Honorable Ray Winder
oounty Attorney
then'qlaasea&lad (11 nhether di(loretloon
to re-
deputieslies entirelyrlth
the employing,mrloeror (2) lr final discretion
bz~ nattcaf
devollosupon the oomariesloners*
*'Art. 3902, Bsv. Civ. Statutes, as wended,
providesfor appointment02 dsputiea,aseiatants
or olsrkeby dietrl~t, oounty or PreOinOt offi-
Gers requlrirqthem. Ofiloislbonds for them
deputiesnot Uisoussedin th3.eArtiole.
1 _^.
~worablo Ray Waler, Page 2
"Artlole3899 at aeld Stat&w requiresCounty
OZfioexato make monthly reports of espenmsafn-
ourrsdin the qonduotof the offloe. Sootion (b)
tm-00r p~0tib4~, in pert,66 r0ii0w
"'l&ohoifioernamed in thie Aot,
nhara he xeoolresa salaryes 5oapensa-
tion fat b&a msnlges, shall be entitled
and pernittedtopurohaseas oharge to
hla oouuty all rsaaombls e&pursesneo-
wsary in the proper and legal oonduot
of his ofHoer prmuiusaon offiolalbands,
pxwmlunoon fire, burglary, theft,rob
berp lneuxanoe proteatiug funds, and
inaludlngthe4mat 0r surety bonds ror
his deputies, providedthat expsosecr in-
ourredfor p~wduns on oiflolals’ bonds
ior tho oouqtytreaauxer,oountyaud;ltor,
oountymaa bomalselan4ro oo.unty sohtw3.
6uperintsodento; and the kids und'm&ml
in5pwtbrt &mlu&* the tis+ ,oisurety .'
bondu for wy daputlsoof any suMa taffh
00x6,llayalso be lnaluded, ati6ouah ex-
penw to be psrrmd on, pre~etormined a&
allorediathe tlm & aearrat,a~nearly
as powible, by the oomlsaioners oooxt
onae &a& mnth for the etmuinaaonth,
upon the rpplloatlw by wbh efflaor, .
statin&tha kind, probablaamouutof es-
p@ndituraand the nWesalt7 r b r r uo hl* .‘,;
poses of his &floe rm su(rhensuing
monthsrhioh applloatlonsh&l, befor*
pnsentation ii8&A aourt,'rirntbe 6n-
domed b7~the oountyaUditOr,if any,
otliernire the oounty treasurer, only aa
to whether fund8 r&x%availableior pak7-
mat 0r SUO~ BS~~WW.~ ****+
w?or y&p I&ma&ion in aonstderinuthe que~
tlow hersin presented,1 quote or refer to VariOW
statutes on the subjeotof deputiesiOr OOUat7 of-
art,ioler,6~o or the aevisedcivil statutw al
L Texas reads. as followat
, ~Wharitfe shall be responsiblefor
t&e offioialaota of their deputlee,and
Ray Z%der, Paqe 3
they shall have power to requirefrom
their daputles bond and sscurlty,and
.‘ ,.,,.
they shall hare the 13am awmdlee wplnst
theirdeputiesand suretiesa8 any pm-
~,0t~~.y6 Pgainsta sheriffand his
lArtluls6879 OS aald Statutesauthcrizosbon-
stabler in Ulttere or 8,000 oc more lnhebltant6
(applicableto the Olty of GainesvilleSn Cooke
Oouatp)to appointdeputies *xvhoshall quelli as
requlr6U or deputy sh6rirro.*
Vu-tiols1938 of said Btatutea with referenoe
to appolntmeutof deputiesby the &oimtyClerk,
oantalna a0 provision with resprat to bond8 0r
such deputies;
mhrtlole 7252 of mild Statutes, aothorlsea
Count Asssosox-Collsator of taxos%b .appoLnt
deputf ea who 'me7 require suoh bon6 trom’the per-
(~on no appointed. aa he deem neoesearyfor hla
indemnity;and the Aasemxm aad COlleetOr Of
taxes shall in all oases be liableaud aooount
able for the praaeeUlng~ cab caieooaduot1x8or-
ri0e or hle &3putle~.'
"Article1650 ar da statutee;. as aam%ed by
the 44th tegW.ature, aathorlx~ appoLntmt of
mmistsnt county auditorsand they *aray be nqulred
to gite~auohbond aa the Oounty Auditormay deter
aim, whloh bond shall be paid for by the County
and ahall run iu ravor 02 the Countyand or the
County Auditor as their interests nay aQpearl.
*Art.,331of said statuteo,authorizea OoUnty
Attorneys,by eonsentor tie oamiasloners~ wart,
to appointone or more aasi8tats, ageoiiyingthe
pom3ra0r tuoh aesietant6,tam of ~riioe,~$a~
thy ahall take the oath o,roffloe, ate. -2
IS no requirementthat suoh eeaiataatfile an of-
"Art. 3922, Sea. 13(a) of said atatubee pro-
vides that the oo~iasloners* court mfg authorize
of a stenographerby the County JuQe
and pRy fOS 5aeh ssS?io68 Gut Of th6 &WlOX-Sl ~iund
Honorable Ray Hndsr, Page 4
of the Couaty to an amount not to eme0a Q120o.00
‘paryear. There ia no requirement Sor oiilolal
bona in suoh oaae.
"Unless the inplloatlona of Art. 3899 (b) of'
aaid statutes requira the making and filing of
o;ttioialbanda by deputies of county offloere
there f~eemato be no auoh reqtclremeatae to dla-
trlot olark deputies nor the deputies of oouaty
f=:,"~=t~&pgo;;;~t~ pg~ier~~w: a5
silent as to requ~~emat of b&ads for dt&tiee.*.
You have quoted or referred to t&e pertinent stat-
utes aad we deem it uaaeoeesary to refer to them fwthe:.
You are respeotfully advised that it is the opln-
loa of thie department that the oouaty oti%o.oiaIs
referred to
in your letter may, et their owa option and discrretloa,re-
q&e tht~ir~deputfssfo arsoute sarety boada; thl&, however,
ia aotmeadatvry.
Very truly yours