Z&s State Board of Deutal Examinerr
Littlef'ield BuilQLqg
duet&n, TOsal
0unt1ePlenc Attention - Brr
Ye beg to aokaovl
request for an opinion upon
tters$ aa held by
atute orestee an ot-
f tho term oi the lnoum-
the bu&lnlng or fer-
a ot the rest appoint-
ginning of the fenure of suoh ap-
esslre appolntments.
Opinion x0. 2672 (opinions
, p. 644) rith respaot to
Dionore, and opixltonx0. 2913
Qeneral, 1930-1032, p. 661) with ro-
89eot to the State Reolaauationk%fgiineer.~
mether or not the statute in the present in-
quiry (A.O.S., AH&ale 4643) does pFOmOrlbe the be&-
tin6 of the tonure ir a debatable puestionr That stat-
ute insofar as pertinent reads,
. .
Texas State Board of Dental Exsminers - p. 2
*The term of offioe of eaoh member of
said Board shall be nix yearm, exoopt that
as to the firet Board appointed hereunder
two of its membera shall se118 for a term
of tvo years, two of Its membOrs for a
term of iour pears, and tro of Its mf3mbers
for a tern of six years, the respective
.. terms of the flret member8 so appointed to
W&eslgaated. by the Gwernor in appointing
Mthia thirty (30) dsys after this
Aot ieoomes e??eOtltb the six members of said
Board &all be appointed by the Bwernor of
the State1 two to move ror two years, tto
for four years, and two ror slxyears, or
until their suooessors shall bb ~&ppOinfed
aad quslified. Thereafter, at the expiration
o? the term of eaoh maber first ippointed;
hio suooeesor shall be appointed by the
Gwernor o? the State and he shall serve Sor
a term o? six yeare or until hle auooeesor
shall be appointed and qualify."
We are inollned to the opinion that the mandatory
duty iqosed by thf3 statute upon the GoVernor to appoint
members to the Dental Board within th+rty day8 after the
a o tlb eeo meta
effeo tir ,is e a deiinite Intention o? the
Legislature that the term in any evOnt shall begin at the
expiration of thirty days from the edfeotlre date o? the
Aot, which was Kay 11, 1925. (Lavs 44th Leg., 2eg. Sese.,
p, e1+iH6), Te need not to de&de this questioa, haever,
eioce the reoords of the Seoretary of State show that Dr.
gounger suooeoded Dr. Landera, who had been appointed on
Nay 25, 1936, to the tvo-year tern, expiring in 1937, 610
that as to this plaoe on the.Board the term began May 25,
Dr. gllimgton rap appointed a member on Ilsy 25,
19311,apparently to a two-year term, and again on DeOemb6r
69, 1936, he vas appointed to a ?ull sir-year term, (*e?-
iectiye June lo, 1937*) and is now 8eming that term.
The terms of both
these mdDlbers8therefore, till
expire (for purpose of appointment of a suooeesor) midnIght,
Kay 24, 1943.
Very truly your8