Bonorablo Ray V1nd.r
COunntT Attorney
Cooke County
klnr8rlll0, Texar
D6ar sir:
th farm liomn808
April 50, 1945,
questlon stated In
rman F. Dleterloh ha8
8 under whloh ho obtain8
to farmers to be fed to hog@.
8 oontraot with the farmer8 ir
ho iBorra8e in ralue of the hog8
rlod i8 oompleted, eetimatrd bl
renoe In rrlght of the hog at thr
b.&innin&J and end or the feeding period. Dleterioh
retains a rortmgo on l&o hog8 to leo u r e hlr olalm.
Under the ab& hated faot8 may ?#r.Dleterloh
lawfully oporato hi8 truokr with iarm lloen808 only or
18 ho rrquirod to proouro ordinary oommeroial lloense
plater for said rrhiole8?
Artiolo 66'15a-5aV. A. C. S. proridor as follow8:
Eonorablo Ray Winder page 2
Vhm a oomaorolal motor vehicle sought to bo
registered and u8ed by the owaor thereof only in
the tranrportatfon of his own poultry, dafry, llte-
rtook, livestook produnmber in its natural state,
and farm produots to market, or ,to other points for
Sal. or &IrOOrSSll& or the transportation by the
owner thereor or laborers iron their plaoe of rarldenoe
snd rat8riti8, toOIS, equipment and oupplies, without
ohargo, from the plaoe of purohaem or storage, to
hi8 own fma or ranoh. mXOluSivO1y for his own use
or us0 oa auoh Sara or r'UIOh bh8 registration
Xhnso f eo, for the ight ~la88lfloatioae herein
matloned, shall be i&r (50%) per oeat of the
rrglrtration fee presoribed.? . .eto." (aphaeie ours)
It 18 apparent under the taotr g1t.n u8 that
Dleterioh la neither transporting $Wtialer enumrated in the
statute produoed on hie own land to nrarket, aor transporting
materials and suppllsa sxOlu8frely for hia own use to his own
iarm or raaoh. It follows that he is not entitled to the
beaeiltr provided by Artlole 8675a4a and that he should be
roqulred to prooure ordinary OoPslneroial li001hSe phte8 for
hi8 truOk8.
Thl8 Department has heretofore Construed Artiale
6675a-6s in seTera OpiIIiOnS, amng whioh are Opinions lUooe.
O-527 ,O-32Q and O-5218. WO -0 OIlOlOSiIlg OOpie6 Of tb80
Yours vorx truly