IIonOrablO W. M. Tuoker
County Attorney
P;olllagtoa, Texas
Your requast for Op
oanfully aormiderad by this,
request a8 follounr
“PlOWS BUbmit
‘. of the county lade4 ~3
couaty, wm6; aft
19&j the faota
'%herueaa, Artiale ,(LSWB.V.C.8. .a8 ammded
Snd C.S. 191@, mikre~tba iOlld,ag provlsiohs~
wc#ote* The r~fuxne ,&all. be opaned, trtbu-
latad and counted by the Ookulesloners Bourt of
Honorable TJrIi, Taker, Eage 2
She oountyin the knie mnmer da providedror all
gonaral slsotion8 la thUState*. Cltatlotis, 106
8. 1. sss; 24qs.w. 609;
“Art. 6946. i3lsotlons vellaated, provides
0s followd:
“Qlote ‘All eledtioas held in any aoanty in
thl8 state for the, pcwporre OS detennlnlug whether
or not hoga, cheep or goats shall be permitted to
run at large in such oounty or subdfrlslon ae pro-
vided in thla ahaptsr; wherein the petition UFM
ill&, orders ot the oleotloq made by the COQE~E-
iionem oourt, notioe thereof given, euoh eleqtlon
h&d and a majority tif the treeholders~voting at
iuah sleatioA,-protsaLn favor 0r the 4nm8,and
luoh lleotlim mar have been ipvallaated by ~ilars
ci+ eome,S&n~&m~a~ .off’loa to pertom the duti@m
NQlliriWbi’him,,thy sami ia hereby ina1.l~ th@ga
+iJiqt$~~eit, ada ‘shall.~bs by’eaoh oourt of. thU
##at+ held to b4~*alid eleotfona just the aame
u it. tbq .M!fiaaxya o+argsU nith the &aty ot opco-
the totw, .had om-
~.,$hU ob@q$~t.,.. ~...
.. "Ia view of the above .and f&ego’ing faste,
& ‘the 4Wtfon 'hsld .$A1924 ii ralia elootion,
eysn though mme was’:heU attar the paeaagq or
~ts..‘6996 aad .6948~ wkeh abum
..dy pamo~& ia44 3.athat m&i eleatlon is
ngt a Valid eleatloa, and that anotbar eleotion
mhottldbe orbma md held, and the providonis of
&-t. $9843QOI@itl+~W&.th~
IS gP O?At4AtiOA
* . . . ."
Artiale 9220 of tha Revised Civil Statutes of TWS
of 19l.L. dealing nlth.ths slsetion rat&me on stcck law elf&
tloos, ;provldsdt
“The returns. uhaZ1’ba Op4Alld, tabulated and
ooqntsd by the County Judgs.ln the prcaeoaoof the
W. PI. Tuak4+, Peg4 5
. County Clerk in4 at lee&i one juetloe or the pea44
05 the~OOu&y, or two raspeatable ~fredholdoxwof
the oounty."
The 04~4 of Texas ElLeotrio Ry. Co. v. R~eee, 260
S.W. 179, Tesas Co5mlsslon 0r Appeals, coaetrwd Article
71380,19ll statutes, aupra* We quote from the oourtlr 'O&A-
ion 6s f011awa:
I. . . the opanlng, iabulating aAa oounting
0r the returna or the d4otiOA app4W afffrnmtiv41y.J;
to haya been by the oomalabioner#l oourt, aad not
by the' 8Otrnty judge, as required by AxMole 7990,
Vernon*e Say148 T4xas Civil Stahtss 1914, for
whioh reaaoa the law n4t4r beoame4ffeotiys. King
.Y. Stats (T&i. Cr. A@.) 74 S.W. 779."
Al.80 to the aame offeat, 1146the 4884 ot MI,
C. 6 8. F. Rp. Cal Y. Gampb411, lOS.& I.- 559; rhioh eon-
8tmed.Art. 4939, R. C. S&1897, whloh read taS Oqm’aa
Mtlols 7ee0, B* c. s. 19l‘l. ~.
"BI#;TION1. That Artiole 7220 of the Revis4d
civil sttitutes or the stfm of T0x4s'b4 m3ndea ~0
honorable W. M. Tuoker, Pa&e 4
.ae to hereafter read aa follows;
“Article 72ZiO. The returns shall be opened,
tabulate4 an4 uounted by the Comleelonere* Court
of the County in tho &me manner a8 provided for
allgeneral eleotione in the State 0r Teras.
%&c. e. '.That all eloations held in any
county in thle State for the purpolse of deter-
mining whether or not hogs, sheep or goats shall be
psrxaitted to rua at large In suah aounty or aub-
division as provided la Chapter 5 of the ftevisod
Ciril Btatutes of T4xa4, rl34~4i.n the petttion wwi
illed, ordera of.the slection mds by the Comein-
Bionora* Court, notfco thoreot glron, such elra-
tlon held and a majority of the fraeholdera Toting
git ~ach'pl~atlon, Woted in ,ravor 0r 4am4, ai@ gueh
41144t&4&my @YO besn the fa$Xqti
;9r~.6- b&&.terlal officer fo perforph tho~'dut%as
$w&r~d~ :Qf',bia, be, and tke 114~14 ~idmkrby~diiii@
&Iii* ralidatod, atid~&all bus,br all or ths aourt8
6l~ thi~ii.St+te; held to be 'varid aloptions; J*.S '~_,'
*he Ilii&,as :Sf i;ae,~otsi~forr4 -olia&pNitl'dutf:~~r' z
j?& ,.,,... tab~t~.rad.~a~i..0;l\ct..rot~a~
~:? .'..,,... : ': &w@LiX >
to aomQlled.:~f8~t~e.~~' ~&a proiid4a in said
CMptsr 6 of the Ravf8sd,+l statutes or T&II. ,'
~*8Ec. 6;The arawded aondltion,of the Calen-
6ar and the hot that them ir i&w go adoquite law
On this, subfoot on th4 StRtuto'boo!x# of, TOW&~, both
@r~6t~ ,a omorgeaoy
and an lmpcratl~~,~
put&&e n4048-
rlt that ths~-colurltutioakl rule roqqlring bill4
tr&rwd oa three '44v4r4lday6 b.4 ~mtiponded and
&aid'%ule I# hersby su4p4nded; and that tble ht
bq ersoat aae be in for50 room and artor it8 par-
86&o; and it is a0 OnactQd.
",(Eote$ 11. B:'Eo. 84 passed the House of
RoprQspntatLvea~on July 14, 1QlO; .and paesed the
Senete~~onJuly 18, 1919, but i%ovot,e.&ivtrenin
nApproved July eS, 1919.
"B444me effeotlte Ju1-r 88, 1019."
Honorable W. M. Tuaker, Page 5
ii. B. 84, supra was carried forward and plaasd
in .the Bevieed Civil StaCt&s of Toxw, 1935, and now ap-
pears a8 Artlolee 6936 and 6946 of the 1925 statutea.
The of Johnson v. State, 244 S. LV. 009;oon-
StrUOd H. B. 84, This case 4effnltely
SUpCa. held that ror
a stock law eleatlon to bo valid ths commiselonere~ aourt
of the aounty must open the returns an4 count and tabulats
the votoa.
It is our opinion undsr the fac'ts stated that the
Colllngerrorth County Stock Larr is invalid.
It is our rurthor opialon that-&tl&e 6946, R.C.S.,
(enaated In 1919) cannot validate the stock law voted in 1984.
Very t+.y youra
APZSOVEDahim? ‘c’ostimma
BY B.B.B CEiUfMbA10 wJF:mw