i- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonsrable~Bmi8Favor8 oh+iBaa ox the ooamittre or am chainmn. 6 baen mabposnaed d sadtbea and snb 04her8,euld in said ehmlttse or 1tf3 chairkmnto wire appropriated,to pey the oontlngent etpmuc#, and to gay the nlleageeml per dlenror memberaand the par dim ei of- flooraand employeesof the Regularsoas- Ion ot the Irorty-eighth Legislature,and to pay any unpaM aooountsor expenses of the Forty-seventhLeglulature;and db- olarlngau emergency.* we quotesootlon 1, ROllaS Rule xmx of the )rorty~i~th.Leg18lattlre: wtThe rule for pa&g witneaaw m1~10ned to appearbeforethe Howe, or sag or 148 oom- tittees,shall be aa r0u0w8t For eaoh oalbn- dar da a vitaes8shallattend,the aus af three T$8.00)(LcUnn; artdfor OOQ&@ to 02 goin irog the plaoe ef examination he .&all Naa 4fQ aotwl an6 ne$6mary espm808, aldlty6 (#8&O) dollararor e&oh oalendarday whfah i# neeesiarily00a8~tta in gaiagto and rettmalmg from said place of elllmination: bd r+obhS #hall be paid for trafeliz& home Whoa the a- ne& was at the plaoe;oftrial jhan mmm~aek The aer4Uieate oi the ehaiman of the bamiaittee bbrora vdiieha witnew irksu6uwned,0r~4hb amoaat dqo suuh ritna$a,&all be mf~ioiemt suthorltytttrthe saslsto be paid.' we quote aeetion18, EO~MOanl.am a? 4hb Bmtey-EighthLsgirlaturer .~,. a’ ?*Flve ~mamberm, dth full bantroltmdW direation of the xowe, ever the expenili- tare6 of the Xio~b out of the aontfngsnt ~rwl; and it ih~expremly provided fhvf no alaim or bUlr a&n& the Rouse mlnll be paid Out Of ;tha~.~t~gOn4 iand M- low thb tmnb shallhate beea pr8tiow4 author$re&,MOE BillstR@mfOre 8tzboe- puttntlyapprov@ by the Coanitteeoa WI- tingentIbrpenmi8, or nnlem sbherwi80paO- rid& by~a ro40 0r 4he Howe. The oar- mltfe~'anContiQgentExpeww &all have .sarlgwd 40 14 k aommltteeale* who is a Ma a rtaqrapher, and who boolck+4~per ehalf;~under the dlreotfoa0r the oola- ~4teet.kbsp q'itcuaited aoootuit0r all Elonorable XIlnfsFavora - pa@ 3 thu uupplltsan& atsrohandlacrof wbatocr- e7er kinA or deaotiptllon,or oth4r ex- panblturasauthorizedby the Coumlttee, from whomorGored,ana the prlon pal4 therafor. Thie stat4mcntshall at all tim4S bb Op0Q t0 the ?uUp44tiOzQt any Member oi'tha Rouse, and the Anut of th4 laebtla@shall be kept Sa 4 well-, boumlbook, and at the oloea of the eeuslonof the I&gIslatnrashall bn Qe- llveredby the chairman of the CommIttee on Contingent~pc~rs to the Ssoretnry of state, with the rec,ucstthkt It be preservedin the archivea of hia oftlee.' 'IfQal00 tlfttI for YOQT OOIi8idCPTtStiiOtl ATtiOli 5063, vi the R.Q.S.,of Texas an& quote th4 aamer **The how4 in which tha wntest is peti- In& ahall;as zoon a5 praatioableafter the mport Of'4h% wmmfttee hufdbeen rb- oelved,fix a iia?tar the trial of the opntest, and shell proaeed to detarxitina whetherthe ovltestaat0r Oontestee,OP. eitherof thcvais entltledto the OOD- teafant'sseats pr0s?ided"the 8alE b0u04 stayhold the 4l4otIonvOl@ after rull O0naIa4ratIou of all tbe evidsnae4nd for the seadonsprsscrlbedin hrtiolo 3OSd, and in eueh oaae the f%msrnm ahall at en00 be motifled of the v'80am3yq 8ueh ieem shall be~jjdld~to the witmmsea and, the offioara 8ervlng the prooes6fin shall be preserlbsdby the rulea of th@ .boash in wh5oh said oontest is pending, snd nb mUsage or per dieas *hat1 be p&d to eitherdf the partiesto said oantwt antL1 eaLd ease iu determined; and in no &me shall any arileegaOT per dl# ba piaidto any party tgaalnstwboaany eon- teat 14 aeolaed.* *~awtlon So. U Ir e eer$lf2aateby me a6 ohairman of'the Prirl34getr, SufYrage an8 Eleotloiw Commfbtee~o8X4liyingthe amOUnt du4a W24nt4~8~ 8aWi014nt authorityto authorizethu Speaker and ohafxnmnor the ContingentIFxpcnae Comlttche to spaymoh nftness and his .ao$ualand neosssary ax- penaea and wltmas i4449 wQuestlonSW. E? :Or, h the alterw8ire, 18 it tleowsaryror th* House,by resolution, to appropriatea sum 07 suma ror t.hispurpose baforu subpoenas are 108ued and witnsseee are broughtbefore suoh uoamittee,snd before such aetusland wo ewa r y lxp*n+es an4 witness$ees are pnidt* hrtiole JO66 rgec tileidly grp$Ues thst *3ueb few ahsll be pmld to the * ltneeaes as shall be pre- sortbaa by the rulesor the howt ln M&h the aontss$ 2s pending.* * *.* Seotib1 1 of Eouss Rule XXVII fixes fha ret88 to be pal4 witaera !bbetore oofadttees0r the BVW6. BccMon 18, Rowe R tieVII, rsr,uimsprevious autboritntion and eubaeqwo ; approve!1by the Cotittee 011 Cwtlngaut Rxppstues or a rpwaitmes out 0r the 8021. tingentima *tiosf~ sthen .8eprotidedby a vote of the Howe." section1, FIount R iLoIKVIT othl3rwise provl&3a in reapeat to witaeearars ma ttxpeweB,by attbtiag tjbt30 *the osrtlfiaatsof the oha muin of tha aowslttesbefop whloh a witnose is maunimcd 0r th6 4t~ti~dtl68~0h wit- aeab, shall be sufrident a mority rar the same to be ma.* phe tmtdri0rt9 p @deal by Beation 1, Roust mls xxVIT, i8 thsrtir4re 80 !fia$.ant authorityror the Chairmanor the Oodttee o I, c05tbge5t mpi3~08 ana th0 Speakerto furnishthe oert.fiimteto the ComptrollerTO- gnireaby the term of Sena idBlllnrO.1. SenateBill We. lkurnlahes the nsoessaryap- pro&atlon by law nqrrfma:w the t0r-m 0r Artl~ls8 Beotiw 6, of the Ooastftutioni!Pheiuourringor obljga- tionr to be pai oat or the~uontlngentfund ror oxpmmaa . thus providedmast be purstqnt to authoritygivea fn~ad- ranoe by the Holaure, else thi want of Wpr6dxleti.ng Irw* fe autthorlr*tht inoarringof libsobligationwill pmVrat'ltn payw5tr under the tems 0rjAl'tma 3, seo~ion44, 0r the ConstStution;~bat in the 0888 of wStmu~ee(l, m&i rutborlty 18 givenby the term cr ao~tioa1, House RuleXXVIL VWytrulY yours +lYo%BBTtn3muL ?l TXM "t (8) 8. w. re4ir&tllU A~S8SStWd
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion