OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ‘T’EXAS h 20, lwA3, in upon the Collow- 'a Amotatod Civil Sktutaa, roads distoiot;r aa pmavldod ioa- cIe a&l& be almwed w den- i&S, uut a&& Oth8l’di&tFiOtS, r indepotubnt,oaqmsh~ such rural high aoh dintriot aball be roi’ormd to in this Aat 8s cllemantaa?y ooh~ol distriat3; DW- vidod t&&t;eU inrfbpandontm?zool districts en- fargod br the amexatim t&rata ot one or zsore oouasn sahool diatrlatr u provided for in Lrtl- ale 29220 shall retsin ita rtatue and as M indepondmt sohool d5atrlot, and shall oontlnw oYY,tY ,-.-, *.. . . _- -- --.._-- ta opento aa an independent sahool dirtriot under the provisfonr at the oxtsting lnri and t&o lrrr herouftar emsted govs~ other iii- dOpWm¶WtWhOQl di&??iots, exoept as otiNuWiak3 prooidod for heroin.” Art1010 $9220 Vornon~o Annoktod Civil Btutotos# gro- video, in purt, a. foflc*ret *The control and zian&gment of the e&oO~cr of a rnrul high who61 diotrist, ortabllshed Utld%r t% pFOVifBiOll# Of tbt.S ACtr Stzdl2. be restad board al aevwa trustees, *Leoted by the qualitied rotera of the mid dlrtrict at WJ Who ahpll be elroted and 8OZ’W in a~cordunas with the provision8 of Omerrl Law rolalY0 to oonmon scaool dlstrlats, oxospt Pa uuy bo om*a prov5dod horalnl * * 9.w n *ia oandprovldodfuH.hor thatno suah%a% dull bo lovied and no sti bonda ahkl3 bo lrnued until-after m elmtlun shallhave beonhold whore511 a maJorit-y of th% qualified taxpaying rotirI$le t&d vo ta r 8, wited eb@tionJ shd.1 Lrave In favor of the levying of 8aSd tu, or of tt-~9 bwuunaa of raid bondr, or both, a8 Ishe cam my bd, Uld Wh%Oh GlGGtiOtl ehall b0 held in ocesrd- axme with the law tam gOYGnrln& mmh oleotions in ctmaon tbchocl dbtrht8J * 0 9.” i,mpplloabiO'to tho uoatioa und%r oormlderutlaa for two roaaonmx (1) The 0r 4 ioo of oomty caaafmnionar LN orprerr- #lXCOptOd~ (2) Am th0 tl’U#tfJ~ IOTV00 WithOUt &%x%aastimJ 8 18 not aa orfiae itI of f8aulmaat. skto yJ k+rtinJ 51 se iYb (26) f&U; O&&n Moe Oi35Q8r x o wo va r J1 tlo ula o l fr la a mntul r ul8 o f lr w t*huto n0 -on nay not &old 8% the lllu ti.nwtwo offloe t-hodutio8 of wh5uh 8ro inoaxp8tlblo on6 tbl8 prlwiplo appllal whether or not the off100 i8 noa in tho exaaptlun oontdnod la Seotlon do of Art&k XVI* Biomourtv* Parker, 27mxa~liGB:StatoY* !%hk@h,ifJ 66 90% 661 -6 cil. 0. Aborrutkq LOUlfy LinO Ot Iadopondont 220 80 Ua 162; O&dtiono? the At- SahooliE%H.r%ob, tUXWJ oOlWrr;l t0 H-1. A. Be cp&i J dated Jomary 241, 19wi cpialon Ho. 04967. tbdnr this pinciplo of l&wJ e% am of th% oplniun thut on0 ptuvta mt corm both II aounty aoma5msloaor and u truat~ of @ mra& gh a%hoo;ldlbtrlot at tha am61 time Car tho roaman that the two offioor are lnaomprtiblo. ‘Jotill no% point out 00rtd.a 8ftv~~ rfwro 8 aoafllot of dutleo may arI110. nextmotlng, aamv1~80 the rotwas of ruti olaoti0na,Q& If tha votoo ueuolneach and all dirrtPlet%show a Mjorlty iu W&CD Jfo- t&at YOtb'# i!B fUVOr Of ruoh %oIuOlid~tiQZlJt-M OOU't OO~tO~ rtbll d%ol%ro the rchool distrZat% ooneolfdntod~~ A mhool trwtea 03. 0 favor the aonmol5datlo.7 0~ be c&nmt It. In OLthur ovenP , 1t aould 5rlfluoaaohi8 action as ~atnX$yaoaai88ioXlOX' in -88&Q th0 ~'.tWSl0Of tr?cP Glectioll, thuo proaZudlng fair end honest aomio~ by him &I eclu;ltj ocs- mloaioner. Of OOur*oJ in moat cam00 this jmaat5oe worrld not be rollo#d~ howovor, the dongor lo prosoat. ?io dimat yuur attention t% that pwt of Articl% i922e hWGtOfOX'O qUOtOd, E&l&h l5fXtO8thrt tnuUtMU Of l-.U'Ell LX&@ sabool dlotPiots ahall lo eleotod fn acaordar~o vi& tho :cnoral Bonorabls Fred Stookdale, pa;;e#4 law relative to ocouuonschool dIstricta, eioept as ot:.:er- wise previded in the rural b.l& aohool aat. Undar Artlola 2748a, VQFlBXl'~ Annotated Civil Stbtuter, titer the ekmtion i* be%d for truetee VP oam~~~aohool diatrfotr or iah?ip4nd- eni school dlrtriota of Ioar thui 600 acholastler, the elao- tion o~Yicer8 make returns of th6 lleatloa to the county d- Q, the ballot boxas shall be rent to tisoaounty jud;e, aad raid rvtunm mixallbe aanvarsed $3 the Cusarlsa%~~~~ara~ Court Q * *.* %%Q iSlaOn5i8tOMy ia dbv%.nn :‘i%?%l t:v# ww&ty aavnlsslon4r Would aanvasa the resulta ol ilk9 ~lircifm. :n which hu va5 a oandidats for anothw office, Still another aoafllatfr l”ouad In Artinl~ Wi’2L and 2783. In that part of ArtfaI.a29223,which UQ have quoted, it i8 previded that no i;ax&Ie~kibQ &QVied uQti3.*fter CurQl4OtiOn he8 baon 2M.d vharcrliia liikjorfty of tim qualSiod taxpayirq votm8 Votbd la favor OS 14Vyh the tax, aad %h.iah olcotion hall b-8held S.uaoaordancw with the law avn ~overzd.ngswh tX?‘!WddilktPiOt0 QlQ<iOXM*b tXQ3BiOI.l ct0 0.4 ‘i4r art%016 27SS, Vernon~ttAnnotated iivL3.Statutea, the cdsaivnarst court a13~auk34u tha ~oht23 and declnroa the rosxIts cf euah eloaGion. If the echo01 Wu3ted were either for or against the tax QOt4d ill the elootloi1,his duty aa aounty uozuzlseion- er t6 oatmum the returns aorreotly W&t be ai'Pootod. . . You ar4uivlsed that it Is ~.a uginiun 0~’t~ia do- partulent that on0 parson nm3sot at L&0 ilaie ti2.0 1lVld the officer of aounty oom3&mionfnendtruotoe of 8 rural !I%,& sclloo1 dlrtrlot for the remon that c&oh oCClco~ QTU incon- pat%b%Q .
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion