Honorable Re tbonrath;.
County Auaitor
Cooke Uouaty
Galnesrille, Tsms
ee-a reoolred aad oare-
fully ooasidered by quote fron your re-
gusat as followat
Offloe OS Cooke
fees were plaoed to
the oredit o
hould be Oredited to
ula not find .a statute whloh def-
~0p0r ma t0 r008ire the areait
s have arison that appear to make
that some ohsage be made ia the msr
of handling r8OdptS iron these souroes, sad on this
sOCWWi I desire an opinion as to whether BtfXIO&-
rapher tees pad trial feea whsa aollooted should be
Pl%d to the oredlt or the General Fund or to the
Qffloer SaLoqr Fund. should your opinion hold that
these foes below to the Offioers Salary Fuad, thea
Honorable RI A, L?oRZrath, Page 2
should they be listed as ‘Trial’ fees, *Steaogra-
phers’ foes, or as oftioial fees of the Judge or
Justloe of the Poaos in whose Court suoh fees
origian to?
0. . . . n
It la oux opinion that trial i’ees oollooted under
Artlole 1074, Vernon’s
Annotated Texas Coda of Criminal Pro-
0t3awe, should be placed in the general runa of the oounty,
if not othamlse appropriated by the oomisslonere* oourt,
See opinions No, O-3975 and O-3435 of this department, 0opies
of wbioh are asolosad.
Article 2075, Vernon’s Annotated Texae Clvii Stat-
utes, provides:
*The olerks or all oourte having offiolal rs-
porters shall tax as ooats in eaoh oivil oasa where
~JI answer is filed, exoept suits to o0lls0t delln-
quent taxes, a stanographerts fee ot three dollars,
whioh shall be paid as other ooste in the oass
and paid by said olark, when oolleotsd, into the
;g;ral runas or the oounty in ~vnhiohsaid 00~1%
It is our opinion that stenographerfa fees under
-*tiole 2075, supra, when oolleoted by the olerk, should be
iaid by the 010rk Lnt0 the general funa of the oatnty ln
ahhh the oourt sits.
Vary truly yours
%A. J. Fanning
Assie tant