OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable C. 8. Cevnese State Auditor Atutfn, Tsxat Dear Sirr Oplnlon Bo. o-4 tutioh with inion at to vhether the proVislorm of tit xv 0r OUT iitate Con.8titutton apply ate boardt, tom- mirrlone end suthoritl amurance Cm- rmi88lOMr8* Rallro or publi0 wol- fare, Lover Colora Parks Board and San Jacinto Xemori of our state Conetitu- 1 br kept by the tmei&+, and by all to lMt1tuti0n8, Ol a in aatlon re~elved and dir- d all of raid offloe~r or managere, upon any rubjeet relating to the dutfee, condl- tiOli, ltiUl&~~lWlt,aad UQ.W.We8 Of thtir rO8peIJtiVO OffiOO8 and lrutitutloM, vhioh inrozmat1on shall be reqrrtred by the Oovernor under oath, and the Oooernor may also inepeot the- book8, 8ccount8, vouchere end public fundet and any offl~tr or lionorablr C. it. C8Vlie8S, mm 2 8anager vho, at any time,&11 wilfull~ BWU a faire report or give faire Infor8atIon, rhall be guilty of perjury, and ao adjudged, and punished leoordingly, and removed from office." Tha owe of state t. Cl8uwn, 148 P. 28, 32, 85 Yaah. 260, he16 that the State El&Way Department, the fiaherie8 Departmat and the 3tate F8lr, of the State of W~rhlngton, vere lpublIa in8tItutlonr' under a UarhUgtOn refs?endu8 rta- tute. Ye quote from the cOuPt'8 Opinion In 8aid e88e: 'It follow that th8 hi&may department, the Shhbries departmutt, and the rtate fair We 8publlo inwtitutionr~ of the rtate. weunderrtand the Attorney General'8 argu- ment to be that an exirting pub110 lzwtltution I8 8ome8etlrltr OS the rt8te vhlmh ha8 taken fOI'8urb 18 lodged in building8 Oc hSCturt8. Thm vordm 'public ln8tltutlon8~ om be given no ruoh rwtrlcted meaning. A pub110 Iastltution 18 ~mq orgaalred lotIrltJ areatrd or ertabllrhed br lav or pobllo luthoHtr. Corporatlom me held to be publie or 011tiau ln8tItutloM. ToledoBdkr.Bond 3: v. Hoc- Vtilley&. "!fhevord *iartitution' 18 defined in Web- 8tOP'8 lrelv Iateraatload DlctioMry 88) "'Anythlq forwng a oharaoterl8tlc and perri8tent fe8tura in 800lal or national life Or habitr.’ 'X8tabllrhed or orgmnlsed moelet or OorporatioM~ an e8tablirhrsnt, erpeeia~y QIJ4 OfP Ub liO Oh 8M OtOP OF OM lffaoting 8 OOIB- mlnlty. ‘What the rod “Inatltution " both ln legal and oolleeuial we, ld8it8 of *ppileatlon to par- 810&l taingr, CXMllOtbe UW8tiOMd. be Of it8 m8aning8, ar.d8iIned In Ueb#ter*r Unabridged Dio- tlonary, 18 a nl8tabli8hMnte er p ec laOS ll? a p u b lic ar00tug o h a r a eter , a c o 8muq .And one 05 the meaning8 of ‘ertablirhment, a8 dsifs- ed by the raw authority, tr, 'the place In vhlah Honorable C. 8. C(LVM88, me 3 OM 18 PiWiMOnt~ fiX0.d iOr reSidtUU33 Or bumi- nesrj re8Idenoe vlth grounds, furniture, equip- age, etc., vith Vhioh one 18 fitted OUtj aI80 any OfflOe or PlOCe Of bII8iL1088, Vith it8 firtllre,. %ht tOr8 ‘iMtitUtiOn’ 18 OosPstimS ured a8 dam- CriptiVe Of an OStabliShJaentOr &we them the blMine88 Or O&MWtiOM Ot a SOCietJ OF P88OCiS- tioA 18 curried On; at Other t-8 it 18 U8ed t0 dwlgnate the organised body."' Trruteer of the +agdy ;;3Rlohmond County v. Bohlar, &I OS. 159, . . . ~.,~ 'If OW 8PgU8Ont be SOUD4 it fOuOlI8 that a publla In8tltutIan of the &ate, vithln the ranlq of the seventh amendmat,. 18 not *lone those lnrtltutionr of a phymloal oharaoter, but al80 all branoher and department8 areated by lav and exerclring any activity or ran&ion defined by th. ~~i8htUl'Q anb Orilting at the tiae ths amendment VM aopted, OP vhioh, l.fwvly oseated by the &glrlature, have not been rejeoted by rerort to the referenduat. Upon any theory, a pub110 hlgbray l8 a publio In8tifUtlon. A road 18 not only a phy8IaU IMtltutlon built by the rtate In the euroire of its 8orereign duty to pxwmote the oonmualenee and n~o*88ltle8 of the altImm8, a8 vell ar the oeaon velure, but the depaPt8entto vhiohthe ~girlature ha8 delegated that ruuet1on18 an lnrtitution aa 8~ah 80 a8 l8 it8 OreStOr -- the &giSlatUPO.” It 18 our opinion that Seation ~24 of Artlole IV of our Sate Corutltutlon shoukl be g&ten a broad and liberal oonrtruotlon in order to achieve It8 wholerome and 8abttePy pUFpO8e8. It 18 therefore oul.qaInion that raid oon8titu- tional provlrlon applies to the state board8, bomal8~ and authorltler named in your letter. Very truly your8 &; ; L;L ATTORR-HY ORRRRAL OF TEXAS WJFrdb
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion