. Hon. Sidney Letham Secretary of state Austin, Texas Dear Sirs Opinion No, O-6312 Res Suffioiency of forma for notice of franahise tax liens under the provi- sions of House Bill No. 841, Acts 48th Legislature, 1943, and related matters. ylk, are in receipt of your letter of July 1, 1943, together with the four forms transmitted therewith., Two of these forms are denominated "Notice of Franchise Tax Lien"8 one is designed for use where the amount of the tax is known, and the ether is designed for u8e where the amount of the tax is not known. The other two forms are denominated, respectively, "Release of Franchise Tax Lien," and "Partial Release of Franchise Tax Lien." The above named forms were prepared pursuant to the provisions of House Bill No, 641. Acts 46th Legislature. 1943, which require8 the Secre- of State to file notiae of lien to 8eoure the payment of franchise taxes due under the provisions of Chapter 3 of Title 122,.R. C, S., 1925, and authoriaes him to execute aomplete or partial release of such liens upon payment thereof. Said II,B, No, 641 require8 that such forms be approved by the Attorney General. You request the advice of this department in response to the fol- lowing questionsr "1. Are the four form8 suffioient for the purposes intended? "2. Should the forms be acknowledged or 8worn to, or is the signature of the Secretary of State under the Seal of State a sufficient authentication to entitle the instruments to recordation? "3 0 Will the State be liable for the payment of a fee for filing and recording these instnunents, and, if 80, in what amount will the County Clerk be entitled to charge therefor? "4. If you hold that the County Clerk is entitled to colleot a filing and reaording fee, then Is this Department authorized to pay such fees out of it8 appropriation for 'aontingent expensess being item 38, page Hon. Sidney Latham, page 2 O-5312 1011, Volume 6, Vernon's Texas Session Law Service, 19437 "5. Since the notioe of lien Is to be filed, recorded and indexed both e8 a chettel mortgege end e8 8 mortgage on reel estate, should the County Clerk retain the original instrument in his offioe es is done in the case of e chattel mortgage, or should it be returned to this office es in the da88 of e mortgage on reel estate?" The pertinent parts of H, B, No, 641 reed es follonsr "Article 70690 - Secretary of State Authorized to Record, "The Seoretery of State shell file end record with the Clerk of any County in which he has reescn to believe sny corporation owing fran- chise taxes, penalties end interest, has reel or personal property e nc- tice of the taxes, penalties end interest eocruing under this Chapter end the liens securing the same on e form prepared or approved by the Attorney General of the Stete of Texas showing the name of the corporation owing suah taxes, penalties end interest, the franohise taxes then due end owing and oalling ettention to the possible additional tares, penalties and in- terest which might accrue in the future under the terms of this Chapter. "Article 7069d - Recording end Effect thereof, The County Clerk of each county is hereby authorized to end rhall file, record end index the notice provided for by the preceding paragraph, both es e Chattel Mortgage end es e mortgage on reel estate in eooordanoe with the statutes in such oases made end provided end when 80 filed, recorded end indexed, the same shell be end constitute notice to all parties da8ling with the real end personal property of such corporation in said county of the taxes, penalties and interest then accrued end to accrue in the future end of the liens herein granted the State of Texasan For convenience we era attaohing to this opinion copies of the four forme, which we have marked, respectively, "Exhibits 'As, 'El0 eC", end 'Da," We have emended Exhibit "A", but the other three forms remain es submitted to us0 :7othink that eaoh of said four forms attaohed hereto is in ccm- plience with the provisions of said Y, B, 641, end that each is sufficient to accomplish the purpose for which it maa designed. Consequently, we enswer your first question in the affirmative, end approve seid forms as being in ccmplienoe with suah statute. Wo are of the opinion that it is not necessary that such forms be acknowledged or swcrn to, but that under the provisions of Ha B, 641, quoted above, the signature of the Secretary of State, under the seal of the State of Texas, is a sufficient authentication to entitle the instru- ments to be recorded, end to require the clerk to acospt end record same0 No provision is made in this stetute for the payment of any fees : - Hon. Sidney Latham, page 3 o-5312 for filing and reaording eny of the instruments r&ired to be filed end recorded by the Secretary of State, In the absence of such e provision we think that the Stete is not liable for the payment of such fees, end that this is but another sx officio duty imposed upon the county clerk. Sinae such duty is to be performed on behalf of the State end without the benefit of any provision of law for the payment of any fees for such service, the county clerk would not be entitled to make any charge for suoh services, The law requires that the notioe of lien shell be filed, recorded and indexed both es 8 chattel mortgage end es a mortgege on reel estate. Since this is true, in order to eomply with the chattel mortgage statutes, it will be necessary for the county clerk to retain e copy of such lien in his files, You shculdtierefore send such notice of lien, in duplicate, to the county clerk where it is to be recorded, in order that such county clerk may retain one copy, end that he may record and show on the other such copy the date end plaoe of recording same, end at the sems time, by his certificate indicate that same has been recorded in the chattel mort- gage records of the county, end that a true copy thereof is on file in his office. It should be noted that this opinion simply passes upon the suf- ficiency of the forms hereto attaohed end is responsive only to the ques- tions asked, Trusting that the above fully enswors your inquiry, wo are Yours very tNly ATTORNEY GERERAL OF TEXAS By S/Fcwler Roberts Fcwlsr Roberts Assistant FRn ARM/WC APPROVED JULY 31, 1943 s/Grover Sellers FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL Approved Opinion Committee By BWB Cheirman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion