Hon. J. D. Looney opiniori lpo. 04388 1 County Auditor Rar: Bnploym~nt of additionaldeputiesand Bode County clerks in Bowie'Countywhile regulardeputies Boston,Texas and clerks are on vacation, Dear Sir: '. Your requestfor'opiuionhas been receivedand carefullycon- sideredby this department.We quote from your requestas follows: "WhereSteno'sand Deputiestakes a vacationforgoneor Two Weeks, is the Countyliablefor expensefor extra help to carry on their work during their absence?" 'Article39G2, Vernon'sAnnotatedTexas Civil Statutes,reads inpart as follows: uWheneverany district,county or precinctofficer shall.require the serricesof deputies,assistantsor clerks in the performanceof his duties~heshall apply to t&County Commissioners' Court of his county for author- ity to appointsuch deputies ; ,ass%stantsor clerks,stat- ing by sworn applicationthe nmber needed,the position to be filled and the amnmtto be paid. Said application shall be accompaniedby a statementshoeingthe probable receiptsfron fees, cdssioz~ and compensationto be collectedby said office duringthe fiscalyear and the probabledisburs~ents which shall includeall salaries and expensesof said office3and said ccnrt shall make its order authorisingthe appointmentof such deputies,as- sistantsand clerksand fix the caapensationto be paid then withinthe linitationshereinprescribedand deter- nine the numberto be appointedas in the discretionof said courtlnaybeproper;providedthat in~no case shall the Commissioners' Court or anynember thereofattsanpt to influencethe appoinbnentof any personas deputy,as- sistantor clerk in any office. Uponthe entry of such order the officersapplying, for suchassistants,deputies or clerksshsll be authoriaedto appointtheta;provided that said compensationshall not exceed the na&mau amount hereinafterSethout. The compensationwhich may be allowed to the deputies,assistantsor clerksabove naned for their servicesshall be a reasonableone, not to exceed the fol- lowing snlountsr. . .n Hon. J. D. Looney,page 2 (O-5388) We quote from Opinionlo. O-l&l of this departmentas followsr "We are unable to find any statutedealingwith the sub-, ject of vacationsamong counti officials. The same is true of deputies,assistantsor other employeesauthorisedto per- form servicesunder the principalof any public office,with the etieptionof Ai-title 1583b, Penal Code of Texas,1925, which providesthat every regularly assigned jailer, jail guard, or jail matron at any county jail in any city of more than twenty-fivethousand(25,000)inhabitantsshall be allowed fifteen (15;) days vacation, in each year with pay, not more than two (2) members to be on vacationat the sametime. %xmnissionersCourts are courtsof generaljurisdiction when actingwithin the sphere of the powers and duties confer- red upon thmu, however,they are courts of limitedjurisdiction in that their authorityextendsorilyto matterspertainingto the generalwelfare of their respectivecountiesand that their powers are only those expresslyor impliedlyconferredupon them by law -- that is, by the Constitutionand statutesof the State. 11 Tex. Jur. para. 37, p. 564. "The law imposesupon each electiveofficialof a county certaindutiesconnectedwith his offioewhich he is obligated to faithfullydischargeand perform. He is responsiblefor cer- tain acts of his deputies;and in the matter of attendingto and performingthe duties of his office,the law holds him re- sponsible. Kany dutiesconnectedwith a public officemust necessarilybe performedby olericalworkers and assistants, who consequently perform their duties solelyunder the direction of the principalin office. Especiallyis this true where their dutiesare not regulatedby statute. "The status of the various deputies,assistantsor clerks, as providedin the above-quotedstatute,are varied. ,Sheriff deputies,constabledeputiesand all county clerk deputiesare consideredpublic officers. In a true sense, they performgov- ernmentalfunctions,and where their duties are not prescribed or regulatedby statute,they performa public service,sharing the~responsibility of officewith theirprincipal. Such offi- cers stand on a footingdifferentfrom mere countyemployees-- the servicesand employmentof the formerbeing authorizedby law, the latterbeing based upon contractwith the conmissioners COUI”L "An examinationof the acts of the variouslegislaturesfor severalyears past disclosesthat the generalappropriation bill provisions,as affectingState mriployees,permit twelve (12) working day vacations,when agreed to betweenthe officialand Hon. J. D. Looney,page 3 (O-5388) his enrployees.If it can be said that the State has adopted~apolicy of allowingpaid,vacations, a law which requiresa public officerto serve a year beforebeing allowedsuch vacationwould, in our opinion,contravene such declaredpolicy, deprivingthe governmentoftbetter and more efficientservice,which is the only principle upon which such vacationscan be sustained. "Such matters of generaloffice routineor mode in which a public officer,with the help.ofhis authorized deputies,assistantsand clerks,performsthe duties'of his office,where not regulatedby statute,are not vested in the ccezmissionerscourt. We cannothelp but view the matter of regulationof hours ,andvacationsof public offi- cers in all governmentaland politicalunits of the govem- ment as being solely-oneof executive,adninistrative~dis- cretion,~subjedt to be withdrawnorcontrolledby the Leg- islature. "Vacationsare closelyidentifiedwith generaladnin- istrativepowers vested in the holder of a public office. The only principleupon which vacationsare permitted,inso- far as a declaredpolicy of the governmentwould authorize same, appearsgroundedon a settledpolicy of employeesor public officersenteringinto an agreementwith their depart- mental or.officehead, under the latter'ssupervisionand direction. "As vacationsdirectlyaffectthe dischargingof the dutiesof a particularoffice,the responsibility for which reposesin the principalof such office,the Commissioners Court, being nowise chargedwith such responsibility, would not be authorized,in the absenceof legislativeauthority, to assume controland attemptto regulatethe same. "It is, therefore,the opinionof this departmentthat the commissionerscourt of a countydoes not have the au- thorityto pass an order providingthat no vacationswith pay shall be allowedany mnployeesof the county or deputiesor assis'tantsof county officersuntil and unless such persons have been mnployedfor a period of one year. Such order,be- ing beyond the scope of power and authorityvested in the CoznzissionersCourt, is ultra vires and void." We quote from OpinionNo. O-1876 of this departmentas follrms: "You are respectfullyadvisedthat it is the opinionof this departmentthat the county clerk has the authorityto pay a deputyhis regularsalary during the absenceof'such deputyfrom eaploymentdue to sicknessor vacationfor a rea- sonablelength of time." Hon. J. D. Looney,page 4 (O-5388) We encloseherewithcopies of OpinionsNos. O-l&l and O-1876. OpinionNo. 04620 of this ~p@$wpt holds that the countyattorney of Walker County,Texas,has no authorityto eplploya stenographerand pay her a salaryas an authorizedexpenseout of his fees of office. This opinion definesthe term "stenographer.*' OpinionNo. O-1874 of this department, holds that when the countyattor- ney of LibertyCounty,Texas, ccmplieswith Article 3902, V.A.C.S.,a l'clerkn maybe appointedfor such county attorney. OpinionNo. O-1930 of this departmentholds that neitherthe county attorneynor the commissioners' court has any statutoryauthorityto employa stenographerfor the countyattorneyof Johnson County,Texas, and pay for same out of countyfunds. This opinionfurtherholds that the commissioners' court of~JohnsonCounty,Texas, a salary county,having a populationin excessof 20,000 inhabitantsaccordingto the last precedingFederalCensus,may author- ize the employmentof a stenographerby the county judge and pay for such serv- ices out of the generalfund of the~countyto an amount not to exceedTwelve HundredDollars ($1200.00)per year. OpinionNo. O-4776 of this departmentholds that the commissioners' court of sectorCounty,Texas, a fee county,having a populationof less than 20,000 inhabitantsaccordingto the last precedingFederalCensus,could not employa stenographerfor the county judge or the conmissionerscourt, This opinionholds howeverthat the ccmmissi~ners~ court of Ector County could au- thorizethe county judge of such countyto appointa clerk. We encloseherewithcopies of OpinionsNos. o-1620,O-187& O-1930 and O-4776. Subdivision(a) of Section13 of Article3912e, Vernon'sAnnotated Texas Civil Statutes,applicableto countieshaving a populationof 20,000in- habitantsor.moreand less than 190,000inhabitants,accordingto the last pre- cedingFederalCensus,is applicableto Bowie County,Texas, a countywithin the above populationbrackets,and said subdivisionreads as follows: "The ccmmissionerslcourt may authorizethe employmentof a stenographerby the countyjudge and pay for such servicesout of the generalfund of the county to an amount not to exceed Twelve Hundred ($1200.00)Dollarsper year." It is our opinionthat the only stenographerauthorizedby law for any Bowie County officialis the stenographerfor the county judge described in the next above quoted subdivision,No stenographercould be.employedby any county officialof Bowie County exceptfor the county judge. The sum of $1200.00per annum is the limit which could be paid to the Bowie CountyJudge's stenographer.It is also discretionary with the ccaunissioners' court of Bowie County as to whetherthey will authorizethe county judge to employ such steno- graph-. Hon. J. D. Looney,page 5 (O-5388) It is our opinionthat it is discretionary with the commissioners' court as to whether it will authorizethe employmentof extra or additional deputies,assistantsand clerksfor the various countyofficialsduring the time the regulardeputies,assistantsand clerksmay be on vacations. In the absenceof authorizationof the canmissioners court as outlinedby Arti- cle~3902,V.A.C.S.,supra, such extra help could not be paid for from the Officers'Salary Fund of the county. On the other hand if properlyauthor- ized by the conanissioners~court under Article 3902, V.A.C.S.,supra, such additionaldeputies,clerksand assistantswould be entitledto be paid from the Officers'Salary Fund of your county. Very truly yours, ATTOEEEYGENE&U,OF TEEAS By /s/ Wm. J. Fanning Wm. J, Fanning,Assistant @PROVEDJUN 24, 19b3 /s/ Grover Sellers FIBSTASSISTANTATTOBliEYGEEERAL &PlZOi'EDt OPINiON' C-TEE BP: BWB,.QIAIIWLN WF:dbrwb Enclosures
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion