Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

r, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS b AUSTIN Xonorable iom L. lWrtl8y Criminal Dirtriot AttorMy Eldrlgo County BUnburg, tex88 Dear 8ira statutsr, pertlnmlt to ?I. thbq'kb 8r+atO propbrty of the hue Lt band nor W ocamunlty property other than the ~P8OM1 843FJS1~8 Of th4 Vii., Md th@ iAOOnr;” rent8 and cbvenub8 frm her 8eparatO PPOpWtr, @hall be rubjeot to the payment of debts oontraot- ld by thb vii., l x o r pthoro t oontraoted for n80- 88SUTib8 fUPni8h.d h.r OI'h.eP OhildNn. %'hO Vife 8h@ll aever br the joint asker Of a nOto or a 8urrt.y on any bond or obligation of another vithout the jolndar of bar husband vith hour in making 8uOh oont~aot.' 624 Eonorablo Tom L. Eartley, pago P ArtlOla 595' pnwld.8 t l &y peror appointed a notary publlo, bo- fOrb bntWiXLg hi8 OffiOid dUtI.8 rhsn @XbOUtO a bond iOr onb thousand dOllar8, (0 bb by thb OOunty Olrrk Of hi8 Oonrnor, oondltloned Sor the ax100Of the dUtle8 Of hi8 OftiOeJ take and 8Ub8OrIbe th. OffiOIal oath, vhIoh 8ha11 bb Indorred 0118ald bond, vith thr OertlfIOate OS thr ofiiobr adminI8trrlng the ramat 8aId bond rhall bo recorded In the oiflor Oi the oount Olbrk, and deposited In raid offior, and 8haI l not be void on the flrrt reooverf, aad mar bo rued on In the namd of the party injurbd from tImo to tIm@ until the vhoi%eamount thsrbof~h88 beon rooovorodi' uhllo I8 a pub110 offloer. A married vc4wix& may 0if100, InoludIng that of Governor. Dlokron v. 114 Par. 176, 265 8. Y, 1011. . dinor undrr thb ConrtitutIon and 8tatUt;8; ;married VOMU EaJ hold OifiOO, 8he My of OOUT@O do all thing8 IlOOb88Wr or Inoldont t0 the pl'O&NrbXbrOi8b~ Of that C making a bond. The general ruti to oontraot a lIablllty vould no morb prbrbat her makIng a bond than It vould deny her the rigfitto-m&o neoerrary bond8 in the &bPO8bOUt- Itq~ of 8Uit8 p.Pmlttbd t0 hbr. XB laoh iMtMOr the povsr 18 an lnoldant to thb right ooaferrbd, and 18 llbOe88arily ilaplibd, ii not bqrb88lJ re- paired, by thb rtatutr ~mandlng bondr.' 8poor@8 bV Of ]LaritalRight8, p&g. fl. fhe @Tiag Of a bond 18 a lhbO~88~7 prbrbqlli8itO to the lrrartlon ot the right to hold the Oiflor of notary publlo. Fh. potreP,therotore, mU8t Of UeO888it~ bXi8t in th OO8b Of & married vapw~ for to deny the povbr vould in 8ane irutanoer be to deny the right. It I8 thbrOfOr0 thr OOn8Idrrbd 6pInIOn Of thi8 do- partment that the oounty olerk I8 authorised to l oo@t thr notary pub110 bond of a married voaan though rho bb not joinad In the obligation by her hurband, all other requirement8 boIng pr48eAt. 625 Bonor.blo tom L. Urtley, page 3 Artlol. 5998, Revised 01~11 Statute8 of Texar, pro- vider I "Tho offiolal bond of each offloer 8hall be breouted by hIm vlth tvo or more good .nd ruf- fiOiOlLt 8W.ti.8 Or . 8OlV.lit8Wbty 005m lu- thorlsed to do bU8in.88 In thlr 8t.t.e.' It I8 thur obrervrd that the oounty olerk ir not o.1l.d upon to drterplinethb 8uffiolenoy of the prlnolpal on an offlolal bond but IS only bound to determlxw thr rufflalanay Of the 81W.ti.8. of Appeal8 In the a.86 Of Witch.11 Or The CCSilQLi881On Zurn, 221 8. U. 954, vhlah opinion va. approved by the 8upreme Court or Texa8, held that vhsrb the prlnolpal to .n obllga- tion, a married vo3n8.n or minor, 18 diraharged on aooount of hi8 or her inaapaolty, the debt remained and it. burden murt be a88um.d by the rurety or 8uPetiur for the minor or married POT. It i8 therefore the further Opinion Of thI8 depart- nrent that 4~0~ though a marrlrd voman vho ir prinolpal on a notary pub110 bond may not bu personally bound on rwh bond vlthout joinder of her hurband, thI8 fact alon. vould not au- thorlse the oounty alurk to refwe to aooept and approve 8uah bond.