391 OFFICE OF THE ATI’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS p AUSTIN EonorablrJ, PI.~IllIaa~ Countr Auditor TarraRtCOuntl~ Tort IYorih,Tans Dear Sir8 beam reoolredand oareihllycons1 Ye quote froa your requestas 1011 p as to tilelegality ot the furant County l?atIonal OoarentIons. hat wo oan appropriate d appreolatoterr nmoh Ing 05 the above, I 11 Texas Jurlsprudonoe, pager 563-k-5, bring oo&ponoat parts of tho atate, have no power or duties lxoopt thoro rhfoh ero olearlFset forth and dothod In the ro~tltri- tIon and statutes. The ststutos have alearly dc rlned the pmars, prosorlbsd the dntlos,and iapoaed the 11ab111ti.8oi tho oommIssiormrs" mirts, ths aedIt2m through whloh th0 dlfYWant OOtKtties aOt, and iron those statutrsmust 00100all the luthorlt7 vested ia the oouatlms. . . . Eoaorablot. P. Wivillfa&s, Page 2 =. . . Oomaiasioaors~ oourts lr o oourts of lImIted jurlsdiotioo ln that their adhorlly ox- tends only to mttors pertainlag to thr &rneml w0irtkr0 0r tha r08p00tim 00pnti08 MQ th8t said paror are only thoeo rxprossly or lmplledly conferred apoa then bf law, that is, by tho 00s. 8titdi0a uta 8taut88 0r the 8t-b.~ An oifloor aa aot~olalmor roaoh MT Moses rith- oat a law aathorlsiaghL to do so, and oleuly ltr lr & $ h o roast to whloh hs is oatltled. 3b Texas Sorlspradonoo,p. 511 Olpelos 1. Fkrrls Oouaty, 298 8, 1. U7; Binford t. Rob la son, 24b 9. 81. 807. This dopartmat has rspeatedly held that eom&asiom- o r a oto ur h tsto no sr r tJ~@D ty o lxpend oounty hnds to w lXP=SOS 0r 00tlntr 0rr hh in lttedli ooQ7artIonsboo*uso Sam0 Is not:=obantjr WI@ a aas* and therm3 8 a0 8tatu:oryor oonstitutlonal authorityto psi ssm. See ConCorm Opfnioa So. 2018, datod April 2, ,1919,rrlttoabr BoaorebloJohn xanou As818t~t,.,Atto~o~ Caneral, re00N6d ia Vol. 52, pages 5&2.3-4,’ CqM;yaee Oplnioas ot the Attoraoy General 0r T~XWS. OpiaIoaRo. o-810 of this bsparkuoat held8 that ax- ponses or attondl~ or?Ioors~oonteationsaro not aeoossary In tha propr and legal.oonduot of 0ouat;l bril008 and that ooamIssIoaerst courts have no autborit~ to lxp*afl sooaty run48 ror suoh purposes. OpiafoaRo. O-2217 ot this dopsrtmenthold& that payaeat or the trs+elIngexponsasof a owmIsslcmers~ court In attendlqga meDIng of the State Hlghre~ OomaIssfo~with rororenoo to designation and lottiagoi ooatraots on stat.0 hIghnay I8 an illegalexp0naitute. OpInIoaHo. 0-4b23 or khls dopartaoat holds that 0 00ml iegauy pan the 0~~808 0mft0t or 6 e0my 0rfl0ial or m Iadlrldualwhloh uoro Iaournd Ia attoodlag oIrflI~ dbr058e5dia8, ~4 P. B. I. 0i~iii~ dOrOn 80h00b. Opinion ITo,O-@t27 or this drpartmont holds,MOW other thfags, that tho eomissIoaer8* oouH or Dallas COW&r was not authorire to rrpen4oouatyruads ror payaeat or tnrollag lxpem~sm or the ooontr jud l to attand a nntIoaa1 llrlll8a dorena oaatentfoa held is 8 8.tfr0mi8. P Bonorabloa. Y. Sfllisw, Pyo ) ArCIalr Ul?b Tanoa~s Ansstatsd Tons Qiril Zkt- utes, doals with fovmIL emeers la uoootiosof 320,000 end not loss than 220 Ooo Iababitants,(agpllwtbloto 'krz*nt Cowtp-gopelatfon 22),52l, to the 1940 tadoral ao#rdltq oe~usf--bbls *otIolr havrtw, doos not rothabe ths ssm- aissioaars~ ooart of 4trmat County to expsnl esaaty imils au% of trrroeling oxpmies or the juvon3.1~ 4eparbmea* ye hare nob roua4 any 8kWte or other authority aotborlaingthe wt by Tarmat County oi the lr@noes Inquiredabout. It Is oar ogiaiapthea the oolnnlssioaurs* ooura or ‘ECrraat Uounty Is not authorlaed to on;nad ooenty itlnds rer the purpoassinquiredabout,