Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable A. K. Harrison cm&Yc~t$w parls, Texas Attention: Dear sir2 08 of a oartified e birth record of You have re 0r the father or t be identified, th or death oerti- and provided ther of an il- es to make as to Its parent- In the form of au affidavit, rlglnal birth reoord. Bleith- ar nor ang looal registrar led copy of any birth or erain a child or an adult Is stated t illegitimate, unless suoh oertl- fled oopy ls ordered by a Court of oompetent jur- isdiction. ’ Your question arises from the feat that neither the Constitution nor the statutes oi this State grant to any oourt I Honorable A. W. Harrison, page 2 spwolflo juriadlotlon to order the 188uance of a certified copy of the birth record of an lllegltlmate ohlld. Section 8 of Article 5 of the Constitution of Texas, ti addition to conferring upon the dlstriot court jurlrdlotlon in the particular kind8 of oases therein named, further provides that said dlstrlot oourt 'shall have general original jurlsdlc- tion over all Cause8 of aotlon whatever for vhioh a remedy or jur18dIotlon 18 not provided by law or this Conetltutlon. This oonstitutlonal provision has been carried forvard into our stat- utes. Artlole 1909, V. R. C. 9. Chief Justice Hemphill, in upeaklng of the juriadlo- tion of the distriot oourt, raid; 'The only Inquiry to be made at the lnatltu- tlon of a sult 18 vhwther the fact8 of the care are ouch a8 to entitle a paPtr to a judgment In hi8 favor in either lau or equity; and if he have rights oognlsable by wither, 8uoh relief rlll be adjudged br the court a8 the nature of the oaae demands.' 4 Teraa 109, 114. It 18 therefore our opinion that the dI8trlot oourts have jurirblotion, upon proper petition, to order the 18suanoe of a.oertitled cop7 of the birth reoord of au IUegItlmate ohild after 8uoh ohlld is no longer a minor. Your8 very truly ATTORHEY WIIERAL OF TEXAS W. R. Allen A8alstant