OFFICE OF THE A’170RNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Llomrable M&ruizaii.Brouzt,Jr. Grim Dirtxiet Atmrnry Parrant county Fort Uorth, Ooxat lionor8bl.e Mervin ii.Brown, Jr., page 3 ratlQc in 8 city of 10,000 lnbebitentt or amt. Artloh 2968a does epplg to those neu residents who do not reside in a city of 10,000 or more lnhabitcmtcl. "&?tlClG 2955, 8v SIrmndbd,dose apply to PI1 voters exempt froanpaylag a gel1 tex 4nd who ~01811 hem ree:deC In thlt etato ona ya6.r ne%t preced- l.ngen slectlon and the Uet 01x month4 withtn th4 dlrtrlct or couuty in which he or she offers to vote and who r44ides in e cl,tg end uho doer PGsider In a city of 10,000 lnhabltentr or s. '%iehove advised tbs Tar Colleator bnd As- testor that he thould lstue ruoh poll L8X cxemp- tion certifiO(lte#Co ell retldentt uho h8ve moved to T8rronC County from outride of the Dtete of T4x8r subsequent to Je~uary 1, 1942, even thou@i they may h8ve nkovedvlthin the llaaitt of the oity of &Pt WOPth (e city Cd SCW8 then lo,wo In- tcbitantt) and we ho4 ldvftc tuoh d Fax Collea- tar UU$ Atrsttor th8C the failure to dettgarrt4 iriBrCfoLe 2966 thot4 ‘VbO 4r4 8%4qt f&m the peymenc of e poll tu beoeute he or she vas not a retident of the &late ol Teue on the ftitt dey of Juwnry prcoedfag itr levP doee not pre- o&de thocr reeldizq in 4 arty al more then 10,000 inhabltsntc from obtainlq exemption c8Ptlfleetea. “The Quectlon hat elto tirltent&tto lðer timve who hwre noved to Tarrent County from out- tlde of the Stete of Taxer tubtequent to Febmar$ 1, 1942, and who have not lived in the Steto of Te%et for one ye&z et the timt th8y Op zy for their 4xempClon oertlfioatet we entlt% d to such 4xeubptianaartifl~4tet. In our opfniola. in ViOlI Of thG pPOVftfOnt CCUdAtfMd iA &tic14 VI, Seotlon 2, of the CcuwtLtution, 8nd Artlale 2955, ac amended, Chow perronr would ueverChe- lett be qu4liiXed rl4or;ortIf Chey heve ~@14eCL in thy Stat4 of Texat for oue yeeu!prior to the d8te of eny election uhiah mf.&@tbe h4ld dWm the year 13k3. E~WGV~P, einae Artfcl4 2955 pro- vider Chat they muffth8ve plleunrptfon cePCiflcat8 lionorebl4IUrvin IL Bpowi,,Jr., me 4 if th4y rstlde in 8 tmbn of 10,000 lahebltantt or 10~4 to be 4blr to vete, we hwe Advlted thlt the Tax ~oll4ctor 8ad hutaetor ehould Us0 lttw exdagtlon oertifia*tee to thlt clat8 of ntv reti- dentt under the reercmiq 4ont8irud in the opin- ion of the AttPTn4y Oenei%l detsd JCmuery 14, 1938, rddretted to Hr. B. W&I& Xauffrprrp, oaCrlr?- ma, Terr8nt County Demmw.lo 3txeoutiv8 Caritt84, wharein it uaw h4ld on page 3 of au&s oplaiorrthat *u&438* rho voul6 not 8ttUn their treaty-flrrt birth&y prior to the Sirtt day of Bebruuy in my one ye&, but who would beoome twenty-arm per of age after Juunry tlrlrtpftrtt ot twh ~yeer ~6 prior to the 4ak of aa ekotion dur- bg thW yew vould be eatltled to AA l xeaptiar, 4ertifioate ror tu4h uwA4m), at the 0pinLM *tated, 'mutt usttoipek him blxthdey la obtcl8- Ir ig twh l48ptloA rertlfie~t4.b In like m8aaeC. tush ~8v retidentt ubo ha& nQt beon in the State ortuw for QM per prinr,toJAAuwy~l, l$911, but vho vould lame th8 rewUe4 a4 upI4 length of twldm44 @or to m ll44 r ion In th8 yew 19X5, met antl4ipate the- b4coming l qwliiled 4letsEor by attuaing 4 fear’0 rwi- deedL~~voultl be entJl;b& to tush exempt&m . ‘We vouS4 lpprealUe r o w86vLI~ w ifo ur lQviao to the Wx CoUeotor Aaulhsurottw oi 'Lu- raat County on there tuo mattert it 8orrect. Jltny Uwutaadt of MU retidentt are mu locetml In Tarr8at Countyp Mvhag moved here to v&c in the verww plenti aud cm th8 twiout d8fewe d4f4nte of44tt. hlaPg4 poPtion0s themu rraathe r t&e of Califernla aad other etrtee. t8turrlly, there vi11 b8 erwh for poll tuue Md exeq$loAe crrtificrtst during the month of Jum~rg, AA~ inetmucb at the dudllne ex#.ttt 011Jaauu7 31, l943, th4 tlnm It thot vithin vhieh me say ob- teLn tit&t opinion en6 Itt we thit year.' Xn Opinf@n Wo. O-4348 thLt depuctpsnt b&t hereto- tore ruled aa queatlant very rl.Ulap to the Quettlant pm- sented ia your lngulrp. SA v1av cbschit o~iaion &Rd the &U- thorltim sited th4relA you ere r&rgmat?uliy Advised t&At thoee
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion