#a. c. c. chasshar, ohairman
Sub-Oarlttmc Motor %'Z'AM~OPtAtiAA
CC!AdttO*,flOAA0Of R~l'AOOAtAtiVAB
Au&in. TaxAB
ter of April 23, 1943,
vith niennaa olutloa no. 2s. vhloh
read. A8 iollov
cn And 8fter septaahar 1, 1942, arob
tha p~raoantetiva &I iaedioto oantrol and p08-
rim~ion of tha truuk, Ah~ll ~ndAAvor In good frlti
prior to it8 daprtura frae &y point uhea Amply
to Isare or rwnt suoh tlvok ooaslrtantvlth w
prior oommitsant~fnvolv~d IA tiw we of Anid truok
Hr. C. C. chessher, Ch~ixmau, Page 2
en route, to another por8on for the traneportation
of property . . .I
314, GOnerAl LA ftn stt rtT 4let LOg-
~LalaturO,ROg2 &se& z zlmrs38 thereto,
oolmwnly bovn as th0 JlotorclwriorAct or Tsxae,
ahall not be oonetrmd, for the JW~O~ of the tbst
the unlt.m¶Stator is 0~g~g0d in vAr, or the Podor-
Al fhVOX’IUS(Ult’S Ol’dSl’S HQSil% in for00 a8 t0 IOU-
ing of motor vahialee, to meoz~that It is a vlola-
tlon of said Aot nor auy mealmont thweof for a
pr%vate truak owner to l-se or mnt hle truak to
aZlOthOr ~X'SOllillOapliAISOO With SAid m.Pd OIL
dem 0. D. T. lo. 17, and that where one private
truak ovner has leaeul or roatal hle truak to UAD-
0th~ ponon in oarpllanoavlth sold @aaeral Or-
der 0. D. P. Ilo.17 and SAN trwk 18 used A&
b y lal8 108800, in th0 tranaportatl0n
o p o r r ted of
lee80e*e 0vn propsrty,neither th0 loesor nor tm
leee~ rim11 b0 deemod to h~vo ViolAtOd seid lot-or
CarrierAct nor w uondmont therOof, AA~ that
-~nsltherthe lereor nor the lOA in eu0h OAAO
shall be deemed to be a oman asrrler or oontraet
.-~~-tawr%er under said Motor Currier Aot, AS am-,
regardhas uhether under the term of the leue
contra& the lessordo.8 or doee not furnieh tb.s
driver for U&S truok aad PfIgArdl.88 VhethSr thy
le8eor doe8 nor demo not Pa*, ln VhOlO or in
part, to maintain and eorv 2 oe the truok, 9rovide
gas, oil, tirea, and pay othar erpena*r noa*eeary
to operate the truok vblle the same is Uued to
le8800; And, be It fbrthor
"mMI,nD, That this Resolutionbe published
to the Railroad Cmimaicm of Texsa, the lav en-
foroemsnt offlarre and the oourte of thir state."
Your first question read8 a8 followat
"1. Xa the type of ogreslurntfor uaa of a
Motor Truck belonging to A private tmaok owner and
Hr. c. 0. ~88h4W, chAlmeua, Page 3
UlOthUF ~PBIXl, 0-Z’ ttun A O- OAPl’iOP, 88
rot forth La thle Reoolutiar,in vlal8tiati
the Uotor Carrier mt At thLs tsAwl~~
We ruountly vrote 8n eplnbn, lo. O-516!& for Sonato~ Iletorlfo,
Chafmam of the Camittuo on liighuayecad YotoT Traf’ffo, Tame
Smate, on th%s asbum~eolutlm, a aqm of uhloh is attwhed
“In OAB~
oi oonfliot vlth tlm Etak’a pollar
G-0 fodertalwar paver in p6romouut thento A&
. Thawfore, our ukawr to few que~tlcru
is thst no txwk owe, operator, lwmolr cm ~oaeaw+
vhether or not he hns a 6uotifitmte81 puhlio ~CQ-
vuni.6~~ and neouel or puzslt ot the Railroad
Ctielon, aan bo 83 joeted to 4ny of the ilaw end
pamltiar Provo for in ch# ‘;?uu notor tN%PYier
Aat for ualng hlo tmmk In a partl6ulu manner if
ouoh a&ion be mqu- of him by a lavfuk @r&r of
the O.D.T., evaa thaw&% au& oldor aaaafllot with
the km8 of the Tame Motor Crrrler ht.”