HE ,L~ITORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS Honorable J. C. Gowdy County Auditor Wichita County Wichita Falls, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-5014 Re: Under the facts set forth does the commlssloners' court have the authority to make settlement with the constable and allow the addi- tional amount for traveling ex- penses,,and other related questions? Your letter of December 9, 1942, requesting the opinion of this department on the questions stated therein reads in part as follows: "I will appreciate your opinion on the fol- lowing: "Article 3899 R.C.S. provides for the monthly reports of officers compensated on a fee basis. Same requires them to submit an itemized and sworn statement of all the actual and necessary expenses incurred by him in the conduct of his offIce, which includes traveling expenses. "A Constable in this County made monthly re- ports of his receipts and office expense, same being audited and approved by this department If found correct. However, the Constable, in sub- mltting his annual report for 1941 sets out the amount of $483.73 for traveling expenses. On his monthly reports for the year 1941 the traveling expenses for the year amounted to only $129.59, which was supported by proper evidence of expendi- ture and allowed. "We made our auditor's report to the alstrict judges, also copies to commissioners' court, cover- ing this department, allowing on1 expenditures made In accordance with Article 3g99. We did, how- ever, before closing our audit on this department, request the Constable to submit to us for auditing Bonyable J. C. Gowdy, page 2 O-5014 and approval properly receipted Invoices or other evidence of expenditures covering the difference in the traveling expenses. This the Constable was unable to do, therefore, the auditor's report was filed allowing only the $129.59 traveling expenses. After compilingour audit of this department for the year 1941, we found the Constable owed the County $395.52 In excess fees. Copy of same at- tached hereto. "Does the Commissioners Court have authorltg to make settlement with the Constable and allow the additional amount for traveling expenses?. "Does the County Attorney have authority to recormnendto the County Auditor or Commissioners Court or any court that this addttional amount for traveling expenses be allowed and settlement be made accordingly? "In the event it becomes necessary to employ outside legal assistance in collecting this account, or any other account for the County, who has author- ity to employ same? I! ,t . . . . The precinct officers of Wichita County are compen- sated on a fee basils. Wichita County has a population of 73,437 inhabitants according to the 1940 Federal Census. Article 3883, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes provides In part: "Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the annual fees that may be retalned by precinct, county and district officers mentioned in this Article shall be as follows: ,I . . . . "4 . In counties containing sixty thousand and one (60,001) and not more than one hundred thousand (100,000) lnhabltants: . . . Justice of the Peace and Constable, Twenty-one Hundred ($2,100) Dollars each. . . . .II It Article 3891, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes provides,in part: Honorable J. C. Gowdy, page 3 O-5014 "Each officer named in this Chapter shall first out of the current fees of his office pay or be paid the amount allowed him under the pro- visions of Article 3883, together with the sal- arles of his assistants and deputies, and au- thorized expenses under Article 3899, and the amount necessary to cover costs of premium on whatever surety bond may be required by law. If the current fees of such office collected in any year be more than the amount needed to pay the amounts above specified, same shall be deemed excess fees, and shall be disposed of in the manner hereinafter provided. II . . . . "In counties containing sixty thousand and one (60,001) and not more than one hundred thou- sand (100,000) inhabitants, . . . Precinct of- ficers shall retain one-third until such one- third, together with the amount specified in Art- icle 3883, amounts to Twenty-six Hundred Dollars ($2600). 11 . . . .I! The auditor's report with reference to the receipt, disbursements, etc., of the precinct officer mentioned is as follows: "AUDITOR'S REPORT C. H. CLARK CONSTABLE PRECINCT NO. I 1 RECEWTS Criminal Fees y,i;;; .$ Civil Fees Examining Trial Fees ' 19:oo $5,872.52 DISBURSEMENTS DEPUTIES' SALARIES: J. B. Scarbrough $ ;yg J. J. McCarter D. R. Witherspoon 1,035:oo H. F. Leverett 632.50 V. L. Smith 350.00 Patsy Humphris 55.00 Peggy MathIs 20.00 $2,972.50 .. . Honorable J. C. Gowdy, page 4 O-5014 Premium on Bond 15.00 Maximum Fees Allowed (Art. 3883) 2,100.00 OTHER DEDUCTIBLE EXPENSES: Postage $ 15.90: Office Help 45.00 Traveling Expense 129.59 Telephone and Telegraph 2.15 191.74 EXCESS FEES 8 593.28 One Third Excess Fees Retain& by Officer 197.76 Balance excess Fees Due County 395.52&~.872.52 NOT?3: Maximum Fees Allowed $2,100.00 Excess Fees Retained 197.76 Total Compen- sation $2,297 :76” The case of Pierson v. Galveston County, 131 S.W. (2) 27, among other things, holds that a ;fustFce of the Peace was not entitled to recover from the county items of expense claimed for postage, traveling expenses, and messenger ser- vice during certain years in office, where the JustiCe of the Peace did not render monthly statements of such expenses as required by Article 389, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes. In thfs case the Justice of the Peace merely filed annual reports estimating the expenses In lump sum amounts. Under the facts stated in your letter and the holdings of the court In the case just mentioned, it is our opinion that your first question should be answered in the negative and 9s:so answered. As we have answered your first question in the ne&- ative it necessarily follows,that your second question must be answered in the negative and is so answered. With reference to your third question you are ad- vised that the commissioners','courtof Wichita County is legal- ly authorized to employ outsMe legal assistance In collect- ing the account mentioned, or any other account, 1n the event it becomes necessary. Honorable J. 6. Gowdg, page 5 o-5014 .,Wequote from Texas Jurisprudence, Volume 11, page 575, as follows: i "The commissioners' court has power to employ attorneys to assist the regular constituted officers of the county in the prosecution of Its claims and suits, and to pay for such services out of the coun- ty funas. It seems, however, that the commLssloners’ court does not have the power to deprive the county attorney of his rightful authority in this regard. The employment of counsel is restricted to special cases where the services of an attorney are required; nor has the court power to make an order which will warrant the payment of county money to an attorney for services neither required nor performed.", (Adams V. Seagler, 250 S.W. 413; Gibson v. Davis, 236 S.W. 202; Terre11 v. Greene, 31 S. W. 631; Glooms v. Atas- cosa County, 32 S . W. 188) . Under the holdings of the above mentioned cases, It IS apparent that the commissioners' court has the power and authority to employ attorneys in the prosecution of Its claims and suits and pay for such services out of the general fund of the county where the county, as a whole, Is Interested and affected In such proceedings. Trusting that the foregolng fully answers your in- quiry, we are Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By S/Ardell Williams Ardell Williams Assistant AW:mp:wc APPROVED DEC 18, 1942 s/Gerald C. Mann ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Approved Qpinlon Committee By s/BWR Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion