..r.. ., . ,. * OFFICE OF THE ATT’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorubla 8. F. Molea County Audltlor ILiddgo oooalt~ xa.nbug, exua You? lattu of 8 opinion of thll deputwnt i . Honorable D. P. NcKse, page 2 moor6 all lmtrumente of vrlting authorlrd or rsqulrad to be reoordod In the county clerk’r or- floe in the mnnnorhelvllmlter pr0vld.d.’ ArtLola.6594 of 8U.d ltatutea, provldorr 3fhM any lMtruault of lrr1tlngluthcrlLed by 1~ to be reaorded rhll be dapoalted ln the county alerk'm offlae for maord, if the I- 18 laknovla&ed or pow4 In the manner prerorlbed by lav for record, the alerk mhll oator in a book to be provided for tht purpoao, in 8lph&etlaal order, the name of the partlam and date and suture thereof, md the tire of dollvery for reoord~ end 8hoU give to tha perron deporltlng l r ea up t l th e ma ne,if r eq uir e?, pealfylng the mtlaulma thereof. Atiieb 6595 of arid mtatater, prwldewa "Emah reaordrr 8W1, vithout delay, moor4 everln8trutmut y of vrltlng luthorlscU to bo r8- acdetlbyb ublah la dapoolt8dvlthhlmfor roaoml, vlth &he lakzWwlmdgmuit8, proofr, 8ffld#- vltr and autlflo~to8 theroto &tkah+d In the order aepoutc4 for rcaord b7 lntorlng t&r vord for rord und letter for lrttu, ad noting at the toot of tha reaord the hour ax& t& da7 of the month and 7ear vhon the lnetrwnnt lo reaord- od vaa depaeitea in bir offloe for roaord.* Artlale 6596 of rrid 8tatut.8, prorldlng for the alerket aortlrloetlon aa untlonrd above, provld~r: %ver78aah lnatrtannt8hallbe aonaldued 48~?u8braed trot8 tb tin it vu aapa8lted ror Wcordj and the alerk ahall oertlf7 under hlr band and ra81 of eel:* to lru7 rueh 1natrument OS rritlng 80 rwxu'ded, tha hour, d47 month and 7ouvbn~mo1d0dit, aoath ~ookuaapcg~ or pay In uhlah it lr reoordad~ and uhon record- ed do lvu tbo wno to tlu part7 antitled tbro- to.?
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion