< . l:j OFFICE OF THE A%TORNEY AUSTIN GENERAL OF TEXAS nmorable Sam 8. l&X colmty httorney @wriaon county . Jiuvo~, Tcuas 01 Act. ” ... and thclt tax, to- ðer ~wlth thonz~ount of bond tax &sill-ncvor wcaood 60d on P $&30.00 %alPailoa. .Tho act pr+ Vldoe for'tha oloctlons and tax luvios ati col- lootion~~ in 'the dime atumor aa 28 provldcd Par bdiit oenoral Law an Indtqandcnt 'Sohool I>:cc- . section 25 of ~thhenot provldea tnatr . . ’ 173 Q'f. . . . all lax?8 heraaftorto bo, or which may be amoted, and =bfch have for‘ their ~pO8C+ "as enlwgenont land ln- cro58* of rate of ladntoMnc0 tax or :. bon&tax, ox- maintonmco pnd bond tax, tag&her uit.h tha pner in relation to th0 aafxmmmnt mid colloctfon of taxae thorofor and ttioreof, v&&her said lau .. . or lnse bo for independent who01 dlrr- .. tricts arented tin speoidlz le~laletiva Act or under the General laws of Texas; ana. al.l.:l.iiw~, hozmftiz- to be enaatoa ~. anlari$rg and immaoIng the power5 ma . authorities oi tin0 trueteoe under the . Conera Lsws of this State, &all apply '- to andthe mxim is and heroby &all.bo auubtl.ve of this Act, and espealall~ : of Seatioaa S and 4 h4reof.I "Et :a noted t&-d In Artiolo 2857 of Vernon*s ' Ba3lm Ta~as Civil 3ito;tUteo, 1914, 8tmo balng t&a . amama acts of TQOQ,png 27, Sootion 154,,tWt th0 fXu3t%Qs Of IrK@&nd%nt School Districts a.133 s%ven pouer to low an ad valoren tax for malnto- nnnae purpOSOS#not to 6xcooa so& on 4 $100.00 ., ,. valuation, and a tax not to oxcead,25$ on 81$l00.O0 ‘valuatlcn for purcliio 02 sites and bull6l!g~o. Arti- al0 2784 OS Vornonls aioviscd civil Statutaa 1925, authorizes a zatitenmca~tax of CL00 an a $00.00 vnluation. It is notocl tha+t ~thls 1s an Act OS 1921. Ffhere is ?.krtha~.leglgiRlation 03'the 6ub'Jaot found In Vomon~s Texas Session Law Sorrioa, whre th6 49th Log.islntwe of 1943, C?&ptsr 17s Vcils?&+ ea all 85ts and procoo~s in comectio3 ~35th maintonanoe taxolectlons~ not to exoeod $l.S3 CJP oaoh $100.00 valuatian; and in Soctlon 2 author- tiss +A0 trustees to aa3.l an election raising tb.8 t+x not to ~aeod $l.SOi ,, ? , 174 .. Bonorable Sam 8. EaU, page #S ‘Section 26 of the waskom Sohool .Ltx?, provides 435r0u0w5:. l *Th is Act &all be taken notico of b’y . .* ,. all t&o oourts In th4 samo manner as the’ .Genoral Laws of this State, and It shaU be aozstruedto be oux+lativoof all of . ’ the wnerul Cave of thla State on the subjopt of, sohooLe, when not in aonflicii ’ : thoreHth, but in case of oonlllat thlis. ,_, . Act shall control, as to ths F;askon Inde- pendent sah001 imttriot, hero Orodd, and shciuJd my Seatlons OS this Aat, or . any part ,ef any se&ion or Seotions of this Act, be hold to be void and with- .’ ., out foraa or affoat, for any rea5on wh&soover by any aourt of competent jurisdiction and havi; final jdOaiO- '1 tion thereof, than the reminI.rq portions of this Act shell not bo thoroby affectedi but shsll remninin full force and efioot as thou@ the void or unenforceable par-< tlon theroof, ~if any, had not been InA L ,. oorporatoa iata this Act.’ uIt Is not&l that the tax rote 2x-ovided for ~.SI the s~oalal Aqt arat5sg the Vaskom Dlotrict warn the sane QZ)theta% rate provided for under the Genernl lax br’ t!%e Bats of. 1909, above reftirrea to.’ Artlole 2784, RevisoOCivil Stotutfq of Texas, prom via46 In part as roltws,~ “The oomissioncm caurt for the co13~01 echo01 dlstrlats in its ccunti~, asid the aifhi0t schodl trmtooa for tlx l+ago~dont school dlstriato in- .- corporoted’ for: 6oh~01 purpoi3tb only,. 0hn3.l have posor to levy and cause to be oollocted the an- nual taxes and ta losue the bonds h&oin &&or- l.Zea, subjoat ~to tha follot;~ provlslo~t “1. In oommon oahod d&&riots, for’. the fU-- tboy-ndnttmanoa of publla Sroo achoolts and t?o . . ., : ..’ ..’ . : ,; ,’ : ,! .’ : ._ IV’ ‘. ereation and equipmoat of eahool build&e, therain, a agocial TV; end in lndctpsntisnt dl6triats for the Psintenanae of schoo~a thf~rcin, an od valoram tax, not to exceed .’ one dolls on the ona hmdrad dollars valua- tion 02 tazabao property of tho diotrict. “2. In QO~MOnchool and ir?dopandont dis- triats, tar. the purchase, aonstruatlon, re- , pair and equipment of public fieo sahool build-6 withIn t??&liaits of such distriots and the purchase of the necaso~ry sites there-. ’ .. for, a tar note to excood r1St.y cent6 on the one hunckw3 dollsrs valuation, such tax to bo for tho pupant of the oura?ont lntereet on: ” and provide a slnliln~ farid stiMctant to pafr the prlnolpal .oi bonds vhiah said dl6triota ,I 8x0 oclpaverod t.0 isaw for 8uch purpoeos. "3. The iixlount OS z!lalntcnanoe tax, to- Gother with tho axount of bond’tnx ol any dlotrtat, eh6ll noveP oxoeod one dollar on the one bundrad dollarn v6luatloa of tax6bl.e~ property; and IS the rate of *bond tnx, to- aether with the ra’;o of mal~tenance tax voted .~., in the district, s!dl at q the exceed one dollar on the one hw%%‘od dollcmi valuation, ouch bond tar 6haU operate to ra&ce ‘*he tmfntenmao tax to the difference botzean ~“’ the rata or tho bond tax ana one dollar. ” ‘4. ITo tax shall bo lavlod, collected, abrogated, dininia?md, or increased, and no t bond% sh611 be is6uod horeundar, until such aotion has been authorized by a majority ol! tke votes cast at an elootion hsld ia the ! district for 6uc+ ~urpoee, at uhloh none i but property tsx; yayin;; qualiffod voters ;. of such diatrfot &aLl be untitlad to voto.“, ‘i APtiOlU 2724 W88 oodlfled in 1925 fro9 8aytX'td pl?U- oiou6ly er;aoted ~statuteo, one of vhlchora6 A&ialO 205?, Re- Vised Statits OS 19& Artiole 2257 was mnendod in 192l by 2 1 . . . _. 1745 fIouse Bill 112, Chapter 24, lots 37th Le&latura, ‘isc;?tlar soosion. (See Section Xi or RouxtoBill Xo. llEi)-. Artiole i2f367, artor its amnd-ront, road a0 follower “The truntoes of ‘any lndepandent school district tl?at has &con, or tiiag horcrafter be 4 lrtoorpordxxl under ~oxwol or spaoial lazs, for sclaool* nuroosas 0nJ.Y. shall have tile POveP . to levy and-coilect on &nlQl ad va1orop -kc nat to exoaed ono donor on the ona %zn*ad dollars voluntion 02 ttvxblo propsrty of the fz?istdct, fcr t.20 m intor~m3 Of ss~hoolo .‘. krareln, and a tax not to exceed fifty cents on the one hundred dollars for the purpobo of purohaoing, oonntfititiq, repairinS, 03 o~uip- .ping publia free oahool bullding within the linits or tnzchdiatkiat., and the purchsso of the necobaary sites thorofor; provided, t!!t the snoirnt of mbintonunao tax, top3th0r with tho amount of bond tax of the ‘dfrstriot, sbsll never exoocd one dollar an the one hundred dol- lars valuation of tsxablo proportyt and prorid- ad further that no such tax ahU.l be lovied, and no suah bonds iaouod, until after an olao- tlon sball hsve bean held uharain a rajorlty of the taxpaying voters, voting at said eloc- tion, shall have voted in favor of the 10%'7ti6 of said tax, or tha is8uana.e of said bonds, or both, as the c&so may beg and whlah election shfzll be hold in ncoordnnce 02th the oubscquent ooctions of this Aat.* (wsls supplied). You rriu, 880 tit the Act applied to any indsgandant school distrlot vhetbar crestad by general or sppscial Ins, and nuthorleeo Thorlovylaq 02 a tax not to exaeod ono dollar on thy hundred dollars, valuation of taxable progorty. It naoas- ~nrlly fol.lows, therefore, that ‘the provisions la ?iatiso Bill I:o. 1X, Croat- tha i&shorn Indopendont Sc$ool Distrlot, whioh limited tha total tax to fio#,~ w&6 ropealod, a.& tha inoraosed ton would be authorized upon a majorLty vota cant by the quali- riod taxpaying voters at an eleatlan hsld therefor. as , : .a :I I : , : . 177 ilonsrabla Sam B. Ml; paae 46 As we have heretofore zentioaod, Lrtlcle 2734 of t>?e 1325 revlaionis t&son frox severalpreviously ennctea atntutes anion& which.waa Artiole 2057, RevisedStatuteeof 1fa.l~ GO amended. Art1018 2784 authorizes ‘in lndopandent eohool die- tricts for the Aal.nteIlailco of echo018 t&rein, M ad v4loren tax, not to exceed one dollar on tho one hundred dollara~a- uatioa o$ ~tox+.e yoinwty of tao dlatriot.” You axe, there- forar4bGv’L9ed tlxhi?-the trustees of the NnakomIndependent school Mctrfot may levy k mintenazce tax or mt more thnu om *.ollar , =rovla&rd, of cour30, ths an.10 it3 mh0rizea at an olcction.oalled and.hqld under the provtsioasof Artloloa2784 and 2755, Vetinonrs Annotafod Civil Statutes. i You mntion in’yow latter Chapter 17 of t?ia Acts of the 4Sth’I,eiJialatwe, Re~ulm SOS&~. T’t~laAct valid&es oloctlms held in en ixzdependent schoof di&?lbt PI;~ir!lich A ' mi&zance tax not to.eixt6d tl.EO 0x1each me hundr3d dol- lapa OS 5SSGS3ea valuationLad teon voted upon tid purported- ly authorbed. An exmi.mition OF this Aot roveGb Lhrt it is n0thh.g noax tlq -avalidntlrgkot and in no WIT attsapts to eutlhorize &a incrcascd tax except uhon tile asxia is hosed on &U!I electionbald prior to 'We puxtage of th8 Act. 3oction 2 reado In part 80 followg: ‘. . "S8C. 2. All:such School !)istricta, >Le~*e the vote has -1mrotoforo bcsn in fnvor of IOVJ- lry; suah zskln%en~oo~ tax shall have t?m power md authorltg to low, asodsa an8 collect tax- 08 at not to exceed t:loIollouiq ratoa ~,cr:ozau luxxlred dollhra of Aaaosned valuation of tazolle woporty, to wit a tlm-efore,further Potatwo-,. advisedthat tko znahun =aintomnoe. tax uhioh under the i;eneral IJAWio authorigedto b voted and levied in an indo~endsnt iwhool distriot in ~1.00 178 -. on eaah ono hundred dollarsor ososstmd volutloa. Article 27*c, swrh Very truly gows Assiitmt 44 . @. c-R . .: i .: , . .