OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN dealor vhen the plaa8 of bWh d8ti8r 18 ltithh thrst 88s Of ISi& C.hUl'CCtl,DUbl.iO 0 horpital, th8 DBalllFOWllt8 fU?C'~8~t~ liar8 Ot the 8trO.t 01 .rront door to front door ct line acroa8 intersectllonvhere . thsy oacur.’ '19 it 9OUr Opinion that ths COlUBhII~OA8ra’ COUPt of any county haa th8 o~~atltutloaal povsr to invoke the restrictiona (iaprovided for in the above-quoted section of the T8XW LiqUOl' COAtI’ Act?” . BOA. B8tt Ford - -58 2 Thlr asatlon of th8 mxa8 Liquor Coatrol Act, vhich i8 APtlO 666-2fhC, V8FllOn'B &,AOtat8d %X,38 p8Ml Code, in- VOlV88 th8 qU88tiOa Of the pOV8P Of the X.egiab3tura to dale- Wt8 to 8A9 p8raon or aaaocl8tlon of psmona tlu authority t0 -8, modif Or sU8pMd th8 hV8. Art1018 1, 88~. 28, and httiCl8 11, !!OXa8 COil8titUtiOll. W8 hW8 hor8totor8 ti8d in our oplnlon 80. C-4657 that tb8 8bov8 quot8d 88ation o? th8 Liquor Control Act la vaLld insot8r 88 it d818g8t88 aUthOrlty to %x8 gotomlng 8uthorltl88 of an9 olty or tom.* Ths qU8BtlOA pmBaAt8d h8r8 18 vhsther or not 1lk8 ruthorlty may b8 d818g8t8d to the COaiml8alow~8' COIli-ta. ~~COIPIPi8B~oWta CORFt8 8t8 telltedby th8 Coo&l- tution vltl~jwllal6l povet (Art. V., 880. 1, T8x. COArt.), but they ~8 alrio authotlmd to exemlae auoh power8 md jurh- diction Wet &.ll oowty bu8in.88 88 18 OOni8rl'8dby th8 Con- atltutlon and the lava of the Stat8 (Art. JF, SW. 18, Tex. COllBt.) a8 V811 a8 t0 POrfOFlBC8rtaiA pIWe 8ddAiBtratiV8 tRACtiOA8. Art. VIII, a80.~18 and Art. Ix, 380. I, mx. conat. countlea 62,000 population are nov authorized over tO 8dOpt WUAtJ ROW i0d8 C&t8r8 (Art. A, 980. 3, 'hr. canat., Ammdwnt adoptbd 1933) vh%ch give th8a great8r povera over oowty oifaln. Citlae OV8t !jOOO~RUhtiOIi h6YS had th8 right‘to adopt Homa Llul8 Ch8tt8ra BiAOe 1912. Art. XX, S80. 5, POX. COAat. Countlaa 8nd town8 having a papulatlon of 5000 or 18~6 may be dartered &lOAe b9 gaened~hv (Art. II, See. 4, T8X. COnat.) end ihaOf+r a8 the qWBtiOA hOm Involved $8 COAO8tA8d v8 888 no dlff8r8nC8 b8tV8eA thB COnBtltUtiOA81 paver of th8 L8glalstur8 to dO18g8t8 authorlty to th8 govern- ing 8uthotlti88 of such oltl88 and the pOVer t0 deIegat8 au- thotity t0 COWiS8iOWr@' CORFt8. A&C18 M, S8ctian 5 of the CoA8tltutlOA 88 adopted in 1876 provided thet "oltl88 having th8A tell thouaand Q'OlV' lllhabltfiRt8 as9 have th8iF ch8rtera granted or amended by 5p8Oiid Act OS tile L8&lBh+t8. . . .* Thla PrOViIIlOA a5 hare- toPore pointed out v8a superaeded by the RorimRule Amendment in 1912. HOVBVCW, prior to the 8dOptiOA OS the Homo Rule AmUPaAdwAt the govarnlng bodies OS a number of cLtles ti 'ilexaa were au- thorized by fjpecfalAct OS the Legialatura to prohlblt the keeping and sale of liquor within certain delined areas of the city involved or in areaa that might be deilned by the governing IfOA. Eart Ford - page 3 AUthOriti88 OS th8 pArGicU.lAF city. ProaecatloA8 UAder them ~pecialAct8 and undas CXty Ordlnoucea pAstaed PurawAt there- to VOPB upheld end the veilldltyOS such statute8 vwa aua- talned. ES pntto Leol~e, 46 Tex. Cr. It.372, 81 S. Y. 1200; lVmonalk V. st8t8, WX. Cr. &?P.. 100 3. v. 374, 8X Q8Ft8 Icing,28~. Cr. UPa, 107 9. Y. %9j.HOAdOr8M 0, City Of WlvestoA, 102 Tax. 163, 114 8. u* 10d. IA lm PArtA KlA&, eit8d SbOV8, th. WXIt8ntiOB V8B E8d8 tht ?.f th8 L8gl8lAtUl'C ~oaasaa8d the power to prohibit th8 8&8 of intOXio8tiPg liquora vlthla the t8rritoty pmaalrlb8d by It, this paver could not be delegated by the Leglaf&ture to the Coaniaalonera Of th8 City 0s Ft. WOtth. ’ The Court of CrirLoal APp88lB ln ovetruling this oont8ntlon arldr “It Ima di8binOtlp h8ld by thl8 GOUtt iA th8 a&SO8 Of 8X IWt*,I.#Vbi8, 46 TICX. Ct. ft.364, 81 3. W. 1207, and Oaronalk v. State, 100 S. W. 374, that th8 rtxing of BtioOn -to la a ml?e XwgUbtloA of th8 llquir mfrie, and not ln an9 88na8 a pro- hlblt%OA fhereoP, and that such U&to, a8 a regu- lation, Am 1AvSul and simald b8 upheld. m Legl8- laturs of thio state ie authorlaed to emgavsr alty counolla by rpsol8.2 charter to pre8crlba the bounda- ries snd lialta Within which i&8 aaL6 Of llpwt 8hall be prohibited by lav, and auoh local authorltlea may &Sin8 8nd limit tb arm vlthiq vhlah AlOB such ,~,LL~:; sale may be lwl'ul. 5%~ V88 dlatlnctly ti8d 1A the cam of CObBA 0. Rice, 1.01~ 9. u. 1053, by the court of Cl+11 Appeals oS the Filth SuQtew J-udiaie.l Dirtriot, in vhlch CAB(B8mlt at error V&I mf'ured by our 3u3remB Court. thin la in acoofi vlth and is veil auatalned by the authoritlsa. 1 Abbott on j&nlclpal Corporatlona, Sea. 130; PaoQlo V. Cmgl8P. 138 111. 401, 28 R. 8. 8121 WYO~ or vtiverdr t. she- tuck, 19 Cola. 193, 34 P&o. 947, 41An. Qt. RoQ. 208." por other eAae1 in vhlch the valldlty OS statute8 pro- hibiting the esle OS lntoxicatlng llquore vithin stated diBtaAce of chum&on, eohoolaj'eto. have been upimld, see: Alexander v. Orave8, 178 #188. 583, 173 30. 417; state v. Snov, 117 N.C. 774, 23 2. E. 3Z?j State ex. reA. Cuzumi~s v. Styler, 121 Ala. :a, 25 SO. 1dlCjraoyd v. arpAt, 3s Ark. o9,,.37Am. R-P. 3; People v. Kaelber, 253 Ill. 552. 97 N. E. 1~6. Ae to the resaonoblsneas C# the ordlnancea OS the mm. Ret-t Ford- Page 4 CoQal6eionere’ court or the order8 of the county Judge in csrrylng out the liquor regulatlone, --- .~aee~ State v. Durein, 70 Kan. 1, 78 Pac. 152, 15 L. r?. A. (Y. 9.1 9W -d nnno- tation in 15 L. R. A. (lZ.3 .g* y;**TtLM: i6g; TV.,- Eaeterling (BUBB.) 184 so. tatlon in 119 A.L.R. p. 643, ei seq. Another queetlcm involved in the preeent inquiry la vhether or not there 1s eomethlng peaaliar about the organ;- r&tion OS 8 Bounty ~eeiceiere’ ‘3ourt 88 VOuld prevent it from exeralelngthe authority delegated to It by Section 25(a), Article I OS the Texee LiQuOr Control Act. It is to be noted that each of the out-of-etate cases alted above upheld the valldlty of etatutee fix- the llmlte or euthorieing the fIxa ol 1Ute of -tell liquor eetebllehmente la e?untLee. The recent caee or Vendenburgh County v. Sender8 (md.) 30 It. R. (2d) 713, 131 A.L.R. 1048, uphoLd tb velldlty o? a eonlng otilnance paeeed by a aountp coml~~lonere~ court. our Supreme Court in SteMleAd v. Steto, &3 Tex. 317, 18 S.W. 577, upheld the validity of en ect giving the oounty aom- mlesloners’ caurt of any oounty power to ebolieh of County Suprelntendent orpublie znetruotion. In view of Article ~JI, Seotlon 20, Texae Codetlttatlon, authorleiug 10081 option aontzol of liquor cm a county baels, YB are unable to say t&t the regulation or the .eele of liquor vithln prescribed Unite Vlthin e oounty ie not “county buelneae” vithin the me6nlng or Artlole Y, Section 18 ol the Texaa Conetltutlon. 11 Tex. JUP. p. $6, !i66, 8.0. ;$8. IhiB 18 Be~Otiy trtre sinas the Legieleture by peeelng Section 25(e) of the Liquor Control Aat ha8 in effeot raid that the ~regulotlon of liquor eeteblishmente vlthin 300 feet of any church, public echo01 OF public hoepltel is county bualneae. a8 vell ae city busi- nlJee, The contention that loa& option elections provided for l.n -ation 20(b), Artlole XVI a? the Conatitutlon conetl- tue the exoluelve method for determining prohlbitlon in a per- tlculor area ie eneversd by pointing out that Section 20(h), Article XVI of the ConBtltUtiOn give8 the Legislature *the jmver to regulate the manufacture5 sale, goneeseion and trnns- portatlon of tntoxicatlng llquorl nnd that “the ftxing of s&loon llzzltsie a Iwit) regulation OS the llqwr tmfflc, and not In any sense a prohlt+tlon choreof.” zx parte King, 107 3. v. 549. lion. Bsrt Ford - Peg0 5 It 1s our opinion that the aot Is valid under the authorltiee above cited li it la conetrued as authorl- ring aomleeloaese~ uourte to fnvok;o its provl8lon8, but not re~ulr&q them to do eo. Hovove~, lf it should be aaneidemd that such l conetmatfon vould render lt in- valid, ve am of the oplnlon that in order to awlsold its vellditf the vord ‘my” 88 used la raid eeotton vould be 8~et8ued es meuLLng shall', thus meklng erld SBatloa 25(e) maMatow lnetead of pormieelve. 39 Tex. Jur. 36 380. 15; 39 TN. Jur. 207, SIN. 111s 9 Tex. Jur, k%, sec. 63; Retlone Surety corgoratlon v. Udd, 131 Tsx. 295, 115 9. Ii. (2d 600, 6021 County Comlerionere ye. selth, 22 GOlO. 531 , 45 P. 39, 33 L. R. A. 465. Youiw very truly ArnI(IIEIoBIIERAL#TRxAs
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion