/;& ;:5 ..:,, ..- a I’1 ., :,-- +I .. .. . . 0 -.*:. . . .:..: .... .. ...* OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable T. J. Crowe, Jeoretary Texas .Xote Bonrd of Medloal Cmmlners 918-19-20 Texas 9ank Bulldln~: Dallas, Texas Dear Sir: Your request ror reoelved and oare- fully oonsldared by this iron your re- quest a8 r0ii0w8: Wea&ums'from your request that the member of the !il?ii* 2j Army. \ ~111 e o mmlsslonod a8 au otrloor in the Army 1t.M St@ e" as oontradletlngulshedfrom the Regular ..,I' \. I&wly'a assumption be oorreot we answer your ques- tion in the arrlrmatlve. In support or this holding see opinions Roe. O-5039, O-SO90 and O-5102 or this department, ooples of whloh are enolosed hererlth, xhioh oits the ease of Cramer v. She;>pard,Tex. Sup. Ct., 167 S. ':i. (2) 147. Very truly yours
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion