OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN objootloaa "Ourprlnoipal to t&e olauaeme Do rollwr: * 1) A&iok 50s. O&.8., ana P.C.Arti- oh 57Q dsr lnD0Dr ta n lotiom OS oorutitutlq flomroblo0. P. Liokhort, MO 0 forbidden dirorl8lMtlw cad r&at , uong~~ hots uo the offer, ule, or other %! l ltuk or, other ri&to u&d roolPrltloo la the polloy a0 u induoement to pooltlonof xpryd lnouraneo. nolt ~umo to. IO that thv 0lame, hero u&r oonol&ra- tioa,primrilf viol&e* tho lpirltand oamoorlth- irr tha watiin( lf a0 th l&tar of Artiolo5053 a P. c. ArrtLolo 57Q in that it p&o00the pollop holderuponaboollltothe m rutsa& 81th the ounu 0r uhatevu nu% r of oharoo of *took uw h8Ut.d In th. b-1 oI&dthd the @iO)ho~U'O lta tuolo no t sa p 4 that Qr 80-n ltwk h o ldu, but thst of a proforrod ltoakholdor, ownimgtho EWU thuah 0r r h u 00 l0t rorthj md tht~ tb poUo*oldor boo &ll the bonofito of l oamoa or poforrod ltookholdor,rithout of the burdono “I won the mmlnal of lwh a stoakholbr, uid rlthou QYnu~p o r a OzJlg lO ltuk o h u o in the o wp uly. ‘( 8)Thel& uo o wr b o ullrrly8loload- Lng to the ooppot%vo polior older, aad poullrr- 1J lPoOoptl rlo to 8l8roproooat8tloAto hlB, + to ~$uamt of dlvfdendo to bo ro8lisodunder luoh Aeouw, SW hotmoe, thatin ordu to r ol ll *&OOO Ufo polloythe agent offrro tha oopeotl wtlolg4tirlfrldu lathlr form filled !z in lwh ua r a 8 o la it10him to dividend8 equal to thooo 08 rive or tu ehwor or OS o r proforrod ltook. T h isso wd~ lik e l bonuoa. ma agent~mpbuiaooth8t thloontitlestho @lop holder to dlvldondm wm.l to tho(u 011fir0 03 ton ohavorulrhDmMdtho8,ulthoucovuhav to bw or p4 for or loouno the omuship, ri2 , burdono, 8ad bother ot the ohwoo. Tha bgont then pUnto 8 roe7 ploturo as to put lwalngs orthooapMy,wdprw tit0 ratura 0 and mDko0 it round like p” br dlvldeudo IOM tbm par for the polloy~ulwrou, in truth, be nan-gu, valueor even if the o h u e o of ltook value,with omll value 10, or even In ml7 00noa1v8r lo - '0" *, lWh the olttrutlon,.‘ rotwl dAvldM dor y b e Ouuu th a n ~~y ltp a ndlroller th8n thaw mdlmrll7 putioi thqg poll0100, md thor t r polloJbofd@r lo boo vod 8nd mloled to his urlous 4urr. P Hoaoroble 0. P. Lookhut,pIge 3 ~OUV lottor 0r hbrwr~ 15,lg4,,lo ln put a0 r0iim01 9 8 0r m th 8t tb r0 r utta lir r uutu00p on vhfoh wo deoi~ th0 reweoted opinion to k pdloetea may lppeu with @oator uaet1twA., allovuo to4Boadando lonoat ear or- ro- ig4Y irrthe r0u08ia(r roo- "Theputloulu partlol#tloaokuoo quoted fn th0 00008d paugraph 0r 0~0 origial &ttu is not now peadirrp orl&bl8l o ur tip & h u t under Ar tioT-l l 4749, @IId but rr- hu alrow br boonrikd,vltho~ lmpllodQIpr0~1,aadi@be Lo g used lurrent1.Jla oonusrtlonvlth lpg~oved r0ru Or ~OUO~OS. In bddition to the qu0t.d 0h00, u hat0 4u0* u ru0 0th0r rm 0r gut101patinglleuoeo,*ub*tMtUll~ ldentloal vlththo quoted form, but porhapa with rll@tly dirru0nt ~0rdbg, kt00d br 0th~ 00mpa0~. 8ubotuMmlly ldontlcirl jwovlolono*lo&to any or th0 tow 4709, 4755,5036 md Or mi0i00 lo p eo la*s u>ywo do o lrQur o g lJdoa n i0Ia0 0-t JOU had tb8t th0 QUO t ti r0n rioht00’uy lr a0 gr0ti0i~ 0r or l~ah 0it04 0ei0a00, u to *h&her *e Uvo FL powor end duty in the sta ted llr o uo tM o otoo WltMuw OUT TOth0 ltWt that thr firOt pWg?aph Of OU? ori&laal letter mar have ofhnvoyed the l8prooolon thattherm ir, qwotionuoookrltt0dorlgi- ~~~uOAOWJM~O~QW~~Q.F ti fL?Ot tL#, tho ol@nol inquiry lo huebr amended. %I th 0~0 or the 008pny W* the pro- OiOe fOPNIqUQtOd %I&w ~8gFaph 0f 0~ l0008d orlglnal Ytor, it lo rbprooutodto aa the stook- boldarebwo by lpproprlek wrlttonreoartl OOQ- rentedthatdivldoMe to polloyholdosolzIlooord- an08rlth luah quoted proviolmehoul&be paid mner8blo 0. P. -t,P4@4 b0ro39 or 8t tho em tlmodivibud, @hall be paid 01th1 r lt0ok 0r th6 0 wo doolro your epln- ion a&so u to vhet&or opa b.uLal; th0 k6uit op iu080utl or Ee rmu009p EL Vlththo I our utloko above 0lt.d. The rouQ0 we "@"~ro~~~~~@ rdditldpointlo tbtln ~00~~ir y lob0t00tiu4 th0 lm ru8 0~ put;- 01 tiogol8a8o,aoPenyru aothvobeen M Piw, taken or t000rd bf the 0Ioekholdoro or lnvolvod, ooeuntin#to the pa-at Of dft th0 ‘YIPOAdOt0 po~O~b%V?S iA 8OOOHblOO Ufth the putloalar pmtiolpating oleuao ievolvod~ Md IIS, thWfoCI, do8f.W t0 knOtI Ub6thOT SUSh 0r u&t0 ur~00mpmOt0Oth0 -toi ltoJ- hoMore lo ma popor lrltulm r= dotorriw oonrormlt~ or Mn~wfQomlty to tha statoto~ pov~olonr oitoddr m. . . .l nb0 p0a0ip0t* 0~ w 00mri00t0 to b0 Ot- tw0d t0 xii0 p o u0f0~ 0r l h00Oti0 0t00k iii0 s.00~0000 oagmt, lnoorpomted udu Cha u I, Tltla 78, Yernw~o Isl- n0tmdatii 8t0tut00, IO OS r0 @ ,~llt %mh0d t0 urd go. Vhlo poli0~o&l1 partlolpato ln thm luv- lw larniqp oftho Q-u lp r$madadb~~‘k$e Lord of Dfreotom, born no: c rod 0r tho l00Ond polio~ ym end maually thuo- ubruhllo thi@&U~~~irlntuU rO?Oo. suoh Eonoreble 0. P. Lookhort, page 3 dividend0ohollloortm tra JlortaUty &via(lo, Rc lo r vo o roloa8od on lapsodpoU0100 a0001 lntereot oumf~6~ utd other peoslto on t&a bompukpe pti- llpatln#lmruroo u prNtkd b;r the Iawe of t& 8tOt0 0r w00. l AEX8UCE AUUUAL DIYIo QlD AP P a tTIO TOg TBu8 HD POLIOX n A%Y CALUDU? mAit, 8uLL La Rrn xma rBA8 ~~sBDIB~DDIIQ~H)DXTB1BoIBD~DpIR~~ AHDPAIDTOfiiB8TOCZlCOLDER8 Oi'fB.E8OUT5AU8TAXS8 LIPSX8TmAxCPQalPANxII 8lJcH XluRoil 8HARm OP5CWoI 8TQQIQPTHH80- STA~LIFPi x8uRAJlcR OQNPANT. lm00uted th is th o dy of 194 8t th0 OffiOO 0f ~OU#UA stotO0 uf0 IAs~o CapMy, Eouston, Tox80." I, 8eood W 8 ‘WtiOiwta PliOr, ’ br *L?tU0 0s thO PO- vloionoof rhiohtho l.noupod lo entitled to sham inth 0sur p lus lunfr q0r0th eo o mp aiaepyropor- tion t0 tbo prri- p8id 0 th0 mm 0r hi0 lloy. Phiomharobt&our@rum8ybe~~blo r 0 him, at the O~tiM Of the O-, 8t 8 OOrt& flxod period 0.v u divldmdo. In tb aboonro of 8 l t&t8t0Pr ~povlola~,the tine Of distribution o fl lUV~hO t0 gOl.lO~ holdoromlido OB t& die- orotlonof tho dlrootaro oi the l-n lxeopt 00 fO8 80 it U, b. btO88fAOd by th. ObUtOr, Of the ooqa~,o, v0lldb~lm(8oth0hlldv~ llrr Xorkure IAO. co., 97 Ill. App. 547). Wader8 Uoy lntltllJlgthe Lprarodto pertioipdola r & diotrlbutlo a or the ourplaooolooordlq to owh prlnol~oo80 ml@& bo rd ‘tedby tbo oom- pony,the iaourodhoe no title ? o Way ouoh se- pluo uetlla Uotrlbutlon10 8o4oby the 0rri00ro o fth eo o mp wy, ud u& wluehprrorlolont&OQ- pcuy’lo not roqtired t0 distr$buto t& 0At&O SUP- piU0 (c&00f V. EpUitAbiO uf0 diO@UP. 800.1 tdo 51 1.x. 7l@, 46 t.R.A. L88 73 Aa. 8t. rovuolng 57 H.X. 8upp.8$1 40 A ). If the arght 0r 8 T0 polio7koldrr Honor&lo 0. P. Leokhut,gmgo 6 fUUd 1 0lOAta OAt a h i0lOAtiw- Until th0 lXJ?iUtiOo ith A e 0.r . M rf@t t0 SW fC 8 OhUO Qf l . . . l %Zm r u le that t;g;yot lwh l r ig h t ao ontitlodhl8 to on .... 0l . , . ‘mVideAd# MoPa On 8 PO1107 Of iAOWMO0 mwt, oi oouroo, bo Mid aasqd to the rontraoto undor vhlohthe 8oorw 9 (CUtlsao Iat. I& l Ino. Co. v* Jlomlo, 104 Ark. 288 118 S.Y. 1019f ovlolon that tha pe110@&or ohallbo @aLtAm r0dl*1d6Ado d0.0 no tloAtaplat0 that th ola - l~0d 8a7 a0t0t0 th0 880-t or atidOia th0t " shall k duluod, or qwstloa tlw rooult aftor the dloorotien or the mnagoro hao ken oxorolo~d in thl~ behalf. The omtrmt lo that tho lziouod @hall &VO tbO bOMfit Of lPOk ditidurdr W th0 It10 stated lnCoaoh'o Oyilopodi* of Iaourmoo Law, Volmo 6, p4o 647)I Honorbblr 0. P. WOkhUt, WA0 7 'In Aetormlnlng tho lurplu8 to b8 arodited a0 dftid~ndr t0 iir0 in0~rur00 p0ii0iO0, p0ii0i00 may bo AirideA into oloooo8 oonoloting of thooo h Or ing8 OOB B OA lU Of ~OOWAOO, lge Of 8ppii- 0a, kin4 0r p0 3: ior, md mount 0r pr~airpsr -id. But, llthoqh 0rAlaarily iii0 ~~lloleo a0 olaoood looording to the year of loow, o rlooordbg to % z :: EZGYrP~$0Z :?%:2b: ti0t40r •UPQ~Wai4 i0rit0 uloq 01~8000, the plan 0r larluanoo seP eotod, rather thRa the &to of loow and age of tho lnourod, d8tsrmlneo tho proper olaoriflcatlon; othervioe, the 18v of aver- 8@0, 00 ~0DMt.i~ t0 life iWWOQO8, 18 1OOt OX' oarlouol7 ourtailed. And oluoiflootlon for pur- 0800 Of dirtribution of 8urplW or prOfit must 30 llmftod to polloyholdOro vho hwe contributed thereto, lnb A8'0000~117 1nOhdeo 811 vho hove 00 ooAtrlbuteA. yut'th8rmOF0, under l OOntr8Ot Of life lnouranco vhloh proVlde8 that the polloyholdrr till b8 ontitled to ohnre in th8 Al8trfbutlou of the OCBpM,'O lUPp1U8aooordlng to the 88thO&8Aad prlnolploo ado tod by tho oompanySor tho dlotrl- butlon of lurpP u8, mad under vhlah only ruoh pro- portion Of the lurplu8 88 ogultrbly belongs to tho polla, lo to be orvdltOA to it ond po%A to the polloyhddu, tha proportion AOrl&Mtvd must ba @ooert~lned and detOrmlnod bofavo the polloyholdor OU UfAkiiJ M outlon et &V to reoover 4ulypor- tion of the 8urp1uo. And, in la u a portlolpatlng pollo7 provlAe8 for m 'vwltable @hors of the Alviolble surplus,* It vi11 AOt be cowl&rod thbt th0 OAtirO pFOfft0 VOX’0 iAtOndOd to b8 dlvzd- ed amfq t&0 polloyholdero, bat ouoh a 0har8 0~07 80 tha mumgore of the company may, In the exor- aloe of their Alooretlon and good faith, declare a8 prOfit8, thO7 hovlng in ViOV 8 rv88onab1e urd ~oaoouy provision for tho safety of the ow." We oonrtrue said partiolpotlng clsuoO or oertifioote AOt l8 8 gu4rurtre by thr oompony that it vi11 ever dsalorv l dlVi&~~& to it8 OtOCkhOlder8, but If It should do SO, then it8 p6rtlalpoting polloyholdsro vi11 r008lVO on their poll- Oioo UI Uowt not lees than the aaoh dlvldaed dealered on tho numbor of oharoo otat8A In the oortlfloate. The ltxwk- holders do not Auoruiteo my @took dividends ever to be paid the polloyboldero and no otouk ever p.ssrooto the pOliC~hOldU8. It i8 noted that the prrtiOi&Mlq 018U8e Honor*ble 0. P. LQokhart, 98ge 8 Or O~rtirlMte d~# not Ot8tIBth0 WBbW Or 8h~88 Of ths omon @took or the oarpug vhloh will bo ~8.d a8 a bar18 In detemlnlng the amount of dltldmdr to be paid. A8 VI under- 8tMd foUr POQUO8t, it 18 foUr 908itiOll tbt th. O=puV OOuld diWM iM t0 l8 t0 OilO~OidW8 bf iA8Wting l dir r er - lnt amber or rh8mr or tL OWOkI 8tOOk Or the 008LpU-U in the blank oontmmd la the ~tlOlp8ting 0lm8e or Orrtlrl- oat.. TO illU8tr~t41 fh. OOiOw Bi&ht 8*11 tW0 901101*8 OS 8 thoauand dOlhF8 eaoh and ln8Wt in One 88rtiiiO~te iiT@ 8har.8 Or 8tWk and la the other ton rhuer Oi ItOak. Ir th0 OOIBpMy rOiiOWd thi8 pOliOy Md In8OrtOd d%rrWInt 8harOr or thee oommon8tOOk to be useda8 4 bar18 in deter- 8lnlng the uount oi dividend8 to be paid in ldmntlo81 pol- 101.8, then 8UOh an 8otlon would be in tlolatlon 0r Art101e 509, Vemon’r Annotated Clvll Statutar, and Artiole 578, Vernon'8 Annotated Penal Coda, Bovevw, ior the purporsr Or thi8 O@liOn, We mU8t 888-e th8t the Oollouy Win 18@41- l~oOndUOtlt8bu8llu88 and th8t088hpO~O$aOldar Of the 88ma ola88 ~111 bo treated llko over othar polla~ol&c ln hi8 01888, and that th oimpeny w I11 not rerort to any . dl8OririlutiOn Vh&8WVbF. fb 9088ibilitr wt th8 OOOL- PenJ oould di8orimiMtr bdsveen it8 polio~holder8 dOe8 not $Iltifl Y8 in OOIU3iUdirrg tht the OOHI~ Vi11 d0 80. ktlOb84753 and 5036, Vernon'8 Annotated Civil st8tUt88, prorido r0r the arlaU.l4tlon0r 8Ur9xU8 rw dlvl- dond pur908e8 and forbid the p@Pwnt of dividend8 out of rU& Otbr thur 8t~91U8 prOrit8 a8 dOriM ia 8ad ltiOi88. Ta~;al tlng elaure or Oertliloate, above quoted, must, r 0 oonstrued 88. permlttlzigthe paymat or dlvi- dendr onl; out 0r ruob i8uru.xrurplu888. lstlole 4729, Ver- non@8 Annotatad Cl+11 St8tuter 4180 fOrbid8 tha pa 0r dividend8 OthW m fFGW 8UF9iU8 pOfit8 and iOr r id8 @l8FUr- toeddlVldOd8 to goll@yhhalderrla 0x0088 Oi the amount of the lx p enw0r loalng in the promlum and pFOVid88 rurthw th8t in Oal* 0r papent 0r dividend8 in 0X0.88 or the 8moUnt Or th0 8XpOIi88 bAdit& ~88WO8 8wi bt3 8d U9 t0 OOIW the deilolw&o~ ln net premlumthereby areated. In flew 0r the foregoing, it 18 our opinion th8t the putlolpatlng a$awbe or oerti.floete,quoted above, doe8 not ViObtr UIJ prO~i8iCUk Or the b8UI?8ILOO hV8 Or thi8 (Itate. Theretore, hwlng awered your rir8t quertlon @I tlWetOfOre rtated, it 18 JlOtMO888M~ t0 di8OU88 tkW 9OVW8 0r the Board 0r xn8~ranao commi88iowr8 vlth rrteronee to Bonorablr 0. P. Lookhart, page 9 the r1thdmwa1 0r TOW &p~OYlhl 0r 8UOh roru &Ad other uttoro rohtlng thweto a8 mentioned b yOUr lnpuiry. Tour8 very truly aTTaRaKPOBIrnAL OF TKXAS By M&L Ardell Y1111ABE8 A88i8tmt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion