. ...
rrAll airtxiotj*os antldirrtr$ot attorneys
nhqn ea aesd in th6 d.bohar~ooi thois bfr%olal
(tutfee & any ootWy in ‘this 8tate ohher tbM the
a6tlobyo?t;hslc~rsrcldensi,shall~~laro~ t&k .
~Wll and nsOos6arjy oxpan while uotuctl
sqed~ St.8the dleohargoof &tah duGis 7 0%
oem%tour dbUart&per day ior JMel b&s, and
not fs ommd tot& oontr a tile uhon travelingby
rauriml, and not to exoead twenty osntm a mile
*hen travelingby privateoomqmoe~, Lrlgalng to
and rotum4 fxom the place where aaoh dwtlos era-
d$Sareett, trawling b$ the nearea~ matloal
Smh'offSoore shall also x%uSe l r* the aotual
end &e*+a&y pbatago,, telegraphand telephone 8%
paasob~.~emredby them b.tho aotualdlrroharg6 oi
--lx dOt4u. Suoh ox~sea ahell be-paidbj the
8IIato upon the mop0 and .Itdsod aoeountof oaah
'dietriot ,jmlgooz~attornoyentitledthereto,ahow.
lng suah ~LP(Ulso& In distrlotrr 0ontaln~Ilg more
than One wanty, euoh oxponirea shall nover exoood
in any one year $100.00ioz oaoh ootanty in the dis-
trlot;proWled that no dl~trlotj&go or atternoy
shallroooive mow thfm $600.00in Mf ona fsar
andor tbo provisionsof thiu artiolo. $9~4aooonnt
for aaid~aervioearrhall be sooordod in tJm offlolal
minute8of the distriotoourt of the oountg in
drioh euoh jUd&o OX.attoZne~reaidOs+ WSQOOtitely.'
aArtiole 2oOa, above rororrodto, was peesed
in 1927‘ but there la no proddon thereinexpzoaa-
ly ropeaU~@Artlolai~ 6820, joet quoted,and it
must bo proamed that the Leglelaturo'gaesed tbs
BomraUQ Me.. 8. Sb~gpmd, Pago b
Aot 09 $917 v&t?ad.lfboreClon
aml dth kmmlQdgo
0% ~&l;rd#m8 $8~8 on tbo 8anm sab$ootsnd it
is a&wet10 lg tke oonetruot$on of.statute8that
mp&#.bf $mp~lobtloncu?enot favored, xn Laule'
Spthe~~ on ~OatutorgOon86ruotloa(2nd) YoL 1,
at Pqe#J, it ,frr
l~lWp &i@irsplioation
8 y a rtiteiavqid.
moquu that $018 the dut ot the oapFt ta
80.oonstrq~~the aot8, ii pasd:ble, that-bath shall
bo omratinl When80~ atfloo or fano~on om
wfair Oen&ruotidn W aoolgnedto betb aota,
Mb they OonfQrd&tteZ'MtporrnS 60 bo QSWOi6Od
for dii;torent ~@flsp(Ieoe,
b&h muat Qtmd, tbo~?&~
ropeal145)aad 4tkom.two aot8 an 8eodnfy remw
M&,~? ehoul4,ii poedble,,be 80 aone med
L ttor m not eporatsa8 a roped of Thor
'formorbp implloativ& ThoQe orpreQrdone~ai opin-
10s eme supportedby numerotaaea8MLr.
Vrtlolo I lb.ot the RQ+fQed(Ji+ilStatutea,
‘&&id@ 02 ihe dl8triotoourt 6hy hold
oourt fbr 6 with +W 0th~~ d$.QtriMjtUtef and
the &l&&M4of suoh mllrtsMy OzohQqIOdf~triots
whonoter'tbsy(Low 16 expedhnt.'
“Thie law hem been in offoot sirme1846 end
p&or to the paawgo of the Aot a$ 1929 hero in-
ww, ,tt~8 tb wdmdty rq th0 0~8h8m3eor
b8aohQsbetwetw~~tko dieti jlvigQ8Of the state.
VaCQr tkfe 2m,th4 #Mg88 aro authaFlsz4A te mlorr-
- $a&ly exohan&~~bnoheuwhaa any eituationdemantl-
4g Quoh &xohenge.ariaee.It 1s the oglnion of
We $h%nk the above quotedopinion OOPX'W81y QtatOQ
the l&w.
,ft~l# our ~ogfnionthat your question 6k1oal.&
awwuod in tho negative. It-b oar rartlla opblonthat
L&book Ooant~,Tosea, is liablefor Judgo.OJmpl~an~s
Par~uant $0 your rrqaeab wo 8ro rc)tnrr@3wto Jo0
$b O~~Q~Ond&lO. mll QQlltU8 With rOfOPM@' $0 this UXttQr.
‘f&W trily YCVAZQ
APPROVEDMAR 13, 1943 ATTorn aBwlQ7ALOP TmAf3
ti1@g3* BY %t,T*
-~. G F TmL4s