, 78
honorable Gee. II. Uheppard
CorqMollor of Publio Aooountm
Au0 tin ) rexar
ooor &r. sbeppardr _. .’
a. Prwlded furthor that
lots ooqwising nine
ro mllca or more of terri-
that school districts
squnro uilos nncl have an occreUtc;l high
~ohool or sixteen (la) unita or ffiorc)ahicb
80170 tcnchor training institutions a8 proc-
tic0 tcachinp: laboratorios, shall rcoeito
high soboo tuition paytcnt OP Goron Dollars
ml Fifty Cants ($7.50) por pupil per mmth
on all Ugh school pupils cnuszoratadia said
dietrtotsfi provided further, that such aid
Eonorablo 0eor U, Obeppml - page P
shall mot ~xoeed tbo budp,otq naeds of,aaid
dlstriots as indicated by the approval OP tAe
gtote Suporlntendcut of Fublio Instruation or
l,b&Dircotor of Plqualiratlon, and provided that '. "
such ald shall bo paid upon 6uuab approval and l
such approval only reprdlesa or all otbor
l.inxltationo,roetrlotlons or prorisionr iaposed :
in thou Aot to tbo extont,.for tbo purporo an&
in Ure MMOC cot forth in thlo lcntcnoe. ‘Ihr
proriaions of scotion 1, Art1010 1 of UouOO _
uill lie. 284 pasaod at the RCgUlaP 6ar~ion of
the Forty-oevontb bcgielature aa-0 not lpplio8blo .
to tho aiQ granted in thi8 lootion. . .
‘@Ali laws and part8 0C laum in oonfliot
herewith aro harcby expressly ropsaled, and
particularly such portions of Bootim 1 of Arti-
ala IV of said nouee Mill 20. 2iMr Forty-smentb
Leglolnturo as mar be in Oo&llot. bareuith; how-
mar, budgotmy need uurt bo 8bown before aid
eh+ll be grantad,-
, .
&tot&on la ot Artiolo 1 protldost
whoridod further that school dirtriots
whoa0 arca 40~18 not e~OOcrl e%XtOCn (16) equare
tilce md hare an accredited higla school ot #lx-
toen (la) unita.or mom, which nerve teacher .
training tnatitutlons 80 practiea teaching
laboratories, aball roaoire biuh school tuition
paye;ont from tho moniooo appropriated in thlr
Aat of Suvm Dollars and cEifty Cent8 ($7.50) par
pupil por month on all bQb school pt~pilr enunmr-
at&d in aaid distrlcteI prmidod further that
mob aid shall not uoaed tho budgetary needa
or aaid districts au indlaatod by the npproral
of tlro&tat0 Suporintcndcnt of'l%iblia Instructloll
or &he nircotor of Er,uollzntlon, and provided
that such aid shall 10 paid upon such approval
and such approval only, re@wdlces of all otbor
limitations, restriotions or prwimionn lngosed
in thim Act to the axtont, for tha purpo.eo, and
in the mnner mot forth in th is lentanca,.if -
bwlgetorf need OOII be shown therof or, and pro-
vided rurtblssi that in oonrolidatOd dirtriot
Yonorbblo 4e04 IIe ohoppud - page 8
o o mp r uing
nineh u ndr ed( 9 00
lq) unr s
oAlc 5 o r
more of torritoq a etrole;ht tuition payment
of mvan Dollnrta nnd Mfty Cent8 (fj7.fio) per - ~,,
month per pupil sball.bs pnld on all blEh
school pupils enUmorstod In the consolidnted
distrlot and lirinr: ritUn the present bounda-
ries of any territory annexml or otberwlso con- .
5olidAed to tbo osntral raoelrinx bl@ sclrool,
and can sbsw budgotnry nocd thercror~ Provided
further tbat tho oa~lss~m llmitatlons am to soho-
lastio population tar eligibility herein eat‘
tort& shall Dot apply for any ty,pe of oia to
any rohool dlstrlot, rhicb 1s nine (8) milor
or more in lenprth and aoscsses and oollaots
One Dollar and rbirt~-t%Te CUIlt@ ( i.%S) &U
on eaob one lnmlracl dollar5 raluat on, and oan
who8 budgetary need therefor,.
Artiou 10 at aloh Aat protideaiu part1 *
l. . . ws Aot shsii tabi eWPeot end
be ln,rorae frosi mxl after September 1, 1943..
. . . .- .*
In ties of the prwid&n of Art1010 ln, the A0t _ '.
does not take orfoot until *from and after lleptembor 1,
1943.5 Rudco Oil a:00s g. v* Lemnastcr, f4a 8. 1. (2)
805. ---
tt is si3ttled that a atatuto will not be oon-
struod to operate rctrospectirsl~, unless ito terms show
clcqrl~ a legislatiro intention that it should bore that
orrcct. It is nlrays prcsured that statutos are to oper-
at0 prospectlroly, and 011 doubts ars rauolred In fnror
of auob construction. &erc&zn burotx CF. Y. AQgm. zra
uorkn, 29 8. U* (2) 403, rw.
-- (Corn. AppT in S.r.(2) 7141
CO. Tr I;sUkr?n_CO., 69 ToX. 172, 6 6. We 4311
&&fiji%Tcrroll, 118 %ix. 1530, 284 8* I. r?49f Iii-m.
5, f. %, 50 Tax. Sill Alollln~ v'i s. $- Iloaston,
(Tsx.) 3 11. I l 84Q8 Yichlta Palls. 5 g. &. se Y l Lindla,
143 se we (a) rnal gursor v4 po_ob, z4b 01 1. (n) ota~ 50
Qb d* 1160. I ,-,> ~. .’ ,,. >
Omiousl~, sootion la of Artlole 1 bns only 8 .
prospcotiro oporation ihat in, it luthorirem tho pay-
,aont8 spooifitd only i or tenths oaourrinr: nfter tha et-
lcotlro data of the Aot. Beotioa lb does net difPer-
fro& section la in thts mapoat. Both seotinns author-
iae *high school tuition poymnt of Beven DOllsrs and
af ty Cohtb por pupil par uont)l.m 8ootion .lb is not
mds applioablo in tarme to months prooodlng the offoot-
lse date at Wuso DLll 178,
lo is, or oourso, irus that sootion lb amends
Uouso lill.284j 47th Le~lslatUrS~ the Rursl Aid T&T oper-: ;:
ativo durin& the current bionntutng nut tlio foot tbat it
is an anoncltlcntdoom not authorize a oonstruotion attrib-.
uting to it a retrospective operation. Original prods- .; .
ions appearing in au amended oot sro to be rcjiarded as
harinp boon law minoo they wore onootecl, rhilo mu pro-
visions are to bo construed as onactcd at tbo tiu:e the.
amoniiuout took effaot, &cricnn mrot~&. _sfx. 1, f.
&A311 :d*, 120 Tex. ma, of-3s. lr. (2) 710 sh*l
~~kvla lndawndcnt
E&no1 SatriOt, 2DO L-r. i%.T'IIn .
aoco~diioo with thogoneral rules applioable to lagisla-
tire enaotumts, unliks roqulrod ihCxpress terms Gr br
am implioatioa, an amcndatory aot will be oonstrued .
proepeotiroly sad not rotrospoctivol~. 00 s* J. lYsl-
ll22. &M in every osme of doubt, tbo doubt must be
solved agalost tho retrospectire 0Pfeot. a? gb 3* 1161. - .
If m attempt to give to Sootion lb a ratro-
spootlve construction, WC aro at onoe oanSronted with
tlro question; For shst nuobor ot mnths prior to tha
effoctivo data @T Uouse Sill 176 art) the pnynents anthor-
ized to De mdef The swtlon doom not speciff the period,
nor t&rough the proocss oC oonetruotion con it lo doter-
DL1ned with rensonsblo omtninty. In such’O~s8~ to say
that tho seotioa oporatos rotrospeotirely, requires that
it bo oomlcmmd for want OP ocrtalnty, ona bqonuse it
liolatos ArtiOle 8, sOotiOn S Of th0 COnStitU$iOn, rc-
qufring sspooifio~ npproyriatlons* This section oontrols
the purpose and the auiount of expenditures from tho oppro-
priatloa ~iail0in tb8 AOt. lmtainly, a prorinion wbicb
Woote tile oxponcliture of monies from tbo troaoury in a.
oortain amount Sor meaob month*, but fails to afford a
standard by which the Ikonths for rhiolk thn payments are .
to be ma&oOM b b lsoerta%ned with r~sOn#iDle~ oertainty,
1 .
no *
lrpoairlQ~, wit&n the Banning of &UOlO 2, oeo-
Yonorable 4480. II..Sheppard * page II
Ibe loquag,e used by the Buproma Court OS
toxns in gp_qk~a~ *a vO i;rufman COG, aitd uupra, is
spplioabl. hcrsa
lle qould hnie bann easy for the
Lo.gLslaturo, by the us0 of apt words, to .
hare umds the prntisLon8 spplicahle to
past as well as future oaats~ but no suoh
rordi appear in tbe lOt.@
#cobato not overlooked the rule that a prorls-
ion oT an sot will not be p;lv?n s Ccnatruotion rhich will
renilcr Lt aqbtorj, or pier8 surplusa~o, if another con-
struction om reasonably bc placed upon it. Tbi. rule,
hcwwor, doos not authorize or rowire that x0 imiul~o im
IA wro mess at the le~lslotire intenticn OS to retro-
mpeotito cperntion, rhcra the language us.4 is so tmccr- : .
tata that mithtr the intent thnt it nhculd operate retro-
spcctlvoly, nor tho period rl~lclt ifs rotrcspcottra opera-
tion, if any, should oo~or, 0011 ronronalaly bo determined
rrom the language used.
You mre therefore ad?iaed that Seation lb does *
not autlloriro the payrsents doncrib& therein to br, ssds
for months prior t.0 tho efPsotive jato OF,Nouse Bill lrb.
~ ,”
. very truly y6ur.