Tour requort sor roaelvedand
oarefyllyoonriderodbr thir quote rra8 your
requert88 fOllW8~
nwber of othe,.
d rlvrr 8nd wed
heoe tanIt however
%U ~W8tiOllU'i888 '8ktrt& COlUltrbgtilr
WQuire 8U4h~~~tfol'thO gUZ308*Of &WOr8ting
818atrlo81pwer, 8ad dlrtributerush power to the
oiti8eIlOhip I, .rho.needit, for 8 tee,
Of thi8 @OPslt
the reoelptrof vhioh rh4 1 bo aredltrdtoward da-
frryingth8 8rpaMe Of Oper8tiOn8nd lnQldent&l8,
I ~
and the remslader oredited toward the iIaa1 paymoat
of BeVenUe Bond8 i88wd for, that 911rpOue
‘8uah qu48tIonI8 again relatedb4lor, togothor
VItb 8U.4hother848 UI88 therefrom8
'1. mv may A oouut or thir Itate,not a
Woau-Rule' County, leg4lfJ raqulre a river 8lt4
mid eri8tingdor, togetherwith 8n 818otrIaalpovsr
&bMr&ilt6 8yrt8a4olrp14t4*
'2. HOW My 8U4h County Oprr8te auoh 8 COW
plete l14otrIa41genrrating unit for th4 benrflt of
it8 lnhabitultrVhO may mod the OUtpUt, or 4 p4r-
tion th4reof,of rwh eleatrI4alwwrg7 g&aerated?
“3. In the eV8nt 84id OOUaty oey 14gally40~
-quiread OperaterU4h a 8nOrbtingunit, mU8t 8U4h
plant be opmted br the 8 08ml880~n4r~8 Court or by
trU4t.488 appointedfor t&t pWpO8.t
‘4. That the tax burden and prerentLadrbtrd-
-48 18 ILOti.nOCeMed, UT 8u4h bOqui8itIOAb8 Md4
by the iSSU4 of Revenue gOnd8 aoaeptibl8to th8
l011Or8 Of raid phlbtt
*The \radrr8I@l.d tind8 BO 8 Oii14 lth Or ity
In the prorentdt4tuterof thlr as. t4t4 authoris
tbi8 ooulq to puraha88,own, pay for, and opera 9 e
4n 4le4trloalpourr.generatlng plant for the benrflt
of the inhabitant8of the Comrty, regardlerr 4S the
-43 of payment tht.rerar.g
Xt I4 4 ~411 8ettlodprIn4ip14oi 149 In thir 8tat.e
that COBllE~44fOR4~8' OOU't8 4r4 aOlUt8 Of lilitedjurI8dZatlQn
and have only ruoh paver8 48 43% oontorrrd4pOn th4m by th4
OOll8titUtiOll and 8t4tUt48 Of thlr 8kter &34 th4 fOuOVitlg
ruthorities :
. 862
tonaablo Alvin 1. rap., page 3 '.
8ua V&or tleotrlo00. v, kwua, 30 8. U. 868.
s&l1 Qouaty v* kyout I,sufrmaa,264 8. II,so.
Oounty va m88, 106 8. V. (2d) 393.
... Bl ?a80
Eovard I. Hsndorron County, 116 8. Y. (Pd) 479.
YoOllntook& Robortronv. Cottle County, 127 8. W.
(26) 319.
Ve have been unable to fled any authorit for.Ouad-
alupe Oounty to puroham, acquireOE operatethe e% otrloal
paver genoratlngplant de8aribd In your letter.
IIIUI8VOF t0 YOUP fir8t qw8tiOn, it 18 OUF OpiniOII
that OuadalupeOoimt~ i8 not legallyauthorlredto puraham or
a o q ulr the
o lleotrioalgeneratingry8terderorlbedin your
H8V 8IlrWered thurly DO UUYIr %8 needed t0 9Il@8-
tlonr 2, 3 and
Very truly your8
ATTommY 0BlmAL 09 TBIM
8 -r