1, ; ‘I OFFICEOF~HEA~~ORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS Y 7 1:' AUSTIN m ylu g g o 8tlo n, tfbmerore, te.the Ch a ina o rD y o ue Bo a r d 00to uKe6ute the p emltmm- tOmed, a b o ,m vethe tems which vedia a ua r ed this Do-, either jointly OP mmmally BO- oorang to the adYice~ of tha Attorney t~rrerpl.' . rli Han. suney I. ListsP - P.&w 2 %%easo glro us a nsl3ng as to tfhether the Msoa Board has sutihoiitJto gwut per- iis8im to do 8oopiwsLa wo* 00 ~P%SOU pwpert~, cud if so, into vhkah funds shall ve deposit the momy wwiwd rw8 this pwadt." zh0 m08 ~SOU wlrd 18 UI 8gti0~ 0r th0 Shah, ewotod 4 %haL@sbture, rhioh has reposed In St tha dtat~ of projIo?lycahlng ?ot paisono~ in8arwwtetl lf;thiDtha St&$. ponitoutl.ar1.8.8W 37 %+8X.Jnr, 65. TO the thot the ~xas *iaau Beard my pwperlJ perrorm 168 rttw- call. tiauo, the kg;8lotuw has noted in it exteau~ve pouers WeP tb IDmtes or th*Tuas prisons ou6woat& pbyslcalpm- witbior the roope 0r th0 ~SOU ~0ord*8 m0ti0n8, those powers aw plsrraryand uw libmalL7 aonstroed to errmmfm the pwpo8is vhbh lihttPrima Board saws: Bwwer,. the pwor Itl. poWor oud suthor;ty web prison prowrsf, of amk88&, w0 1mtwl uxd a0 pat axtad, d8hea ~rarsl~ or by l8pllaUtfan,b.f03sdthe fUWtiCm8 VhlOhthe )risOa~ Serv~B. 34 2.x. JUP. us, aufloases ottut. In the abseuao of lpeoiiio d8totoFfauthOFW, the prhau Boua 08mmt blspotm 0s pr1soa pwpwty l.o ole r leaso, or ot&mtw. Orotwh v, Pooley Wt. m., bTlas, 1902) 011 59 8. Y. 1001~ 37 20%. JUP. 95% We. Q1.. btioh --- 6l66o, vermmts Ann. stotuterr, emwers thO?PlsonmwdtolOa wxas rrhtu aptem ror ng purpo8@8.” apeoUu+otla8l of them ~~ Pm.- 4 the xJwi*utore ifiootiwly aic0umsorlbOs the Prison boardto authO+lty to lease.' S~tUtOs YhiCh DXVS&bO and itrlt a@ WFS~SS Of Ofiw.Sl ~l!mtthoLe~ls~t~o inten&otlthstthe PPl~c8t Bonrdts suthor~ty to lease p~isa lam38 be lirited to the purposes set opt is illuatrateb by the mtt that the Leglelatpre has set up an entiwly dlrft3~t prowdwe r0r the leasfng of prison ladds ror of1 and gas. -0 hots 1930, 4lst. Leg.&th. Called f$ession,p. 16, Oh. 13, Artlole 6203& Vemon's Annotated gtatutes. I. i. Eon* %ldnqr al. wst6P - rag* 3 ghe &uthorl6y of the hlson Boati to gnat ll- wnnea 18 likml80 mbjoot to oertain llaltrtioaa. Aa ststed in our apt@ttn se. o-4509, the authwlt~ and potfar of tha Prloos Boavd to gwnt (Luo*an whew such 'U6onso 18 weson- Obl~ nee.w@~ to the perrormsn'3o o? soms duty lmpewsa upon tha Boom% km brdl~ #ubJ*at to quostiun. If8 fuP t6 lta to d In th a t o p %Iilo thno ff8& t& t:o a a up o nth ea a e h o r ity to gwnt ll0en8~8. o fa u lwlso n B o a r d w q uo tafwm that o p lnlo aa a r 0Uw.t ii.OUJ oao*lw er no funotfonor the Taxes hlson Bo8rd M.&h trillbe mowed br th, @‘eatingOf 8 ~~tinsoforp solsmogwphlo luopwtion0f~2exo8 Orisonaand.anuIn the 8b- *owe & sgsolfle adharlt~ by She Log%slaW, We aw Sa- pelxed to tho aonelusian thd the Toxo* P2b3ou Board do8a net . hate authortty-to gwnt auah llawe; our od0u.r te your first qtiostion E8.lcml unwoenry a-diseuaslos,e?yourotlmPlY4Mry. %7--- ltor ~saalao Assistant
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion