129 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN t o? your inquiry con- 80 fa11ew*1 Thleh I bare jaat Labor Board. I 09 will aeanae1 SC) I shoula like to kllw waept such appoint- th8t ULtter, or this co hu been swe queo- state aplo~eec rcceptlqg ap- he lederrr1Citmernmeat, l seoond pl8oe, if it W appolntnant, o1~ counsel epmud-it as to whether y o is legal to ac- u would be I should like your iriead- think it ~I80 for w to undsrtrto t&b type of eerdae. I sinoarely -ant to do whatever I uy te 8s8ist la the Tar ogrim, but at the satmetire I do net Tmlt to ii7olre myself in su c h l manner8s tight be hurtful to the State pro@rsm Thlah I represent. state 8botiOD Js O? bti810 m Of WY SktO COnditU- tiom prori&o# lnIo a o o o u ntlB g offloaroeifhia shall o a tth a w dr a w no r pa r l warrant u p o n the treawrp inraw 88 a g 0iflCC e nt, o fa ny ~aetime4otimr0f or l p a o n,for la iu ~ o r o o lp w~8ti0~ pllltOe, tie holds at tb osorpealtioaofhonor, trust or profit, under Ws 8trte of the Unttd Btatea,axoeptaa preaoribediBthim@2omatitutioa. moduad, that thio roatriotion 88 to the drw and poping oturraBtoupoBtbekeaoarp abal1Itot lpplr to otfiomw o? the Batiosal &au-d ei T-0, th emtio a a i tm o mo er *lwQve ma r dR e o o r wJ, corps of the II&Cdm~tos, nor to enlf&al le8 0r the u8ti0m em, the ktiou earn w-4, ad the orgardradReoelvesOf the OMtod #tata.’ The Presidsnt or the hlle@I oi Hsltr ana #letal- htrgy is paid a salary Sra the Btatotraw. The pod- tion oi PublAo PaaOlBrabff Of *ho SL#WIM&~~~~ VP Labor Board ia an otfloo, or at lead a poaitM~ o? honor, truut aud proflt untie the Uoit4d Statea, for rhieh raaon, bf virtue or the motiom of the Constitution above quoted, the PrehtOYht rOUld BOt be CmtitlOd t0 dJ'u s ulw frsm thestate tmasuq~hil@boldiry lttboruetiam the offloe or poaltion of mblio Yembar o? tbb Bagienal B88rd, under the urdted aat.8. OIll'I'aSOXl8 U'O BOW ftlllr 8tBtsd iB ib@BiOB BO. O-IJU)Y,vbe?eLn wo hold that this Ieation OC tlho Conatita- tion forbad0 the ayment IO 8 @%atd6t Jadgo Of him lalary rhila ha was ho1& the identioal podt&m rmdm thr United statea B#tioned by you. to hami ~0x1bswith a oopy of that 9wJ?B. I-?. “, l& *;’ / tr u lr T-s
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion