c ,_.~. ’ 383. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF.TEXAS . AUSllN : ! Eonomble N. E. Kh$te, Dlreator Texoe Forest Servioe Agrioultwel and Meohanioal College Oollege Station, Texer Dear 8lr: Opinion No. O- We &ate reoelved nsldered the let- ters you cent tis;-- ':irKiiGiiiii aubmfttod ae re- queatlng the opinion of thl to whether a oounty osll ‘la~~fullp expend or oont nd8 to aid the Foreat Fire Fight olvlllan &etense or&anleatlon, by of printin& aer- tab aertlfloates ‘for suoh ~~rvloe. thie State that the O~II+ miseloners* court orlty 88 Is expreeely n It by the Constl’tution find any oonstitutlonal or authorize the commle~lonere~ ty fund6 far the purpose set ! Opinion No. O-4074 oi,this department holds that 8 )ouaty ia not authorized to expend. oountf lulade to aid the :lrr rationflyl and sugar rationing ti!ow* ; .- 1 I. j:\ 382 gonorable iv, Et’ White, Dire∨ Page’ 2 Under the authoritlee!olted in oplnlona Noa. O-l,529 and O-4074, it ie our opinion that 18 would be illegal for eny oounty in ,Texaa tc ‘expend o6untf funda ror the purposea’ l mentio ned ln rour lettrro. !
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion