-. x..:*..- OFFICE O+‘iWE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ;‘.a nnisanob d~66 not aeo5marily as* tan the uIsh10e tir &ha pmviition 3.0~ the .Pmaf, Wtr, bogInI4 .tpIs aot~‘hwgJ4t.to k lJolne4 a# aqoiienaeand pmtaaribIa@ hprlson- ir%aa.or sent a0 pwi5hwnb ror ..h%u rio16tSonr There. &ma exib) jm ~pplloabla.atatuto,to witi, &t%sla 4664,panal~3.ita netum, and pneoribiag atu+snmntaa the racy.. In ekwotioa nlth'tb queat4on w&r oonaldoratloa - = I. / .,.the ,&as molng and batting 000~~1~4 war, nst a+ ttaO ohuaotu. Where the Uqtaor Control Aot alqwese2yor by,naew- rawy lapllaetion euthorieba the sale or lIQwr, beu em¶rlnm, ana PTOSO be5 the olrom8tanoes unbar whioh:it ma ba sold AHl.1. la 4 Is not elailebla, on tha graundthet &6trMei ~:‘~ 18 latiidoeunpt.baa ntiaanoa.Thus,sin00tho Uqwr Gang tralhut euthorI;ie8 petits r0r paokaga atoms to ssu lIqob*t and mdhorlws. pomits ror thb sala or beer r0r oonswptilon~ on ~JAO p&mIaw a paokagestar.wItha patitoeanatbo on- .jqiaod for sdng,lIquor, nor oould the rot&U., baarper& haldsrbo annJo$nadram nrainteinl~ a-plaoawharspersona.r+ sort ror dAnkIng befar, an lntoxioetiag Uquor. In Me Parkeroaae, swre, the ella#ssb nulaanaasxisb- '06be a&y* area,Itlatoba notadthsttha suItre.nat t0 ~)a#5 the laai~tOIIMO6 Or pT6dSSO Whercl &Em Ol?gift5 Of fn- torieating liquors WON mada; but premisoa, (a denea hall) to rhiohthe publI4resorted to drink Intoxicreting liquor. Tba Liqwr $mcrOl dot da.8not dsflnea. an oifanabthe wintsnWO0 Of &WI&~WJto tiah the mbllo resort CO drinkint-Ia.tI.6 lIqu&a,al&her in a dry araaor a wet as.&. Tha 0fSsu.ada- nowoad by the Ast I8 tha unlawful salesaa thatit is a@erSnt, W&U the perkarciacia. thatW. rrruetlook to Artlola 46640lonO for t&r’offwas :and :pi3fmltyT Bsnowble &me ~Doughty, &., ,P&e 5 ... 7’ ‘* Uuder t&mi0ofO stated in your letber it la apparent .$hat the ‘proprfeg&;.of the danoe hall does not have any permit rir lloanae authorl~~d by.the Liquor aontrol Aot and that the plaoe ti. qusst$,on~~jthe~ danoe hall) la a plaoe where persons resort in ~hmyalging of two or .bmre persons to the room for the purpo& o~&Wklng .fntolioating 1lqUOT. .” :~, Too ‘are: tiiierefore advised that under AxMole 4664 ,.a danoe h,all lx;uet territory maintained aa. a plaoe to whloh .,mmbers or the pub110 oommnly resort in mmb,er& of two or moma to’ the mom -for the purpose oi’ drinking lutoxloatlng ll- quors’ may be enjoined ae a oomon nulsanos ii- t~he proprietor does not hold La,,per&t’ authorizing him to sell the .lkquors eon- I’. rrrrpei\for oonsumption on the premisea, oi ii t&3 liquors oon- sumad thereon ar6 not suoh as are authorized to tie sold for oonmmption on the- premisea, . ,.:,~ kustiiig that the foregoing fully answers your ‘ln- quby, we are’ Yours very trUly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion