow-
it& lnrorwtion pertalnlng to the above qusstlonat
"cnyaon Countyhad a population or 65,843 in-
hebltantraooerdlng to the 1930 Fodsral OOUBUI,sad
a populationor 69,699 lnhbitlnts aooordlngto the
1940 Fkderal oumu~~.
*Art. 16, 6.0. 61, Constitution
of Tesu, pea-
vide8 in mrt:
"All dlotrlot 0rriowfi in the stata of Texas
and all Oounty off1a.m in Couat1.r hatim a pop
fation or 20,000 of mere, aooordlng to the that
last prooodi~ Fodual BOMU, &all fromtho rlrrrt
day of Jautuary and thereafter, sad aaboeqtlurt to
the rlmt Fiagul8r or s olal ,%Bslon or the Lo&*
1atw arter the adopti@on 0r tblr Rwolutlo+ be
smgsnrtmd en a aala* baala.
*All iems oarnod by dbtrlet, eo ua ty
lPd pm-
oimt offlrerarbnll k paid into thr Oouaty Tram-
urymhere oarmd for the m6ountot WI* W@r
fund* (hdoptod elootloa htre,tmt 24# 1935$
"Art. 3912e,R. C. W. pralde8 ia part u
r0ii8nta t
wahoo.4. In all Countleoof thla 8tatr eon-
talui~ a populatiatt or leas than one hundr~ md
nl5ety thou& (l90,OOO)hhabltanta aooordi~
to the last peoediw Fodaral Oeamw mhereita the
ecmttty 01 preolnot oftiaers are oompmuted an a
ulay btola under the pro~biom of Ok&a Aet
thereshall be omtod a f~ld to be lrxt@rrn
88 6.
oelarieo of offlooroand the oalarieo of deputloo,
asalotantoand elarko0s orrl0er6 who 0x-a drawing
a salary ,from eeld fund uudor the provlolone of
thl.8 A&, end to pay the authorized expenses of
their om.oeo. Suoh fund ahall be deposited in
the Couuty Depository and shell be proteoted to
the oomo ertent no other County funds.
“‘9M. 5. It sbrll be tho duty of all effl-
ooro to ebarge ood oolleot in the -r outbox-
lmd by law all foe8 and oonmlooiom whloh aro
permittedby lou to be aooeooedand ealleotedfor
oll oiflolaleorvlooperforrmdby thorn.. A. and
mhen okoh fee8 are eollsohd thq @hall be dopolt-
ed in the ofmom’ Salary Fund, or rid43 provldod
in tihlo Amt.
"*The MOO 0s the stat0 0s ~0x00 ~0. tu.000,
167 S. E. (2dl 296, leoca to lndloetethat tha
w~t~.ri~~ (25) 0.d. retolud by the Tu nrwmor-
Oolleota ohould be eoomntable to tha County In
th0 881~0mfiner 00 other feeo.*
“Suoh dao~ted agent ah811 pay euoh wpl~ed
aoolotnnto and ruob noououy ox
hlarnwthe rum retalndb &~$!t$gl~
tety eoau5t or meh fulldo r
tmy event e&aU be by hfm raalt$ed to the Road end
Brldso Fun& 0s him County.’
-In other ,wordo, what lo t&m proper method of
dlopooing o’: the Tmntpflre (25) Oonti fee retolttod
by the designated qent under ths oertfrioate of
Title Agt, in Qzq’1305 County, Taxa..‘”
senateBill No. Pl, A&o of the l&th Le$lolaturo
RegularSoeslon,1943, omeudlagWotion 57 of Artlole14364,
Ve~on*s Annotated Penal Code, nado in pert a. follower
“9eotlo5 19 That seotion 57 or th0 oortiri-
oat0 or Title A&, a8 amended by ths Aoto of the
47th Lsglelature, Rmpalar Seoolott,Ohaptor LW,
Smtion 6, be amsnded so a8 hereafter to reed am
H.58robla R. 0. rko~.., ho&. 5
*~se0tiOlt 57. mah oppllarurtfor O oartlfl-
wie 0s tftlo OF re4aareno* tanof lab031pay t0
the dealgnat& ugont oh6 ew 0s Plrty (so) C05f0,
of whloh Twenty-fir. (25) Cent8 rholl be rstelned
by the de.ipiut.d a$ent, maa Which he ohtall b.
lntltlad to aoXfloiOatmmey to pay expeneeo
neonaeiary to etfioi.ntly parrot ths dutl.8 set
&x&h here&q and t.bererulainsTwOnty-Tim (25)
Cats shell be forwardadto the .Np8r&aentfor
deporltto the Stste ubway Fund twether with
the OpplloOtionior 0ertlfW3te 04 title,wlth5a
twmipr0~ (26) hourn astir 0tum ho0 been fe-
lfS$ofentlyatb3inlotor aad porSm3 c&o 4atho oat
forth herela; and tharo is hemby opjuepriatod to
t&o De artm.nt .ll OS wroh foe. for wlul..
tzur. lL .rpuue, ototloOOry,postage, sontlag*at
exgmnoe, end ml1 other lrpenoeo aeoeomry to ad-
ainiober thin Aot thr.u@b tbr biumlua eodi~
Awt.6 31, 1945. Fmv1d.d any eueh d..@mt.$
etgmt my 06~3og any and oil neoeooery oa8loknti
end inmar any oad 611 nemomary exponoe la ad&n-
intOringthis Agt in his oounty. Bush 6eol&nalW
agent 0hOl1 wy ureh raploy& eooio?hnto end mwh
n.o.smry .x&wtooo lttourr.6 by I&s fsm the iua&
rOteSno4byhimh.r.OQB.x‘~aad myarpoarntai smh
rutl&orrrsolnlag, lahlO hOn4olnOOy.rmtOholl
be by hla xetalt%ed to the RoOd On4 Brld&e $ILnQof
his emtoty.’
". . . 4"
seotlen 26 of Aztlalo1&)6-l,Y~moo'o Annot0t04
0060, defl5or,deo&totetl urnat ea lollorot
*The toi% t~Deolgaoted A$.ntt SW eeah County
Tax ColZsctsrin this Stet. who my psri.rm hlo
dutleaundrr t&i. AOt th~ugb epv regular deputy+”
Artlcl. 3902, Vexn~n'o Amot8t.d Civil 3duteo,
18 u ~CQ~PR~ e~~krte prmiding rap the eppolntawnt ef dega-
ties, aorlotanto, or alerke by district, @au&y or pT.riaat
OlfiQOFS. ;otmta l%llx PIa. PI, oopn, elo. gror/Q.o thot the
aosipatwl cqytnt(who is the Gouaty Tar A5insz;sur-Gollsotor)
ms~ employany and all neoeasaryaaoiatantaand incq any
ad all nsoesaeryrxpensbIn mimlnistsrlngthe Certffioate
of Title Iset. Arti3L~3302, aupra,eil.10~8 osrtelnoo~penoa-
#on RP fa nentionedthereinfor deputies,eesiatantaor
alarkeappointad by district, oounty or preofnot otflaers.
It ia Our Opinion that A?tfOl, 3502, SUpP8, and
smote 8111 Bo. 21, suprs,mat be wabldored and oonstrusd
*&henthe ArsaMaor and Coll.08tor of Taxoe of Qrayson
couaty is dlaotar~iw.the dutlea r#p.tlred Of hl.m unaer the
Certificateof Title A& he 1s not any dutsss
psrt& to any ooparataaeenoyer, but that all
##oh Uutlao requiredof hiraare smrelyduties added by the
statute to the offlwjof Asaeamr and Colleotor of Texea,
(Bate et al. 0. alaos et al., 167 S. t:,I21 296).
8. c, Mewe8,
ftoaorable Page 6
the nmuuig i’orthe upawe@, *blob appll6atianshell,
betore pxematetlon to maid ooutiuflnt be eodoreedby the
QauatyAuditor,if any, otherilrse the Qwnty Tre6euror,
mlg aa to w&other-da are nvelleblefor pymeti af s&h
ospmube~. The oonpeautlon of the dip&&m or asslstianta
addni8t.w~ the Certlfleateof Title Aot and all neaee
ury erpallseelnow rod in 8onIl#otlon themwith BallI.@ally
bopai& out OS thei-8 oolleotodinrdalnirbttag eafd
Ad. Providul,of omwn, ~oh oompenmtbn of th d+
tie8 ooaulrkatm is tlxodby the ocam&dtma~ m&r r ad
tin uoeuaxy upenur are allowedaailapprwod aa eutlurr-
lud by Arti 3699, Vernon’8Annotnted Civilstatutea.
Ootildorlngwhet’has bean #al6 ln afmuorto your
fira4’quoswm it noooourlly fDllow that your a- qtna-
t&m requiresno enter.
fn the oau of Stat0 et ml. v* Ola8r et al., aapm,
it wu bald that fees sol.Laota& 50Ch~~3terlllC: th Oetii-
rllrata or Titls A& were iee~ or orfioe m3 diushrw# wb8n
o1laet.d mistibo paid into the Cbtu%lbyiDepo6itory aa diX’.oted
by t&e oonstitutlonal rovinimr (Seotlon 61, Artielr l&of
the f3tato c0Iwt.itat1oa P.
z!h*Cotn?tor OlVil Appbela (Galvm??mi, Tema, wet
rofuud) Ln the oa5e of Bettcygut et al. vq HamU GoaRty,
159 8. W, t2) 543, in ao~tr~ Sootion61, Aytlolo l6, ei
the stat* Oonatltutloa,Bald;
“It will be observedthat the oonetitutlonal
plwl*lon very plainly pFWldOP two thlnpr (1)
‘Bats31 county oTf’Soeza8ha31be ofmg#~setadoa
P ~l.ary baa18 aloe, end (2) That all fw?# CbSrard
br eoanty of'flsero
&all bo pal6loto tha oount~
tmmur y r0r th elooount 09the p r o p er
fun& .*
Wndw thhoOflioue* Splrrr~r Law of t&la 5tetts(hrtc
lOlO 39120, Vernon** Anaatated CioIl :~taWtes)toes of 0iiiU
that are oolleoted by ueuntgoitioi+i @oqas%ted~Oa an en-
nual sazary baltlein %aunt1a4 Qontaln a populatlanof leer
#an 190,000infmbitanteaeoardlngto3 e preda~matd~
be~~suemust be depositedin t&s Olflew6* :iala
lmretotom tees 002lac;tsb for *&ninletcrr 1 tg tG Outi-
i'loateof Title A& am feeo of offire~snb aatil the enaot-
went oi Oenete Ri13. no, 221, sup-a, eueh f%Ob noald hwo @3n*
It.~aonbla R. 0. Nerves, Page 7
into the Offloua* :jslmry FIurd in oountlaa having a populetlaa
of leas t&an 190,000 lnhabftants whore aaid oounty o#lolela
we36 ow4muto5 on an annual aaluy be*& Wwwu, it la
noted that uiQ semto bill Ho. 211 8~~~88~ providea Wet
uly nmouao OS the rund8 rmalil.llqf ia the haEd 0s tha Tu
Aawawo-Colleotol! aster the pamant a@ lub lda nto amplop
by hb and lwh uauur~ l~ona.8 lnaurrad in ooauotloa
ChnrowSh aball be raelttad to t&w Road and Bridge BUM OS
iair oouuty. 14 lr our op%nlan theit it uati withla the au-
grz;Ltho Legla&ature to dealgxute thv fund into wh%ah
rurploa lhmld be 8apva1,tod. Themfora, wv
eel.4 chat a%7 e pnvirian lr valid.
It ia our father 0;4&m Chat all fur oulloot84
bp t&v Tax Aaaavavr-Ool&eatvr in r4mtoirtvring CIn Oertifioata
of TOle Aot ahouldbv plavvd ln a opulal fund or looaat
uparat~ and apart fms all. other fund8 in wdvr Wm8 t&v
tax asaeuor-oollvoto~, oouatf eudltar and Cvmiofo&&a
Cswt, oaa dvtvraine or avvvrtvln raathvr or mt them ia
any balanoe remala ln aalfl waolal fund OP aooouat aftar
tho plJrulrt of ralar
““g ad of deput$ea or araletantartio we
appoint66 or mployed to perfoowthe 4utie8 rvqulrodby t&v
Cutirloata o? Tit10 hat errd the paymoat of all nvoaunrr
erpnver Lnowrod la tha or a&d Cextitioata
of Tttlo Aoh After tha payment ot th@ ?ora$;ofna aalule~
and axprnuv if tbers are any ?uni!h oonalvt&g of fevr vvl-
levted in the adminlrtratlon of the Cettlfloate Or Title Aot
romnfning the RRSMshould be rmltted ta the Etaad and Rrldge
Fund of the Cotudy.
The paragraph la agplloablo to all Cvuatlaa
whether the County oitlolalv are oonpeasatod on a Sea bar%* or
an usaunl salarybest&