:ion.320. 2. ;i:sppmi, pat;e12
93. The a#seasora of tares,shall furnish said
board on the first Monday in May of eaoh year, or
as soon thereafter as praotieable, a aertifled l&?t
Or DSDeS Or al FWQi&# .,xhO6ith6X r6rU89 t0 WW
or.to .qualifyor to have signed the oath requW&-
by law, together with the a8sessnNnt of said ~&n8e
progert~ made by hirs.
through 'othex i.nftirmatien~+itd
said board shell examine, equalize and oorreotasnese-
menta 80 made by the assessor, an4 whem ao rsriee$,
ewaliead and aorreated, the,~semerhall.be approved.*
"fIereafterwhen any pereon, rim or oorporetlan
renders his, their or ita property in this Statefor
taxatibn to any tax aseeaoor,,and makes oath ,a8 to the
kind, character, Quality and ~QuarM.tyOf suoh property,
and the eaia 0rriOer. aooept$KqeaL&rendSion sronleueh
perscm,,fira or corponation of suoh prqx3rty ie satisriea
that it Is oorreotly ,sndproper&y value& aoeoralng ~4% the
reasonable aash market value'of such property on the
marke~tat the tlma of Its rendition, he shall list the
same aeeordingly; but,,if'the assessor Ir satisfied that
the value is b~elovthe reasonable eash.narket ,valueoi
suoh property, he obll at 0808 pla~,oa~6ai~:lraabltl~n
opposite eaob pieae of property so render&an amount
equal to the reasonable oaah market value of auoh property
at the tQ#e of.ite rend&.ti.on, and if ~suah property shall
betr0wd .to,havo~no market value by suoh srticer then at
sueh .sumaa ridd,ofrisa shall deda the real or hrinsio
value or the p?opertgg sn4 i&~tbe +?wm Iiatin$cstreh.prop-
eztyor,the wner thereof le aot satistied wtth-~thevalue
plsoed on tbs property by tha ~eseeasotbhe shall:so aotlfy
the ps6easor;end Ii'desirlng so to do.make oath beroro
the~aaseeaar ,that thh~'valuwXoon80 ri2F4k+ by 8aid .0rsmr
on said property ie exoee8los~ 8neh tmic82 iberurnlrh
suah rendition, together with-h18 valuation thereon and
the oath,of suqh person,:rira or off~ioer.ofanyoorpora-
tion, if any ouoh oath has.been rmds; bo the ooruniseloners'
co*urtof the county in which.said:.renditionwas made,
w?li& oo\irtshall hear evidenoa snd determine the true
value of auoh ~property on January Pirst, 1Q (here give
year for wkia? assesatilentis &made)aa’F5 3-x provided;
suc:~offlaer or court sha3.i take into consideration
'. property could !;avabeen eolA for any titlewithin what
said six
next before the first day of January of the year
far w:.iicYthe property is roxiered."
L -.-
xon . Gee. H. Sheppard, paed 13
Alwale 7818 Of v. a. c. 8. of Texea declaresr
"The boards of equalization ehall hav~epox&r, and
It it3made their offioial duty, to sup~vvltlethe asses8-
aant oi their respelrtlveoouhtiles,and, Ii eatisfled
that t&e ralutatlanot say property is not in aaoordanoe
with the lawa of the State, to lnammsa ax dfainish the
mme and to afYix a proper valucatioathoreta, a6 pmvlded
for la the preoeding emticleg and, whsn say ~msess3r in
thla State 8Ul.l hape ,iurnlohedseid oourt rLth the rendi-
tion as provided for ,fnthe preoedw artLsle, it shall
be the~duty oi suah awrt to ~oall beiore It aueb. person8
6s in Its &zdgment say know the market Value or true value
of auoh property, m the ease may be, by proper promas,
who shall teatlfy u&da: oath the uharasfer, qt&ity snd
quentlty of suoh pmpstxty, as Ppellas the value thereof,
said aourt, tiftexReariog the evidanae, ahall,fix the
value or m&i property In acoordahae with the eridqnce
80 introduced and ,1t6 provided ror in t$e preaeding
axtiale; and thslt astim in auoh oaas ox eatsea shall
be flual.*
Mtiale 7816 of V. A. C. S. of Texas presorlbes the
oath whfoh the members or the eomraiaaioners aourt mast take
when that bmxt oenve&ee 48 a board of ,equrlioation,aad is
a6 follews~
*mm a eom&eioners court convems es a board or
~equaUsatiort,,be@re oonsidering the aubjeot of equallza-
tioa of property .vaMeu f@r the pwpasee o~~IJ&xet?&an,
eeah mwber of the oourt, inoluding the,.aountyjudge,
shall bakesand atib~eoribe t4 the fo~llowinac6etbr : !I.
, a 0r
mestber~~ the-bQavd 0r ~siuof,i-
tation ,of' f%untp, tor the,year A9 b.
hevbbvYsofbM1~ 81oav that. in the Dsrfornumor of EW au='
as a ii&birqor‘ mob beard ior said +r, I wi.ilnot-vote
to allow"auy taxable property to stand aaecsaed oo,~the
tax rolls or.sa%d oounty for said year.at any sum uhlah I
believe to be less.than its true asark& value, or, If It has
50 msrket value, then its real value; that I will faithfully
endesvor'and as a member of said board willlaove to have eaoh
iternor taxable property whioh I ~believe to be assessed for
said year at less than its true market value, or real value,
raised on the tax rolle to what I believe to be it-e true cash
market value, if it has a oarket value, and Lf not, then b
its reel value; and that I will faithfull9sudaavorto have the
Gf30.F. Shepprd, paged 14
real 'eatdiea@ 4.&TQvsruntothereon oub~~ot tQ +uat1on,
lyln&'in ad.(l~~osUnby, bbtt nay ~be~~render$dtag 016ior "
ttixabienb~y'anyeerporatlon a ln4lrldual, OF by ,thrir
agytib 4~. repl&dtritWiVd,&a iklly~hd laaybe~pradtloable,
end that I will, aa fully a8 ie praotloable, riew and
Insbeet al;L'
other~te%able property In said oounty ren-
dezyd to at3as aforesaid; that I will to the best of
my ability m~akea true esttite oi the aash value, the
market value of such property, if suoh property has a
@larkatvaltle,and,ti it has no'ma~ket value, then bhe
real value of all euah property, both xeal and personal,
on the firs% day of January next proowiing; and that I
;:on.Sec. Ii.;heph'erd,pqu 15
will mice up and attach to eaoh aseassmeut sheet made
up and aworn to by the ~&aidpropsrty ownera, their
agente or repreeentatfves, a txue arreeawacmtand velua-
tlon of said property, tngether with a mtmoranba of
all facts whioh I si.ay
L-0. bsaring upon the valus of
said tamb1.e property, and that X w&l1 make nil.poaalbls
inquiry oelatlve .bothe true value of suoh propert;r~
and thet I will attadh aaid raawrrandaand statmmnt of
faots that f may asoortain 88 aforseaid to the said
asseesmnt she&a of the respeotive property onnersb
That I have read and urpderstendthe several provisions
of the Constitution and law of thie State relative
to thhevaluatioa of CarabZe property, and that I will
faithfully do,and psrforspeverg duty reendzwct of ~6
es tex &BB~SIIOF (or. depuby tnx s.messor ) , by khe Oans~l-
tution end laws of thie State. So help me f&d.*. TM0
oath shU1 be administered by the oounty alericand shall
ba in brzplioats;the orLia;inalshall be by the clerk
riled and reoorded in t&e reooa?d#aof the amnty, and
the dupbieate shall bo retainad by the assessor, OF
the bepity, aa tha oasq may bei+ (tit. Tt14, Vernon*0
4b. aiv. stab.,Texas)
?urtlmmaw, as throwing additional light.upon'
the d&let of the t8x aeaesss% Andyeol2eator, when.hs assssaos
property for tam&ion; wo m.mfer.to Artlole 7822 of V*rnon*a
Annotated Oiril Statute8 of Te?.aa,whLah provldesl
*AH. 78818..me 88688sor of tarea ahall,.on or
bsiare the Clpst bay of Aqprrt of esoh year far :.whloh
bhe na~arenmnt is medo, retarn ,hisroll,s,or aaslo8mont
books of the taxable pxoprty rendered ta htn or ltsted
by him for that year6 after they'have been -de in
eooordmae ulth the g@~risians of this titls (Title lea)
to the oounty board of egualieatlon, veirified bf hie
afftdavit, substantially on the followlug form
'The atate of Tera8,
“1, azm38sor of
oounty, do solemnly swear that the rolls (or booke) t
which this is attached contain a oorreot and full l.isz
of the real and oersonal cronertu subleat to taxation