Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion


                                     GENERAL   OF TEXAS

  nmorable Sam 8. l&X
  colmty httorney
  @wriaon county            .
  Jiuvo~,    Tcuas

                                               01 Act.    ”

             and thclt                            tax, to-
      ðer ~wlth thonz~ount of bond tax &sill-ncvor
      wcaood 60d on P $&30.00 %alPailoa. .Tho act pr+
      Vldoe for'tha oloctlons    and tax luvios ati col-
      lootion~~ in 'the dime atumor aa 28 provldcd Par
      bdiit    oenoral Law an Indtqandcnt 'Sohool I>:cc-
             .   section 25 of ~thhenot provldea tnatr

                Q'f.   . . . all   lax?8 heraaftorto bo, or
                which may be amoted, and =bfch have for‘
                their ~pO8C+   "as enlwgenont land ln-
                cro58*     of rate of ladntoMnc0      tax or        :.
                bon&tax, ox- maintonmco pnd bond tax,
                tag&her uit.h tha pner in relation to
                th0 aafxmmmnt mid colloctfon        of taxae
                thorofor and ttioreof, v&&her said lau                   ..    .
                or lnse bo for independent who01 dlrr-          ..
                tricts arented tin speoidlz le~laletiva
                Act or under the General laws of Texas;
                ana. al.l.:l.iiw~, hozmftiz- to be enaatoa         ~.
                anlari$rg      and immaoIng the power5 ma .
                authorities      oi tin0 trueteoe under the .
                Conera Lsws of this State, &all apply               '-
                to andthe mxim is and heroby &all.bo
                auubtl.ve       of this  Act, and espealall~  :
                of Seatioaa S and 4 h4reof.I
                   "Et :a noted t&-d In Artiolo 2857 of Vernon*s '
               Ba3lm Ta~as Civil 3ito;tUteo, 1914, 8tmo balng t&a .
               amama     acts of TQOQ,png 27, Sootion 154,,tWt
               th0 fXu3t%Qs Of IrK@&nd%nt School Districts        a.133
               s%ven pouer to low an ad valoren tax for malnto-
               nnnae purpOSOS#not to 6xcooa so& on 4 $100.00
        ., ,. valuation, and a tax not to oxcead,25$ on 81$l00.O0
              ‘valuatlcn   for purcliio   02 sites and bull6l!g~o.   Arti-
               al0 2784 OS Vornonls aioviscd civil Statutaa 1925,
               authorizes a zatitenmca~tax       of CL00 an a $00.00
               vnluation.     It is notocl tha+t ~thls 1s an Act OS 1921.
                Ffhere is ?.krtha~.leglgiRlation 03'the 6ub'Jaot
            found In Vomon~s Texas Session Law Sorrioa, whre
            th6 49th Log.islntwe of 1943, C?&ptsr 17s Vcils?&+
            ea all 85ts and procoo~s        in comectio3  ~35th
            maintonanoe taxolectlons~      not to exoeod $l.S3 CJP
            oaoh $100.00 valuatian; and in Soctlon 2 author-
            tiss +A0 trustees to aa3.l an election raising tb.8
            t+x not to ~aeod $l.SOi           ,,
          ,                                                                  174


Bonorable Sam 8. EaU, page #S

          ‘Section    26 of the waskom Sohool .Ltx?, provides
          l  *Th is Act &all be taken notico of b’y .                   .*    ,.
          all t&o oourts In th4 samo manner as the’
         .Genoral Laws of this State, and It shaU
          be aozstruedto be oux+lativoof all of . ’
          the wnerul Cave of thla State on the
          subjopt of, sohooLe, when not in aonflicii ’ :
          thoreHth, but in case of oonlllat thlis.                  ,_, .
          Act shall control, as to ths F;askon Inde-
          pendent    sah001 imttriot,   hero   Orodd,
          and shciuJd my Seatlons OS this Aat, or    .
          any part ,ef any se&ion or Seotions of
          this Act, be hold to be void and with-          .’ .,
          out foraa or affoat,   for any rea5on
          wh&soover by any aourt of competent
          jurisdiction  and havi;    final jdOaiO-     '1
          tion thereof, than the reminI.rq portions
          of this Act shell not bo thoroby affectedi
          but shsll remninin full force and efioot
          as thou@ the void or unenforceable par-<
          tlon theroof, ~if any, had not been InA    L ,.
          oorporatoa iata this Act.’
           uIt Is not&l that the tax rote 2x-ovided for ~.SI
       the s~oalal Aqt arat5sg     the Vaskom Dlotrict    warn
       the sane QZ)theta% rate provided for under the
       Genernl lax br’ t!%e Bats of. 1909, above reftirrea
        Artlole 2784, RevisoOCivil         Stotutfq     of Texas, prom
via46 In part as roltws,~
           “The oomissioncm     caurt for the co13~01 echo01
       dlstrlats   in its ccunti~, asid the aifhi0t  schodl
       trmtooa for tlx l+ago~dont school dlstriato         in-     .-
       corporoted’ for: 6oh~01 purpoi3tb only,. 0hn3.l have
       posor to levy and cause to be oollocted the an-
       nual taxes and ta losue the bonds h&oin &&or-
       l.Zea, subjoat ~to tha follot;~    provlslo~t

          “1. In oommon oahod d&&riots, for’.           the fU--
       tboy-ndnttmanoa of publla Sroo achoolts           and t?o
                                   .                    . .,
                    :     ..’ ..’                       .
                                    : ,;
                                         : ,! .’ :
                            IV’   ‘.
         ereation and equipmoat of eahool build&e,
         therain, a agocial TV; end in lndctpsntisnt
         dl6triats for the Psintenanae of schoo~a
         thf~rcin,   an od valoram    tax,   not   to exceed   .’
         one dolls  on the ona hmdrad dollars valua-
         tion 02 tazabao property of tho diotrict.
             “2. In QO~MOnchool and ir?dopandont dis-
         triats,  tar. the purchase, aonstruatlon, re-   ,
         pair and equipment of public fieo sahool
         build-6    withIn t??&liaits  of such distriots
         and the purchase of the necaso~ry sites there-.   ’ ..
         for, a tar note to excood r1St.y cent6 on the
         one hunckw3 dollsrs valuation,    such tax to
         bo for tho pupant of the oura?ont lntereet on: ”
         and provide    a slnliln~   farid stiMctant     to pafr
         the prlnolpal .oi bonds vhiah said dl6triota          ,I
         8x0 oclpaverod t.0 isaw for 8uch purpoeos.
             "3. The iixlount OS z!lalntcnanoe tax, to-
         Gother with tho axount of bond’tnx ol any
         dlotrtat,  eh6ll noveP oxoeod one dollar on
         the one bundrad dollarn v6luatloa of tax6bl.e~
         property; and IS the rate of *bond tnx, to-
         aether with the ra’;o of mal~tenance tax voted .~.,
         in the district,   s!dl    at q    the exceed one
         dollar on the one hw%%‘od dollcmi valuation,
         ouch bond tar 6haU operate to ra&ce ‘*he
         tmfntenmao tax to the difference        botzean ~“’
         the rata or tho bond tax ana one dollar.        ”

             ‘4. ITo tax shall bo lavlod, collected,
         abrogated, dininia?md, or increased, and no
t        bond% sh611 be is6uod horeundar, until such
         aotion has been authorized by a majority ol!
         tke votes cast at an elootion hsld ia the
!        district  for 6uc+ ~urpoee, at uhloh none
i        but property tsx; yayin;; qualiffod voters
;.       of such diatrfot &aLl be untitlad to voto.“,               ‘i
             APtiOlU 2724 W88 oodlfled    in 1925 fro9 8aytX'td pl?U-
     oiou6ly er;aoted ~statuteo, one of vhlchora6 A&ialO 205?, Re-
     Vised Statits   OS 19&     Artiole 2257 was mnendod in 192l by
                                                                                      .    _.   1745

        fIouse Bill 112, Chapter 24, lots 37th Le&latura,                     ‘isc;?tlar
        soosion. (See Section Xi or RouxtoBill Xo. llEi)-.                   Artiole
        i2f367, artor its amnd-ront, road a0 follower
                 “The truntoes of ‘any lndepandent school
             district   tl?at has &con, or tiiag horcrafter be
    4        lrtoorpordxxl under ~oxwol or spaoial lazs,
             for sclaool* nuroosas 0nJ.Y. shall have tile POveP                   .
             to   levy and-coilect on &nlQl                 ad va1orop -kc
            nat to exoaed ono donor on the ona %zn*ad
             dollars voluntion 02 ttvxblo propsrty of the
             fz?istdct, fcr t.20 m intor~m3 Of ss~hoolo                                   .‘.

            krareln, and a tax not to exceed fifty cents
             on the one hundred dollars for the purpobo of
            purohaoing, oonntfititiq,    repairinS, 03 o~uip-
            .ping publia free oahool bullding within the
             linits or tnzchdiatkiat., and the purchsso of
             the necobaary sites thorofor; provided, t!!t
             the snoirnt of mbintonunao tax, top3th0r with
             tho amount of bond tax of the ‘dfrstriot, sbsll
             never exoocd one dollar an the one hundred dol-
             lars valuation of tsxablo proportyt and prorid-
             ad further that no such tax ahU.l be lovied,
             and no suah bonds iaouod, until after an olao-
             tlon sball hsve bean held uharain a rajorlty
             of the taxpaying voters, voting at said eloc-
             tion, shall have voted in favor of the 10%'7ti6
             of said tax, or tha is8uana.e of said bonds, or
             both, as the c&so may beg and whlah election
             shfzll be hold in ncoordnnce 02th the oubscquent
             ooctions of this Aat.* (wsls        supplied).
                You rriu, 880 tit   the Act applied to any indsgandant
        school distrlot  vhetbar crestad by general or sppscial Ins, and
        nuthorleeo Thorlovylaq 02 a tax not to exaeod ono dollar on
        thy hundred dollars, valuation of taxable progorty.     It naoas-
        ~nrlly fol.lows, therefore,  that ‘the provisions la ?iatiso Bill
        I:o. 1X, Croat-     tha i&shorn Indopendont Sc$ool Distrlot, whioh
        limited tha total tax to fio#,~ w&6 ropealod, a.& tha inoraosed
        ton would be authorized upon a majorLty vota cant by the quali-
        riod taxpaying voters at an eleatlan hsld therefor.
                          as   ,               :       .a
                                   I   :   ,       :

                Sam B. Ml;       paae 46

               As we have heretofore zentioaod, Lrtlcle 2734 of
        t>?e 1325 revlaionis t&son frox severalpreviously ennctea
        atntutes anion& which.waa Artiole 2057, RevisedStatuteeof
        1fa.l~ GO amended.
                Art1018 2784 authorizes    ‘in lndopandent eohool die-
        tricts for the Aal.nteIlailco of echo018 t&rein, M ad v4loren
        tax, not to exceed one dollar on tho one hundred dollara~a-
        uatioa o$ ~tox+.e     yoinwty of tao dlatriot.”   You axe, there-
        forar4bGv’L9ed tlxhi?-the trustees of the NnakomIndependent
        school Mctrfot may levy k mintenazce tax or mt more thnu
        om *.ollar , =rovla&rd, of cour30, ths an.10 it3 mh0rizea   at an
        olcction.oalled   and.hqld under the provtsioasof Artloloa2784
        and 2755, Vetinonrs Annotafod Civil Statutes.
                You mntion in’yow latter Chapter 17 of t?ia Acts of
        the 4Sth’I,eiJialatwe,      Re~ulm SOS&~.     T’t~laAct valid&es
        oloctlms held in en ixzdependent schoof di&?lbt         PI;~ir!lich A '
        mi&zance       tax not to.eixt6d tl.EO 0x1each me hundr3d dol-
        lapa OS 5SSGS3ea valuationLad teon voted upon tid purported-
        ly authorbed. An exmi.mition OF this Aot roveGb Lhrt it is
        n0thh.g noax tlq -avalidntlrgkot and in no WIT attsapts to
        eutlhorize &a incrcascd tax except uhon tile asxia is hosed on &U!I
        electionbald prior to 'We puxtage of th8 Act. 3oction 2 reado
        In part 80 followg:      ‘.
                 "S8C. 2.   All:such School !)istricta,    >Le~*e
              the vote has -1mrotoforo bcsn in fnvor of IOVJ-
              lry; suah zskln%en~oo~ tax shall have t?m power
              md authorltg to low, asodsa an8 collect         tax-
             08 at not to exceed t:loIollouiq ratoa ~,cr:ozau
             luxxlred dollhra of Aaaosned valuation    of tazolle
             woporty,    to wit a

               Potatwo-,.                     advisedthat tko znahun
        =aintomnoe. tax uhioh under the i;eneral
                                               IJAWio authorigedto
        b voted and levied in an indo~endsnt iwhool distriot in ~1.00


on eaah ono hundred dollarsor ososstmd volutloa. Article
27*c, swrh

                                         Very truly gows


44                                   .
 c-R .                  .:   i

             ,      .
