OFFICE OF THE All-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Mrs. Ella.Mae Murphy, Member State Board of Ffalrdressersand Cosmetologis Austin, Texas DearMadam rprets masn presentationof pro- to the holder of a I i license held by said persbn '~eoomes void a nd can no longer be renewedr and should the holder of'same desire to work in r Texas he ~I.11be required to 1takethe ,&ate Board Examination to .secuma license. "In other words cw~ interpretationis that a person,granteda non-resident license at .thlstImeerr must renew same on August31st,, 1943 and~recelve. a 1943-43.lloenseand shoula the war termlnate~ prior ~toAugust 31str 1944, said ren&wal~llcense would be void, and said licensee be required to take the examination." Mrs. l&a Mae Murphy, page 2 House Bill lI0.223, Acts of the 48th Legislature, Regular Se&Son, 1943, reads as follows: "H. B. No. 223 'AN ACT "amendingSection 14, Chapter 116, House Bl&l No. 189, Acts of the Regular Session of the Forty-fourth Legislature,so as to provide for the Issuance of a Texas license to non-residenthairdressers and cosmetologistsunder certain circumstancesfor a-. set fee; providing for reciprocityof other States; also amending Se&ion 18, Chapter 116, House Bill lo. 189, Acts of the Regular Session of the Forty- fourth Legislature,a8 amended by Section l,,Chapter 469, Rouse Bill No. 127, Acts of the Second Called . ~S~sslon of the Forty-fourthLegislature,providing a renenal license shall be given to certalnpersona'. under certain clroumstances;and declaringan emer-. gency. 'B&T ENACTED BY &R IZ+ISIATURROF TRE STATE OF-TEXAS: "Section 1. Section 14, Chapter ,116, House Bill Ho. 169, Acts of the Regular Session of the Forty-fourthLegislature,is hereby amended so as to read hereafter as follows: ~rSeatl.on 14. Bon-residenthairdressersor cosmetologistsvi11 be granted a Texas 'license,which upon compllanoewith all provisions of this Act shall extend for the duration of the present war and nat- ional emerge.n~~, upon presentationof an applica- tion for a license which shall be accompaniedby a health certificateas required of all applicants, includinga Wassermann or other laboratorytests, a license from any other State which is up to date, and a fee of Ten Dollars ($lO), Provided that .the requirementsof such other.State of an applicant for examination shall be equal to and as stringent as the requirementsof the State of Texas for an applicant for examination,and providing that such other State shall grant equal privileges to holders Mrs. Ella Mae Murphy, page 3 of a Texas lS~enserl "Sec. 2. Section 18, Chapter 116, House Bill No. ltiv of the Regular Session of the Forty- fourth Legislature,as amended by Section 1, Chap- ter 469, House Bill No. 127, A&s of the Second Call- ed Session of the Forty-fourthLegislature,is here- by amended so as to hereafter read as follows: s¶Section 18. 9he first certificateof regls- tratlon and license shall be valid until August 3X, 1936. Thereafterno certificateor license shall be issued for a longer period than one year and shall. expire on the thirty-firstday of August of the year for which they are issued unless renewed prior to that date. The holder of an expired certificate or license may have said certificateor license res- .toredwithin one year after the date of expiration, upon the payment of the required renewal fee and satisfactoryproof of this or her qualificationsto resume practice; however, the holder of a oertifi- cate or license on or sinoe September, 1940, who Is now serving as a member of the Armed Froces of the United States.of America, the Armed Forces Re- setie of.the United States of hterica, or as a mem- 'her of the Auxiliaries thereto, or who is doing defende'work,:orhold.inga Civil Service appoint- ment, shall be granted a renewal license upon the payment of the required renewal fee without any examination.~~~,jthin one year after the following: "'1; Hono&ble discharge from the Armed Forses of the &zLted States of America; or from the Armed Forces Rose&e of the United States of America; or from any of the Auxiliaries thereto. "'? 2. Release from Defense work, "12. Release from Civil Service appointment. "?M The annual license fee Por conducting a beauty parlor shell be the sum of Five Dollars ($5)* provided, howseer, that in event any beauty parlor is conducted and operated by one person only, ~Mrs.Ella Mae Murphy, page 4 then and In that event no fee shall be charged for conducting such beauty parlor, but the operator thereof shall be liable only for the Three-Dollar annual registrationfee hereinafterprovided, and the annual license fee for operators to work at the trade or practice of beauty culture shall be the sum of Three Dollars ($3) and the annual registra- tion fee for manicurists shall be Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($2.50),and the annual registration 'fee for an Instructorshall be Ten Dollars ($10) and the annual conduct a beauty school.shallbe One Hundred Dollars ($100). “1b It is intended by this Act to levy and collect4-rom the operator of any beauty parlor con- ducted and operatedby one person only, no tax or fee for examinationcharge in excess of thenThree- Dollar fee hereinbeforeprovided, any other Section of this Act to the contrary notwithstanding. ",: The establishmentof ltlnerant shops is here 42 z..expresslyprohibited,and'lt shall be un- lawful for any person; firm or corporationto oper- ate a beauty shop as defined in this Act, unless the same Is ,abona fide establishmentwith a permanent i and definite location; Any license granted under the terms of this Aot.shall permit the licensee to practice in only such~bona fide establishedbeauty shop; provided, however; that nothing in this Act shall prohibit the removal or change of location.of a beauty shop, provided such move or change Is made in good faith with the Intention of definitely and perm anently locating elsewhere;and provided that nothing containedherein shall in anywise prevent-a licensee from practicing in the homes of customers if sald licensee works In a bona fide established shop as defined In this Act, ProvlEdedfurther, that nothing in this Act shall prohibit the establishment of chain beauty shops which have a definite and per- manent location and have compjled with all the other terms of this law,' "get. 2. The fact that at the~presenttime there. 8 an urgent need for trainedhairdressersand cesmetologistsin this State and the further fact : : _. Mrs. Ella Mae Murphy, page 5 that many trained and qualifiedpersons holding li- censes in other States are nov residing in Texas. creates an emergencyand an imperativepublic neces- sity requiring that the ConstitutionalRule which requires a bill to be read on three several days 5.n each House to be suspended,and such Rule is here- by suspended,and this Act shall take effect from and after Its passage, and It is so enacted." After carefully consideringthe Act as a whole, it Is our opinion that you have correctlyinterpreted the Act under sonsideratlon; Therefore,it is our opinion that non- resident hairdressersor cosmetologistswho are granted a: 1Mense under the provisions of Section 1 of the Act must comply with Section 2 of bald Act Unnthe same manner and to the same extent as any other person practicing hairdressing or cosmetologyin this State who has been duly licensed to ~. practice by examination2 Yours very truly #'TORNEY GENERAL OG TEQIS BY (9) Ardell Williams As.slstant AW:db:ff APPROVH; JUM. 17, 1943 This opinion considered (8) 'Gerald c. Mann landapproved in Limited ATTORNEY CENRw OF TEXAS Conference ;