Honorable Joe Nelson Chief Accountant Board of County and District Road Indebtedness Austin, Texas Opinion No. 0-4893~ Re: Should the Statesiontln- ue to participate in the payment of.principal and Interest on the'bondknow In default after Shelby'. County'.hasbecopene%urrent by.the refunding of said Sir: bonds? We have your letter setting forth certain facts and requesting our opinion on the question stated. The fact6 are: "Shelby County Road District No. 6 has an issue of bonds outstanding which has been In default since 1933. "Shelby County now proposes to refund all of the outstanding bonds of this district and claims that they should recelve.State aid on the bonds that are now In default." Your request Is: "In view of your~opinions Nos. 0-3623 and O-4474, please advise this Board if, in.your opinion, thenState should continue to participate in the payment of the principal and Interest on the bonds now In default after Shelby County haa,,becomecurrent by the re- runding of these bonds. You do not.lnform us whether or not the bonds re- ferred to are eligible bonds; but we 2re assuming for the purpose of this opinion that they are eligible for a certain percentage of State aid and that the Board of County~and Road District Indebtedness has heretofore ascertained and deter- mined that said bonds, in whole or in part, were eligible to participate in the moneys coming into the County and Road . . .-- Honorable Joe Nelson, page 2 (O-4893) District Highway Fund. Subsection (a) of Section 6 of House Bill 688 passed by the Forty-sixth Legislature, Regular Session, 1939, reads, in part, as follows: "All bonds, warrants or evidences of lndebted- ness heretofore issued by counties or defined road diatrlcts of this State which mature on or after January 1, 1933, insofar as amounts of same were Issued for and the proceedshave been actually expended on the construction of roads that constituted and comprised a part of the system'of designated State highways on September 17, 1932, or which subsequent to said date and prior to January 2, 1939, have been designated a part of the system of State highways + * * whether said indebtedness Is now evidenced by the oblinations originally Issued, or & refunding obligations or both, shall be eligible G participate in the distribution of the moneys coming Into said County and District Highway Fund, subject to the provisions of this Act; * * * shall participate ,ln said County and Road District Highway Fund as of the date of the deslgnttion of said road as a part of the State system * * +. (Underscoring ours). Subsection (c) of Seotlon 6 provides,in part: "It shall be the ~duty of the Board of County and Road DlstrlctIndebtedness * + * to ascertain and determine the amount of indebtedness eligible under the provisions of this section of this Act to participate In the moneys coming Into said County and Road District Highway Fund * * + And said obligations.to:sald amount and,extent shall be eligible for participation in the moneys com- ing Into the County and Road District Hlghway Fund, and said ascertainment and determination shall be certified to the County Judge by said Board and all of the unmatured outstanding obligations of said issue shall ratably have the benefit of said~parti- cipation in said moneys * * * The ascertainment and determination by the Board, after reasonable notice and hearing, of the amount of any county or defined road district obllaatlon ellaible under the orovi- slons of this Act 5 + *:shali be final and cbnclu- sive and shall -- not be subjects revlewT any:other tribu%".nderscorlng ours-)-. . ., . z- Honorable Joe Nelson, page 3 1 (O-4893) : Section lof~this Act conta%ns the fpllov+g language: "And it is hereby determined that the further provisions of this Act constitute fair, just and equitable compensation, repayment and reimburse- ment to said counties and defined districts for their aid and assistance to the State in the con- struction of the State highways * * + And fully discharges the legally implied obligations of the State to compensate, repay and reimburse agencies of the State for expenses incurred at the Instance and solicitation of t.heState as well as expenses incurred for the.benefit of the State * * *'I. The broad purpose of the Act as stated in the.,fore- going section is to reimburse the counties and districts for the amount they have expended on State highways. Until each county and each road district has been completely reimbursed the State Highway Department does not have title, according to the Act, of the State highways located In thevarious " counties and road districts. If the Board of County and Road District Indebted- ness has heretofore ascertained and determined the amount of bonds of Road District No. 6~of Shelby County eligible under the provisions of the:State Aid Act, said ascertain- ment and determination is "final and conclusive", and ac- cording to the plain provision of Subsection (a) of Section 6, first above quoted, the refunding bonds are likewise eli- gible for participation. It Is true that it is provided in Subsection (m) of Section 6 of the State Aid Act that "Any county, the Commis- sioners' Court of which fails or refuses to comply,with the provisions of this Act in all things, * * * shall not parti- cipate in any of the benefits of this Act so long -- as such col;jnty fails E refuses to,comply -- with the>rovisions there- -of . c It seems that a county which has reinstated Its status by complying with the law and refunding its bonds, thereby making them current, it could no longer be said that it Is failingor refusing to comply with the provisions . . . ,.-1 !.,.. _ Honorable Joe Nelson, page 4 (O-4893) of the Act, and we think It would then be entitled to partiolpate In the:benefits of the Act. Very truly yours, ATTQRNEYGENERALOFTEXAS By /a/ C. F. Gibson C. F. Gibson Assistant APPROVED NOV. 6, 1942 /a/ Grover Sellers FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEYGENERAL CFG/s/cs APPROVED OPINION ~ONMI~ BY, BWB Cha,itimari
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion